New Pokemon Snap

New Pokemon Snap – Florio Nature Park LenTalk Requests

by Chappie in


Below are the LenTalk requests for Florio Nature Park in New Pokemon Snap.


A Terrific Yawn

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 1

Objective: Capture a picture of Torterra yawning

We got this picture near the lake when you head over the bridge at the end. The Torterra will be sleeping along the trail next to a couple of Murkrows. Hit it with a fluffruit then snag the shot.


Art in Flight

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Swanna taking flight

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

To get this shot, you’ll need to have unlocked the boost on the NEO-ONE. When you approach the lake, keep an eye out for the two Illuminated Swanna flying around the lake. On the third time around the lake, one of the two Swanna will land. You want to time going over the dam with when the Swanna lands on the lake. As soon as it touches down, play the music. The Illuminated Swanna will spur the others and the flock will take off. Make sure you grab a picture of when they leave the water for the request.


Asleep on a Calm Night

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon sleeping on Torterra

The mystery Pokemon can be found just after crossing the Bidoof dam on the lake. Look for the sleeping Torterra on the left to find a Sylveon next to it. You must get a photo of it sleeping to count for the request.


Best Frenemies

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Pinsir’s frenemy

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you approach the suspicious mound on your left (before entering the area with the lake), do a scan to reveal Pinsir’s pincers. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to make it leap out of the ground. Next, perform a scan in the area directly behind the mound to cause Heracross to tumble out of the tree it was sleeping in. Continue on with the level until after you go over the Bidoof dam to find Sylveon sleeping next to some Torterra. Rudely wake it up by throwing an Illumina Orb, which will cause it to run away. Next, you should see Heracross and Pinsir duking it out near the side of the road. As you approach the duo, start playing the music box to interrupt their fight. The two will look around surprised, but the real surprise is when Sylveon re-appears and walks over to the two. To complete the request, snap a picture focused on Pinsir surrounded by Heracross and Sylveon.


Dam, Sweet Dam

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the resident in the Bidoof dam

When you reach the lake, scan the area near the base of the dam. This will cause you to head over the dam. When you get close enough, toss a fluffruit into the hole at the top of the wooden house to cause a Bidoof to pop out. Snag a picture of it.


Dancing with the Queen

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Combee dancing with Vespiquen

When you reach the flowerbed at the end of the map, use the Illumina Orb on the Illumina Stones to make Vespiquen appear. Hit her with an Illumina Orb to cause Vespiquen and the Combees to start dancing. Take a picture of it for the request.


Don’t Be Scared!

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Comfey close up

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you approach the flower patch at the end of the level, throw an Illumina Orb at the first Crystalbloom on the right. This will attract the nearby Comfey. Next toss a fluffruit near it then capture the picture of it eating.


Flopping by the Water

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a photo of Pigeot snatching Magikarp

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

As you approach the lake halfway through the level, a Pidgeot will land in the middle of the path along the lake. After a couple of seconds, it flies off to the hill on to the left. When it lands, hit it with a fluffruit. This will cause it to fly to the top of a giant tree on the other side of the lake. Next, you will want to hit the Magikarp in the lake with a fluffruit. This will cause it to jump up catching the eye of a watchful Pidgeot. The hungry bird will then make a quick pass by to snatch up the unaware Magikarp. You will need to be quick to snag this photo as you need the exact moment Pidgeot grabs Magikarp.


For Whose Sake?

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of what motivates Combee to work so hard

When you reach the flowerbed at the end of the map, use the Illumina Orb on the Crystalbloom to make Vespiquen appear. Snap a picture of her surrounded by the Combees to complete the request.


Hard-Won Happiness

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Pigeot up close

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Right after the sign at the start of the level, look to your left to find a Pidgeot amongst the Boufflant. Scan the Pidgeot to get its attention then throw a fluffruit at it. Make sure it eats all of it before it flies away. Later in the level around the Bidoof dam, the Pidgeot will land to the left of the path. Just like before, scan it then throw a fluffruit at it. Make sure it eats it all before it flies away then continue through the level. Right before entering the flower field at the end, Pidgeot will land on the path in front of you and the NEO-ONE will stop. Make sure to snap a picture of Pidgeot’s happiness to complete the request.


Head-to-Head Competition

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Bouffalant fighting

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the beginning of the level, start playing music as you approach the sign to the right. This will stir up the Boufflant causing two of them to lock horns. Grab a picture of it for the request.


Hide-and-Seek in the Flowers

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon hiding in the flowers

This picture can be taken near the end of the area when you reach the flower patch. Facing the extraction point, look to the left to find Pichu hiding in a bed of flowers. Throw something at it to cause Pichu to jump out. Snap a picture of this to complete the request.


Hoothoot’s Hidden Foot

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a photo of Hoothoot’s other foot

Hoothoot can be found on the sign just before the flower patch. Hit it with a fluffruit to throw it off balance causing its other foot to come out.


Livening Up the Flowers

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Florges gathering natural power from its surroundings

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you reach the flower patch at the end of the level, wait for Florges to spread out its arms. It will then start channeling green energy from the plants. Capture a photo of this to complete the request.


Meganium’s Pal

Requestor: Rita

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a picture of Meganium’s friend


Munching Murkrow

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Objective: Capture a picture of Murkrow eating a fluffruit

After passing the bridge near the start of the map, some Murkrow can be found off in the bushes to the right. Throw a fluffruit near them to grab a picture of one eating for the request.


Myth of the Nature Park

Requestor: Rita

Location: ?

Objective: Capture a shot of the super-special Pokemon hiding in the flower field


Off to a Flying Startle

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a shot of Taillow mid-flight

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

So this one is a little bit of a pain. The best way to do it would be to take a picture of Taillow as they fly close. The sound of the camera might cause them to kind of hover in place allowing you to take the picture for the request. The best place we found to do this was near Tangrowth just past the lake in the center of the route.


One-Hand Freeze

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Grookey doing something special

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

Getting Grookey to do his little trick comes down to RNG. What you need to do is snag a picture of the little chimp doing a handstand using one hand. The best two places to watch for this are at the beginning of the route and near the lake. At the beginning, Grookey normally runs away, but if you play music he will climb to the top of the sign then hang around for a bit afterwards. This is where we were able to get the shot. The other place is near the lake when he can be found sleeping in a bush. As you pass the bush, Grookey will wake up and start running around. Keep an eye on him and take the picture if he does the handstand. Otherwise, you might want to just restart from the beginning.


Shockingly Well-Done

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Day – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the Pokemon who is scoring the fruit

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When approaching the tree with the cluster of charred fruit underneath it just past the Bouffalant and after the first bridge, start throwing some fluffruit at it. This will get the attention of an Emolga who will land on the tree then swoop down and start eating the fluffruit. Make sure to throw another fluffruit on the charred fruit so Emolga will thundershock it. Be ready to snap a photo of the crime to complete the request.


Sudden Movement

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Tangrowth’s amazing movement

Tangrowth can be found sleeping near the start of the level just before crossing the first bridge. Throw an Illumina Orb at it then be ready to snap a quick picture of it as it lunges through the air for the request.



Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Ducklett flying

Keep an eye out as you approach the lake. A Ducklett will fly by giving you a small amount of time to snag the shot.


Three Friends among Flowers

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of Scorbunny laughing

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you reach the flower patch at the end of the level, you’ll see Scorbunny standing next to a bush that Pichu is hiding in. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to force Pichu out. Then Scorbunny, Grookey and Pichu will run into the the flower patch and sit next to a Crystalbloom. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to cause the three of them to laugh then quickly grab the picture of Scorbunny for the request.


What’s Up with Wurmple?

Requestor: Rita

Location: Day – Research Level 3

Objective: Capture a picture of what caused Taillow to flee

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

For this one, you’re looking for a Wurmple near the end of route just past the lake. It will be diagonally from the giant tree that is home to a sleeping Hoothoot. While Wurmple is fighting the Taillow, you’ll need to hit Wurmple with an Illumina Orb. This will cause him to spray out poison causing the Taillow to flea. It’s this event that you will need to capture a picture of. In order to trigger it, you’ll need to direct some Taillow towards the Wurmple. As you approach the stone bridge (there will be a Tangrowth to the left on the other side) some Taillow will fly out. Snap a couple of pictures of them. This will divert them in a way they will be attacked by Wurmple. It might take a few runs to get the timing down.


Where It Snacks and Snoozes

Requestor: Prof. Mirror

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the sleeping Pokemon

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

When you approach the suspicious mound on your left (before entering the area with the Bidoof dam), do a scan to reveal Pinsir’s pincers. Hit it with an Illumina Orb to make it leap out of the ground. Next, perform a scan in the area directly behind the mound to cause Heracross to tumble out of the tree it was sleeping in. Snap a picture of the Heracross to complete the request.


Where’s That Pokemon?

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of the hidden Pokemon

New Pokemon Snap LenTalk Request

At the end of the route, you’ll come to a Hoothoot perched at the top of a sign. Start playing music to be joined by 4 Caterpie that are hiding behind the sign. Snap the picture for the request.


Who Needs Wings?

Requestor: Rita

Location: Night – Research Level 2

Objective: Capture a picture of Dodrio flying

Dodrio can be found near the lake and again in the flower patch. To make it fly, you just need to hit it with an Illumina Orb.