
Days Gone – Shadow Of Death

by Chappie in



  • Drive To Location
  • Disable The RPG
  • Get To Sarah’s Ark Laboratory
  • Take Sarah To The Top Of The Volcanic Cone


Drive To Location

Head to the objective in Wizard Island to trigger a cutscene.


Disable The RPG

Follow the objective a short ways to find the RPG and sabotage them.


Get To Sarah’s Ark Laboratory

Head into the ark to trigger a cutscene.


Take Sarah To The Top Of The Volcanic Cone

Head to the nursery to trigger a cutscene.  Afterward, keep heading up, sneaking past the guards.  Eventually, you will come to an area where Sarah will distract a guard.  Sneak up behind them to knock them out.  Head across the wooden bridge and Sarah will knock out another guard then keep pressing forward.  When Sarah starts talking about Boozer being like a big brother, hang back a little way and let Sarah run up to distract the next guard.  When you hear her call him over, sneak up behind him and knock him out.  Keep heading up to the top of the ark to trigger a cutscene.