
Borderlands 3 – Hot and Unbothered

by Chappie in


Location: Crimson Castle

Obtained: Shoot the bickering pair on fire with a cryo weapon


Turn heat on

Look to the left of them to find a valve across the pool of blood. Turn the valve to light them up!




Borderlands 3 – Remodel Behavior

by Chappie in


Location: The Psychoscape

Obtained: Interact with the glowing pink orb after defeating Dr. Benedict


Find distorted thought

Head through the Benediction of Pain Map Transition portal.


Speak with Krieg

Follow the objective to find Krieg in the Rend Within. Once you find him, speak with him.


Melee wall

Strike the wall 3 times.


Kill berserk patients

Defeat all the enemies!


Pick up plant

Pick up the plant in the center of the room.


Place plant

Head back to their cell and place the plant on the ground.


Deal with neighbor

Head to the cell next door and talk with the Psycho.


Kill neighbor

Kill him!


Revive neighbor

Go ahead and revive him.


Pick up party lights

Pick up the lights from the box behind the neighbor.


Place lights

Put the lights on the wall in front of the Kriegs.


Take memory orb

Take the orb from Sane Krieg.


Find computer

Follow the objective to find the computer.


Change music

Interact with the computer.


Draw caretaker out

Follow the objective to the center of the room to find the portrait. Deface it.


Kill officers

Defeat all the enemies!


Draw caretaker out

Deface the portrait once again.


Kill bots

Take out all the enemies!


Draw caretaker out

Deface the portrait yet again.


Kill caretaker

Defeat the enemy!


Pick up portrait

Go ahead and pick it up.


Hang portrait

Place the portrait on the wall in Kriegs’ cell.




Borderlands 3 – It’s an Allegory

by Chappie in


Obtained: Benediction of Pain

Obtained: Speak with Sane Krieg


Talk to Krieg

Go ahead and speak with him.


Destroy light source

Shoot the light near the Kriegs.


Show Krieg everything

Head further into the cave until you reach the outside.




Borderlands 3 – Don’t Call it a Rorschach

by Chappie in


Location: Benediction of Pain

Obtained: Speak with Psycho Krieg


Shoot an oil pipe

Shoot the pipe right next to the Kriegs.


Shoot oil pipe

Climb up the nearby ladder and shoot the pipe at the top.


Shoot oil pipe

Jump off the platform to the left of the Kriegs to find the 3rd pipe.


Find better perspective

Climb up the nearby ladder and jump across the gap to reach a platform above the Kriegs. Look down at the oil.




Borderlands 3 – Check, Please

by Chappie in


Location: Psychoscape

Obtained: Interact with the glowing blue orb after defeating the train boss


Find distorted thought

Head through the Sapphire’s Run Map Transition portal then head back through the whole map to reach the very north of the area.


Speak to King Krieg

Speak with the king!


Speak to King Krieg about the tale

Speak with the king again.


Find clues

Leave the battlefield, and just before the first gate, you’ll spot something on the ground. Inspect it!


Follow carrots

Follow the carrots through the gate and into the next area.


Talk to Brave Sir Thaddeus

Talk with the knight behind the gate.


Kill Mokdan Urgash and his army

Kill all the enemies that spawn.


Get Mokdan Urgash’s key

Pick up the key dropped by the enemy.


Free Brave Sir Thaddeus

Use the key to unlock the gate.


Follow Brave Sir Thaddeus

Follow behind the knight until he reaches the king and queen.


Take Sir Thaddeus’ place on board

Move to the spot on the chessboard where indicated.


Move to checkmate position

Again, move to the place indicated on the board.


Attack Blackheart king and his army

Defeat all the enemies that spawn.


Talk to King Krieg

Speak with the king.


Kneel before King Krieg

Squat before the king.




Borderlands 3 – Brainstorm

by NightlyGamingBinge in


Location: Sapphire’s Run

Obtained: Speak with Psycho Krieg


Find umbrella

Jump across the nearby debris to reach the umbrella on the floating rock.


Give umbrella

Head back to Krieg to hand it over.




Borderlands 3 – Krieg’s on Parade

by Chappie in


Location: Sapphire’s Run

Obtained: Speak with Psycho Krieg


Find parade harpoon

Head west to the floating rock with a withered tree on the top of it to find the harpoon in the skeleton of a fish.


Give parade harpoon

Head back to Psycho Krieg and hand over the harpoon.