Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Constellation Myth Challenge

by Chappie in


Northern Constellation

This constellation can be found in the northern part of War’s Den near the border with The Forgelands.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. For the first orb, head to the second level of cave north of the puzzle. Head into the cave on the far left. Place a duplicate of yourself on the lightweight platform then climb up ontop of the barrier to find a breakable wall. Use your axe to smash the wall then pull the metal cube towards you to make it fall through the hole in the floor. Grab the cube then stand on the circular platform and throw it onto the platform that was behind the barrier to release the orb.


2. Head into the next cave on the second level in the side of the cliff to find 2 barriers. Head past the 2 light to the right then swing around the gold box to find a breakable wall. Smash the wall then grab activate the pedestal to release one of the barriers. Grab the cube hidden behind the barrier then climb to the top of the other barrier to find 2 platforms. Bring this cube onto one platform and the other cube can be found above where the breakable wall was. Jump down then grab the orb.


3. Head to the third level up on the cliffside to find another cave on the right. This one contains some lasers inside. Place a copy of yourself on the lightweight platform then head inside towards the orb and take a left. Stand on the circular platform to release the orb then grab it.


4. Head to the third level up on the cliffside to find a cave on the left that contains 2 platforms. Put the giant metal cube on the heavy one and a clone of yourself on the light one. Once both have been activated, the orb will release.


5. The last orb is behind the puzzle to the south behind the wall depicting the placement of the orbs. To unlock it, head to the northeast cave on the first level to find a breakable wall inside. Smash the wall then grab the circle and drop it under the unlocked orb. Head to the second square to the left to see that this one is missing its circle, which you can find directly in front of it. Drop it onto the square to release the orb.


God of War Constellation

This constellation can be found north of the God of War fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. The first orb can be found behind the wall with the image on it depicting where to place the orbs. To unlock it. Stare at the columns containing medallions. From left to right start, step on the circles in the following order: 3, 1, 2, 4.


2. & 3. Both orbs can be found in the belt of the giant statues guarding the puzzle.


4. East of the puzzle stand on the circular platform then shoot the 2 targets above the barrier. Once both targets have been hit, the orb will release.


5. Face east of the puzzle to spot a face in the cliff. Head to the right of the face and hug the wall to find a breakable spot in the cliff. Smash the cliff then head inside to retrieve the orb.