Welcome to our Tales of Arise guide on the Gigant locations! In Tales of Arise, the Gigants can be found at the below locations.

Location: Calaglia – Glanymede Castle 4F
The Toxidillo can be found on the 4th floor of Glanymede Castle. It’s level 14 and likes to roll up in a ball to attack. You can find its weak point on its tail. It can also drop toxic mucus around it that can cause a lot of damage if you’re not careful.
Boisterous Roper

Location: Calaglia – Ulvhan Grotto
The Boisterous Roper can be found around the center of the Ulvhan Grotto and is reachable by the most northwestern path. It’s level 15 and is accompanied by two level 14 Ropers. It throws out toxic spheres and casts earth elemental damage. It resists earth-based artes. You can find its weak point on the top back part of its head. You’ll be sent to defeat it as part of the Opening up Trade sub-quest. If you defeat it before accepting the quest, the quest will complete right after accepting it.

Location: Cyslodia – Rivelle Prison Tower Under Ground Prison
The Polycephus can be fought during the sub-quest Survey Says… which is obtainable after taking down the lord ruling Cyslodia. The Zeugle is level 21 and attacks using both of its heads, and the weak point can be found on its left leg. You can stay out of range from most of its attacks if you stick to the side of it.
Great Dragon

Location: Menancia – Traslida Highway
The Great Dragon can be found on the Traslida Highway by fighting a pack of boars on the southwestern part of the map near the Overseer Hill map transition. He will make his grand entrance by showing up randomly in the middle of the fight. It’s level 26, weak to water-based artes and its weak spot can be found on its chest. He deals a lot of damage and shoots flames from its mouth. Make sure you have plenty of healing items before trying to take it on.

Location: Menancia – Razum Quarry Mining Site 1
Flamewrecker can be fought during the Walking Crag sub-quest. It’s a level 28, weak to water and has a lot of HP. Make sure you bring some healing items and be prepared for a lengthy fight. His weak point is on his back and he deals fire-based damage.
Relentless Charger

Location: Menancia – Traslida Highway
The Relentless Charger can be fought during the sub-quest A Boorish Boor after completing the story events in Menancia. Its level 26, weak to wind-based artes and has a weak point on its tusks. The boar likes to charge across the battlefield damaging those in its path, so we recommended bringing Kisara to deal with that. It also likes to use its Over Limit quite a bit.
Alpha Reaper

Location: Menancia – Traslida Highway
The Alpha Reaper can be fought during the sub-quest Dohalim, Big Game Hunter after completing the story events in Menancia. It’s level 25, is weak to earth-based artes and has a weak point on the back of its right hand. This enemy likes to jump around and deal massive damage with its huge fists. It’s especially lethal when it’s Over Limit activates.

Location: Ganath Haros – Lavtu Marshlands
The Elemental can be fought during the sub-quest Master of Nature after the time skip. It’s level 42 and is weak to wind-based artes. It’s core is located in its tummy. After you start fighting it, a total of 4 Elementals will appear. Damage them all to kill it.
Regent Bee

Location: Ganath Haros – Shinefall Woods
The Regent Bee can be fought during the sub-quest Her Place after the object drops into the ocean. It’s level 45 and comes with 5 Assault Bees that are level 43. Watch out for the move she does where she summons bees around her and they blast you with fire!

Location: Ganath Haros – Tuah Seashore
The Stormbringer can be fought during the Seaside Tornadoes sub-quest after the object drops into the ocean. It’s level 42 and comes with 3 Level 39 Hawks.
Agony Keeper

Location: Cyslodia – Frozen Valley
The Agony Keeper can be fought during the In Sync sub-quest after returning to Cyslodia from Ganath Haros. It’s level 39 and its core is located on its tail.

Location: Calaglia – Sandinus Ravine
The Mantis can be fought during the Giant Zeugle Hunt sub-quest once you’re a high enough level as it’s level 43. When it reaches 1/4 health left, it’ll summon 3 Level 43 Bees.

Location: Mahag Saar – Este Luvah Forest – Fortress Ruins Basement 2F
The 2 Ruthless can be fought during the Echoes sub-quest after leaving Ganath Haros and unlocking fast travel. Both are level 43. Watch out for the swipe attacks as they do a lot of damage!
Mother Boomy

Location: Mahag Saar – Aqfotle Hills
The Mother Boomy can be fought during the Skybound Swarm sub-quest after leaving Ganath Haros and unlocking fast travel. It’s level 42 and is accompanied by 3 Level 31 Wild Boomy.

Location: Calaglia – Iglia Wastes
The Thunderite can be found in the southwestern part of Iglia Wastes during the Mixed Feelings sub-quest after you visit Lenegis. It’s level 53.
Calamity Arms

Location: Rena – Gegham Helgarahi Upper Level 3F
The Calamity Arms can be found at Gegham Helgarahi Upper Level 3F during the Tissue Sample sub-quest after you reach Rena. It’s level 54.
Masher Bull & Masher Mare

Location: Mahag Saar – Adan Lake
The Masher Bull and Masher Mare can be found on the western side of Adan Lake during The Super Zeugle sub-quest. Both are level 56.

Location: Menancia – Mount Dhiara – Mountain Base
The Ezamamuk can be found in the center of the Mountain Base during The Ultimate Zeugle sub-quest. It’s level 59!
Sword Dancer

Location: Tarfhal Helgarahi Water Astral Energy Separator
The Sword Dancer can be found through the Water Astral Energy Separator portal, which is located in the Astral Energy Convergence Zone, at Tarfhal Helgarahi. The creature is level 56 and this is a two part fight. Initially, the creature stands on its legs. After you defeat it by getting its health to 0, part 2 will kick in. In this battle, the creature will run around on all its legs.