Pokemon SWSH

Pokemon Sword and Shield – Galar Mine No. 2 / Motostoke Outskirts

by Chappie in


Galar Mine No. 2


  • Bede’s League Card (defeat Bede in glorious combat)
  • Dusk Ball x3 (next to Worker Francis)
  • Grip Claw (next to Worker Yvonne)
  • Soft Sand (hidden to the left of the small lake after Team Yell Grunt)
  • Star Piece (hidden near barrel with pickaxes near Team Yell Grunt)
  • TM49 Sand Tomb (near Rail Staff Vincent)


  • Barboach (fishing)
  • Binacle
  • Chewtle (fishing and land)
  • Corphish (fishing)
  • Croagunk (Shield)
  • Drednaw
  • Noibat
  • Scraggly
  • Shellos
  • Shuckle
  • Stunfisk
  • Wimpod


  • Pokemon Trainer Bede
    • Solosis – level 21
    • Gothita – level 22
    • Ponyta – level 22
    • Hatenna – level 23
  • Worker Francis
    • Carkol – level 21
  • Worker Yvonne
    • Roggenrola – level 20
    • Timburr – level 21
  • Team Yell Grunt A and B
    • Thievul – level 21
    • Linoone – level 22
    • Pancham – level 21
    • Liepard – level 22
  • Rail Staff Vincent
    • Drillbur – level 22
    • Onix – level 23


Motostoke Outskirts


  • Amulet Coin (behind sign near mine)
  • Clever Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Genius Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Great Ball x3 (in tall grass in front of Madame Caroline)
  • Health Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • PP Up (hidden next to rock in tall grass next to the sign)


  • Chewtle
  • Croagunk (Shield)
  • Hatenna
  • Koffing
  • Noctowl
  • Pawniard
  • Roggenrola
  • Scraggly
  • Sudowoodo


  • Madame Caroline
    • Yamper – level 22
    • Swoobat – level 24
  • Police Officer Raymond
    • Growlithe – level 23



Pokemon Sword and Shield – Hulbury

by Chappie in




  • Full Heal (hidden at the base of the stairs leading up)
  • Magnet (in the market area)
  • Net Ball x5 (on the fishing docks)
  • Nessa’s League Card (from Nessa when talking with her at the lighthouse)
  • Rose’s League Card (automatically given when exiting the stadium after beating the gym leader)
  • Shell Bell (by the boats)
  • Super Potion x2 (hidden next to two trash cans near the lighthouse) 
  • TM79 Retaliate (from Sonia in the restaurant)
  • TM82 Electroweb (right of the lighthouse)
  • X Sp. Def (hidden in the market area)
  • X Speed x2 (hidden near a bench by the station)


  • Arrokuda (fishing)
  • Chewtle (fishing)
  • Chinchou (fishing)


  • Trade a Minccino for a Cottonee with a lady sitting at a picnic table near the market


Hulbury Stadium


  • Lure Ball (talk to Ball Man)
  • TM36 Whirlpool
  • Water Uniform


  • Pokemon Trainer Julia
    • Tympole – level 21
  • Gym Trainer Heather
    • Krabby – level 20
    • Corphish – level 20
  • Gym Trainer Lynn
    • Remoraid – level 20
    • Chewtle – level 21
  • Gym Leader Nessa
    • Goldeen – level 22
    • Arrokuda – level 23
    • Drednaw – level 24


Pokemon SWSH

Pokemon Sword and Shield – Route 5

by Chappie in



  • Absorb Bulb (hidden behind grassy patch after crossing bridge)
  • Berries (from Berry Tree)
    • Cheri
    • Chesto
  • Big Mushroom x2 (hidden near the tent)
  • Genius Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Heal Ball x3 (next to a tree at the base of the hill)
  • Health Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Muscle Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Pretty Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Revive (obtained from Hop after beating him)
  • Resist Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • Rotom Bike (obtained from nurse after defeating the Team Yell Grunts)
  • Shed Shell (in the fenced in area to the left of the daycare)
  • Swift Feather (hidden on bridge)
  • TM31 Attract (next to a rock in the grassy area down the hill from the daycare)
  • X Sp. Atk x3 (next to Pokemon Breeder Denise)


  • Applin 
  • Chewtle (fishing)
  • Dottler
  • Drifloon
  • Eldegoss (floating around the bridge)
  • Esper
  • Goldeen (fishing)
  • Lomre (Shield)
  • Magikarp (fishing)
  • Minccino
  • Nuzleaf (Sword)
  • Farfetch’d (Sword)
  • Skwovet (tree shaking)
  • Spritzee 
  • Stufful
  • Swirlix
  • Toxel (given to you by a lady in the daycare)
  • Wobbuffet


  • Interviewers Gillian and Cam
    • Klink – level 18
    • Helioptile – level 18
  • Cook Stuart
    • Applin – level 20
  • Pokemon Breeder Adrian
    • Stufful – level 17
    • Cutiefly – level 18
    • Ralts – level 19
  • Pokemon Breeder Debra
    • Minccino – level 17
    • Steenee – level 19
  • Team Yell Grunt 1
    •  Zigzagoon – level 17
    • Thievul – level 18
  • Team Yell Grunt 2
    • Sableye – level 18
  • Pokemon Trainer Hop
    • Wooloo – level 18
    • Corvisquire – level 19
    • Starter – level 21
  • Pokemon Breeder Denise
    • Cherubi – level 18
    • Woobat – level 19
  • Office Worker Gabrielle
    • Croagunk – level 19


Click here for the next guide on Galar Mine No. 2 / Motostoke Outskirts!



Pokemon Sword and Shield – Turffield

by Chappie in




  • Energy Root (hidden on path from gym to Route 5)
  • Everstone (hidden on the right side of town at a dead end near a stack of large stones)
  • Friend Ball (given to you by Ball Guy in the gym)
  • Fresh Water (hidden in lowest water fountain near the geoglyph)
  • Leaf Stone (hidden on the left “T” branching from the path when you are following Yamper just before reaching Sonia)
  • Max Revive (left of the flower shop)
  • Milo League Card (given to you by Sonia near the geoglyph)
  • Revive x2 (given to you by Sonia near the geoglyph)
  • TM97 Brutal Swing (on the right side of town next to the gym)
  • X Attack x3 (on the right “T” branching from the path when you are following Yamper just before reaching Sonia)


  • Can trade Galarian Meowth for Kantonian Mewoth in the gym with the kid wearing a blue sweater and black pants


Tuffield Stadium


  • Grass Uniform
  • TM10 Magical Leaf


  • Gym Trainer Samuel
    • Gossifluer – level 16
  • Gym Trainer Mark
    • Budew – level 16
    • Oddish – level 17
  • Gym Trainer Leah
    • Bounsweet – level 17
    • Oddish – level 17
  • Gym Leader Milo
    • Gossifleur – level 19
    • Eldegoss – level 20


Click here for the next guide on Route 5!


Pokemon SWSH

Pokemon Sword and Shield – Route 3 / Galar Mine / Route 4

by Chappie in


Route 3


  • Berries (obtained from shaking Berry Tree)
    • Oran
    • Pecha
    • Persim
    • Rawst
  • Big Mushroom (hidden underneath a tree)
  • Burn Heal (hidden next to red and white trainer tip sign)
  • Cheri Berry (obtained from girl next to tent)
  • Escape Rope (obtained from Sonia)
  • Heal Ball x3
  • Revive (hidden next to a small pile of three rocks along the path)
  • Super Potion (near Galar Mine)
  • TM37 Beat Up (at the dead end of the path to the right of Schoolgirl Kayleigh)
  • TM54 Rock Blast (reachable through Galar Mine using the path to the left of Worker Keith)
  • X Defense x2


  • Corvisquire
  • Gossifleur
  • Growlithe
  • Machop
  • Mudbray
  • Pancham
  • Rolycoly
  • Rookidee
  • Skwovet (obtained by shaking tree)
  • Stunky
  • Trubbish
  • Tyrogue
  • Vulpix
  • Zigzagoon


  • Lass Rei
    • Vulpix – level 12
  • Schoolgirl Hannah
    • Pancham – level 13
  • Schoolboy Marvin
    • Budew – level 12
    • Gossifluer – level 12
  • Schoolgirl Kayleigh
    • Purrloin – level 12
    • Skwovet – level 13
  • Postman Tad
    • Delibird – level 14
  • Schoolboy Peter
    • Sizzlipede – level 13
    • Dottler – level 14


Galar Mine


  • Ether (hidden next to wooden crates by Worker Russel)
  • Great Ball x3 (head down the path to the left of Worker Keith then take the first available right to loop around the rock pillar)
  • Hard Stone (hidden to the right of Worker Sandra)
  • Heavy-Duty Boots (next to Worker Russel)
  • Revive (hidden in front of a mine cart next to Worker Keith)
  • Revive (hidden in front of wheelbarrow near Worker Russel)
  • Star Piece (hidden to the left of Pokemon Trainer Bede next the the wooden crate)
  • Stardust (hidden by two wooden crates next to TM26 Scary Face)
  • Super Potion x2 (along track to the left of Worker Russel)
  • TM26 Scary Face (down the path to the left of Worker Georgia)


  • Carkol (appears on the tracks…When you enter the mine from Route 3 it will run. To capture it, head out of mine through the exit to Route 4 then turn around and reenter to spawn it.)
  • Diglett
  • Drilbur
  • Roggenrola
  • Rolycoly
  • Timburr
  • Woobat


  • Worker Keith
    • Roggenrola – level 14
  • Worker Georgia
    • Timburr – level 14
    • Timburr – level 14
    • Timburr – level 14
  • Worker Sandra
    • Diglett – level 14
    • Drilbur – level 15
  • Worker Russel
    • Rolycoly – level 15
  • Pokemon Trainer Bede
    • Solosis – level 13
    • Gothita – level 15
    • Hatenna – level 16


Route 4


  • Accuracies x2 (next to wooden crate and rakes near Poke Kid Sunny)
  • Berries (obtained from Berry Tree)
    • Cheri
    • Oran
  • Cleanse Tag (next to the stone fence in the wheat field with Poke Kid Shane)
  • Energy Powder (hidden next to a wooden crate in the wheat field with Poke Kid Shane)
  • Energy Root
  • Ether (hidden in the top left corner of the wheat field with Poke Kid Shane)
  • Nest Ball x3 (next to a rock in the wheat field with Poke Kid Shane)
  • Paralyze Heal (hidden next to a rock by Poke Kid Shane)
  • Paralyze Heal (hidden on rectangular rock in the wheat field with Poke Kid Mia)
  • Rare Candy (hidden next to a rock in the wheat field with Poke Kid Shane)
  • Repel (hidden next to wheelbarrow)
  • Revival Herb (hidden in the bottom left corner of the wheat field with Poke Kid Mia)
  • Sharp Beak (along the river)
  • Silver Powder (next to the tree in the wheat field where Poke Kid Sunny is)
  • TM07 Pin Missile (next to Poke Kid Rhys)
  • X Accuracy x2


  • Budew
  • Chewtle (obtained by fishing)
  • Diglett
  • Eevee 
  • Electrike
  • Goldeen (obtained by fishing)
  • Joltik
  • Magikarp (obtained by fishing)
  • Meowth
  • Milcery
  • Pikachu 
  • Pumpkaboo
  • Skwovet (obtained by shaking tree)
  • Wooloo
  • Yamper


  • Poke Kid Shane
    • Pikachu – level 15
  • Pokemon Breeder Jaime
    • Meowth – level 14
    • Seedot – level 14
    • Butterfree – level 15
  • Poke Kid Sunny
    • Milcery – level 15
  • Poke Kid Mia
    • Eevee – level 15
  • Poke Kid Rhys
    • Joltik – level 14
    • Grubbin – level 14
  • Pokemon Breeder Bradley
    • Electrike – level 15 
    • Lotad – level 15


Click here for the next guide on Turffield!



Pokemon Sword and Shield – Motostoke

by Chappie in



  • Burn Heal x 3 (upper level: to the left of the stadium behind the fountain with a large Poke Ball)
  • Burn Heal x2 (from Marnie after beating her)
  • Hi-Tech Earbuds (lower level: obtained from a guy wearing a pink vest near the lift)
  • Kabu’s League Card (from Marnie after beating her)
  • Miracle Seed / Mystic Water / Charcoal (lower level: obtained from Leon near the lift)
  • Nugget (lower level: on the ground at the end of the alley left of the Pokemon Center)
  • Old Gateau (lower level: defeat Cafe Master Dwight in a Pokemon battle)
  • Poke Ball (lower level: on the ground next to a giant target on a brick wall to the right of the Pokemon Center)
  • Poke Ball (upper level: talk to the guy wearing a poke ball head in front of Motostoke Stadium)
  • Repel (hidden on the fountain with a large Poke Ball to the right of the stadium)
  • Silk Scarf (upper level: on the ground behind a wrought iron fence next to a shipping container diagonally across from the blonde mother with her two blonde children who are standing to the left of the Budew Drop Inn)
  • Super Potion (lower level: hidden on the ground under the bridge)
  • Throat Spray (upper level: Talk to the little child with his mother and sibling standing in front of a garage door to learn his Minccino is missing. Head to the fountain with a large Poke Ball and whistle. The Minccino will appear behind the fountain. Return to the child to receive the item.)
  • TM02 Pay Day (upper level: on the ground next to some shipping containers under the spinning metal cylinder near the Budew Drop Inn)
  • TR13 Focus Energy (lower level: obtained from the buff guy across from the boutique)
  • X Accuracy (upper level: hidden next to a shipping container next to the spinning metal cylinder)


  • Chewtle (obtained by fishing near the TM02 Pay Day item)
  • Magikarp (obtained by fishing near the TM02 Pay Day item)


  • Cafe Master Dwight
    • Combee – level 10
  • Team Yell Grunt 1
    • Zigzagoon – level 9
  • Team Yell Grunt 2
    • Nickit – level 9
  • Team Yell Grunt 3 and Team Yell Grunt 4
    • Zigzagoon – level 9
    • Nickit – level 9
  • Pokemon Trainer Hop
    • Wooloo – level 11
    • Rookidee – level 12
    • Starter – level 14
  • Pokemon Trainer Marnie (after fighting the 2nd gym)
    • Croagunk – level 24
    • Scraggy – level 24
    • Morpeko – level 26


Click here for the next guide on Route 3 / Galar Mine / Route 4!


Motostoke Stadium


  • TM38 Will-O-Wisp
  • Fire Uniform


  • Litwick
  • Sizzlipede
  • Vulpix


  • Gym Trainer Elle (triggered by battling Sizzlipede)
    • Salandit – level 24
  • Gym Trainer Chaka (triggered by battling Litwick)
    • Sizzlipede – level 24
    • Salandit – level 24
  • Gym Trainer Darren (triggered by battling Vulpix)
    • Rolycoly – level 24
    • Growlithe – level 24
  • Gym Leader Kabu
    • Ninetales – level 25
    • Arcanine – level 25
    • Centiskorch – level 27


Pokemon SWSH

Pokemon Sword and Shield – Wild Area Station / Meetup Spot

by Chappie in


Wild Area Station 


  • Poke Doll x5 (given do you by the lady with the yellow backpack next to Swinub)


  • Pikachu (received from the blonde girl standing to the left of the gate if you have Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu save data)
  • Eevee (received from the red hair guy standing to the left of the gate if you have Pokemon Let’s Go Eevee save data)


Wild Area – Meetup Stop


  • Pokemon Box Link (given to you by Sonia outside the station)



Pokemon Sword and Shield – Route 1 / Wedgehurst / Route 2

by Chappie in


Route 1


  • Paralyze Heal x2
  • Potion


  • Blipbug
  • Caterpie
  • Grubbin
  • Hoothoot
  • Nickit
  • Rookidee   
  • Skwovet
  • Wooloo


  • N/A




  • Camping Gear – Given to you from Mum before you get on the tram (after Route 2 is complete)
  • Poke Doll – To the left of the boutique
  • Potion – Given to you outside of the lab after receiving the Pokedex
  • Revive – Hidden on the ground next a rock near the steps leading to Route 2
  • TM40 Swift – Given to you from Hop after completing Route 2


Route 2


  • Dynamax Band – Given to you after battling Hop on Route 2
  • Fresh Water – Hidden in the bucket near Magnolia’s garden
  • Great Ball – To the left of Magnolia’s house
  • Poke Ball x3
  • Poke Ball x20 – Given to you by Leon when entering the route for the first time
  • Potions x2
  • Repel – Hidden behind grass closest to Magnolia’s house
  • TM 57 Payback – Behind Magnolia’s house
  • Wishing Star – Given to you after battling Hop


  • Blipbug
  • Chewtle
  • Lotad (Shield)
  • Magikarp (Acquired by fishing)
  • Nickit
  • Purrloin
  • Rookidee
  • Seedot (Sword)
  • Skwovet
  • Yamper
  • Zigzagoon


  • Youngster Jake
    • Skwovet – level 6
  • Lass Lauren
    • Chewtle – level 6
  • Youngster Benjamin
    • Blipbug – level 5
    • Nickit – level 7
  • Rival Hop
    • Wooloo – level 6
    • Starter – level 8
    • Rookidee – level 5


Click here for the next guide on the Wild Area!