The Forgotten City
by Chappie in


For the Silver Tongue trophy, you’ll need to talk your way through every possible confrontation. In The Forgotten City, the confrontations are with Naevia, Khabash and the God of the Underworld.



When speaking with Naevia, select the following dialog:

  • This has nothing to do with me.
  • It’s not just this statue whispering to me. A lot of them do it. But it’s always the same voice.
  • It’s like someone else is whispering to me through the statues.
  • No, I swear.
  • I ended up here by accident. All I want to do is leave.
  • I got trapped in tunnels under the city and came up inside the Palace.
  • I never had any intention of hurting you.
  • Wait! I can undo this.
  • I can wind back time, and make it so that I never came in here.
  • I’m re-living the same day over and over again.
  • I just need to get back to the shrine of Proserpina.
  • Because you’ll never remember this conversation.



When speaking with Khabash, select the following dialog:

  • There’s no need for this to end in violence.
  • Just hear me out…
  • If something can be destroyed by the truth, it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.
  • Isn’t being a good person a worthwhile pursuit, in and of itself?
  • Even if your beliefs about the afterlife weren’t quite accurate, isn’t the important thing they motivated you to live good lives?
  • Are you going to abandon a lifetime of good character, now that it matters most, just because you found out you were misled?


  • There’s no need for this to end in violence.
  • Just hear me out…
  • There’s no shame in building on the works of people who came before you.
  • If gods exist, itsn’t it possible they each have more than one “true” name?
  • Isn’t being a good person a worthwhile pursuit, in and of itself?
  • Even if your beliefs about the afterlife weren’t quite accurate, isn;t the important thing they motivate you to live good lives?
  • Are you going to abandon a lifetime of good character, now that it matters most, just because you found out you were misled?


  • There’s no need for this to end in violence.
  • Just hear me out…
  • I’m just trying to replace all the plaques taken from the desecrated obelisk.
  • Just to restore honour to the god of the Underworld (Lie)
  • If gods exist, isn’t it possible they each have more than one “true” name?
  • Isn’t being a good person a worthwhile pursuit, in and of itself?
  • Even if your beliefs about the afterlife weren’t quite accurate, isn’t the important thing they motivated you to live good lives?
  • Are you going to abandon a lifetime of good character, now that it matters most, just because you found out you were misled?


God of the Underworld

When speaking with the God of the Underworld, exhaust all the dialog options under “What’s your story?” and “What is this place?” When you choose “Are you responsible for The Golden Rule?”, go through each of the dialog options except for “I’ve seen some terrible things here that you didn’t consider a sin. How could you let them happen?”. Choose “That’s all the questions I had”. From there, choose the options below:

  • I’m from the future.
  • I was hoping you could tell me. (Lie)
  • Shouldn’t you know this, as the God of the Underworld?
  • I’d like you to put an end to The Golden Rule.
  • How can you expect us to live without sin, if you can’t do it yourself?
  • You’ve given terrible punishments to hundreds of people, some for minor sins, and some who committed no sins at all.
  • If our positions were reversed, you wouldn’t want me to punish you for the sins of the other people.
  • No.
  • What makes your kind superior to mine?
  • Why does wisdom and technology make you superior?
  • So you think you’re not obliged to treat us fairly, because you’re more powerful than us?
  • What was it the Romans Stoics said? “Treat your inferior as you would wish your superior to treat you.”
  • But didn’t you say Jupiter was your leader? There’s a hierarchy within your kin.
  • So are you treating humans the way you would wish Jupiter to treat you?
  • I’m saying: If you can’t follow your own rule, how can you expect humans to?
  • You’re not a monster. You’re a human, and you made a mistake.
  • Humans make mistakes. It’s in our nature.
  • Perhaps he made a mistake too.
  • Perhaps when you took on human form, you took on some human foibles as well.
  • We just want to return to the world.
  • Why?
  • I’m ready.



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