Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter VIII Part II: Parting Ways Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter VIII – Part II: Parting Ways in Triangle Strategy. This path is the result of refusing House Telliore’s proposal in Chapter VIII Part I. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Wolffort Harbor (Side Story)

When you gain control of the game, select Wolffort Harbor to see what the bandits from Chapter 1 are up to.


Whiteholm Castel (Side Story)

The next stop is Whiteholm Castle to see what plans Gustadolph is cooking up.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story)

Head to the castle to continue on with the main story.


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Investigation)

Return to the castle to start an investigation at the Wolffort Main Gates. Explore the area then end the exploration then you’re ready.


Conviction Choice 1 (Benedict)

  • Their fear is understandable. Even so, I imagine they will retreat if they find themselves fighting a losing battle.
  • The Telliore demesne is closer to Aesfrost than our own. It stands to reason that their fear would be greater as well.
  • House Telliore’s are yet clean, unlike our own. It makes me wonder if Lord Silvio is the greater ruler between us…


Conviction Choice 2 (Wolffort Solider)

  • We may need all the help we can get, but asking Hyzante for aid might result in a war not unlike that of thirty years ago… (Utility)
  • The alliance has been shattered and House Telliore has turned against us. It seems almost foolish to rely on the good will of others now… (Liberty)
  • We share a common enemy with Hyzante. To that end, I summarise the Holy State is waiting to see if we would make a formidable ally. (Morality)



  • Invigorating Spice x3 – next to a tree behind Anna
  • 500 Money – on the ground to the right of Hughette
  • Iron x3 – near a tree to the right or Roland
  • Ranged Icestone – on the ground across from the townsperson
  • 1100 Money – left side of the main gate next to a tree



  • Letter from Kin
    • On the stone path between Erador and Hughette



  • Wolffort Solider
  • Benedict
  • Anna
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Erador
  • Hughette
  • Roland
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Geela
  • Frederica
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson
  • Wolffort Solider
  • Wolffort Townsperson


Falkes Streets (Side Story)

Before taking it to House Telliore, check in with House Falkes to see how they fare.


Wolffort Streets (Main Story – House Telliore’s Treachery)

Make sure you’re fully stocked at the Encampment then head to the Wolffort Streets to show House Telliore the meaning of the word fear. In order to win the battle, you just have to defeat Rufus. After you emerge victoriously, a cutscene occurs leading to the end of Part II.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter VIII – Part III: Light and Shadow in Triangle Strategy!