Welcome to our Tales of Arise recipes guide! In Tales of Arise, you’ll be able to cook at campsites using recipes! Both the Speedy Chef and Globetrotting Foodie trophies require you to attain recipes and cook using them. The recipes can be found at the below locations.
Beef Stew Recipe
Complete the Gourmet Saga: Palace Delicacy sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Bouillabaisse Recipe

This recipe can be looted from a blue chest in a ruined building at Adan Lake.
Cheese Fondue Recipe
This recipe is obtained automatically as part of the story.
Fancy Parfait Recipe
Heal the collapsed citizen in Lenegis Residential Zone 16 near the Takeoff/Departure Area to receive this recipe as thanks.
Fish Steak Recipe
Complete the Pelegion’s Zeugle Mascot sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Gnocchi Recipe
This recipe is obtained automatically as part of the story.
Grilled Fish Recipe

This recipe can be found in a blue chest sitting in water in the very northeastern corner of Mosgul.
Grilled Mushrooms Recipe

This recipe can be found in a blue chest in a room on the southern side of the Kyrd Garrison underneath the bridge.
Grilled Rapping Recipe
Complete the Missing Lover sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Hamburger Recipe

This recipe can be found in a blue chest in a room on the west side of Forland Mountains South Hiking Trail.
Ice Cream Recipe

This recipe can be found in a blue chest at the bottom of a well in Adan Ruins.
Kebab Recipe
Complete the Doc’s Secret Ingredient sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Leaf-wrapped Fish Recipe
This recipe is obtained automatically as part of the story.
Lohikeitto Recipe
Complete the Hard Liquor sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Mabo Curry Recipe
Complete the Gourmet Saga: Soft and Fluffy sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Omelette Recipe

This recipe can be found in a chest in the Autelina Palace Library on 1F.
Pancake Recipe
Complete the Bibliophile sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Pork Bun Recipe

This recipe can be found in a chest at the Autelina Palace Guard Room on 2F.
This recipe is obtained automatically as part of the story.
Roasted Chicken Recipe
Complete the City Renewal sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Sandwich Recipe
Select the “big basket” during the Owl Sanctuary sub-quest to receive this recipe.
Shortcake Recipe

This recipe can be found in a blue chest at Lenegis Maintenance Passageway.
Steamed Potatoes Recipe
Complete the Hunger Averted sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Sushi Recipe
Complete the Untamable Rage sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.
Vegetable Juice Recipe
This recipe is obtained automatically as part of the story.
Vegetable Soup Recipe
This recipe is obtained automatically as part of the story.
Vitamin Smoothie Recipe
Complete the Gourmet Saga: Prairie Scent sub-quest to receive this recipe as a reward.