Soul Hackers 2

Soul Hackers 2 – Target: Muu Shuwuu

by Chappie in


This is a guide for the Target: Muu Shuwuu directive in Soul Hackers 2. It becomes available after clearing the Central Line during the main story.


Location: Saizo Sector 2F

Ideal Lv: 28

Rewards: Cheap Chip



Defeat the Target Muu Shuwuu

Make your way to Saizo Sector 2F in the Soul Matrix and then make your way to the Gate 3 portal just before the floor boss. The target can be found east of the portal and you should see it walking along the main path. Speak with the Muu Shuwuu to start the battle. Note that for this battle you will not be able to use continue if you lose, items and commander skills will be locked and Milady will not be available. You’ll be facing a level 28 Muu Shuwuu, level 28 Leanan Sidhe and level 28 Turbo Granny. The Muu Shuwuu is weak to gun damage, Leanan Sidhe is weak to fire and Turbo Granny is weak to physical and ruin attacks. After emerging victorious, the directive will complete.