Welcome to our Tales of Arise guide on the locations of the Mahag Saar owls. In Tales of Arise, you’ll come across Dahnan Owls. For the Owl Spotter trophy, you’ll need to find and report 13 owls. For the Owl Scouter trophy, you’ll need to find and report 32 owls! When you find the owls at the locations below, speak with them to receive an item, and they will then fly away.

This owl can be found in the northeastern part of the area on a table. Examine it to receive a Red Rose Corsage.
Aqfotle Hills

This owl can be found perched on a ruined house near the map transition to Adan Lake. Examine it to receive Retro Sunglasses.
Adan Lake

This owl can be found atop a stone archway in the central part of Adan Lake. Examine it to receive Angry Glasses.
Adan Ruins

This owl can be found on a stone across from the ladders. Examine it to receive Angel Wings.
Mobile Fortress Gradia Ship Interior Level 2

This owl can be found in the second room on the northwestern side of 2F. Examine it to receive Butterfly Wings.