Code Vein

Code Vein – Asclepius Vestige Parts

by Chappie in


Asclepius Vestige Part A

Location: Depths – Fiery Oblivion

Defeat the Blazing Heretic mini-boss located in the northern part of the map.


Asclepius Vestige Part B

Location: Depths – Fiery Oblivion

Defeat the Abyssal Doppleganger mini-boss located in the southwestern part of the map.


Asclepius Vestige Part C

Location: Depths – Celestial Ice Prison

The vestige can be obtained from defeating the Mud Gorger (with the group of moneys that spawn).


Asclepius Vestige Part D

Location: Depths – Celestial Ice Prison

The vestige can be obtained from defeating Argent Wolf Berserker.


Asclepius Vestige Part E

Location: Sealed Depths – Eternal Abyss

Defeat the Dusty Cloud Bandit to receive this vestige.


Asclepius Vestige Part F

Location: Sealed Depths – Eternal Abyss

Defeat the Queen’s Vanuard Puppet to receive this vestige.


Asclepius Vestige Part G

Location: Crypt Spire – Upper Level

From the Crypt Spire mistle, head north passing the areas where you fought the Blade Bearer, Cannoneer and Juzo Mido. This will bring you to a long hallway with lights leading down it on both sides. Head through that hallway and make a left at the end going down a side set of stairs. (There is another set of stairs that keeps leading north. Don’t go that way!) The vestige will be at the bottom of the steps in the middle of the floor.


Code Vein

Code Vein – Harmonia Vestige Parts

by Chappie in


Harmonia Vestige Part A

Location: Crown of Sand – Crown of Sand Entrance

From the mistle, follow the path forward heading down the ramp into the city ruins. At the bottom of the ramp, take a right following the street south. When you reach the end with a taxi next to a metal stairwell, take a right down an alleyway to find the vestige at the end on the ground near a dumpster.


Harmonia Vestige Part B

Location: Crown of Sand – Crown of Sand Entrance

From the mistle, follow the path forward heading down the ramp into the city ruins. Keep following the path straight over some sand until you come to a split. Take the left path to come to a dead end road with a traffic light. You will have to fight a tough enemy with red spikes here. After defeating the enemy, follow the path to reach a dead end where the vestige is laying on the ground near a corpse pierced with a bayonet.


Harmonia Vestige Part C

Location: Crown of Sand – Crown of Sand Entrance

From the mistle, follow the path forward heading down the ramp into the city ruins. At the bottom of the ramp, take a right following the street south. When you reach the end with a taxi next to a metal stairwell, take a left and follow the sidewalk. At the roadblock, take another left, passing over some sand (pictured above). This will bring you to a ladder. Take the ladder up and follow the path around a ruined building to locate the vestige on a ledge.


Harmonia Vestige Part D

Location: Crown of Sand – Sunken Ruins

From the mistle, head forward and climb the ladder to your right. This will bring you to a narrow alley where a lost will be hurling sand balls at you. Climb the alley using sprint/dodging and ducking into alcoves to avoid the balls. Defeat the lost at the top and follow the cliff to the left, watching out for the lost ambush. After defeating the enemies, head west over the sand to reach another path with an enemy in the middle of the path impaled by a bayonet. Keep heading west past this corpse into more sand. When you come to the split, take the left path into the alleyway (pictured above) with three spitter enemies at the end guarding the vestige.


Harmonia Vestige Part E

Location: Crown of Sand – Sunken Ruins

From Harmonia Vestige Part D, exit the alleyway and swing a left following the path towards the boss area. You will pass through a large sanded area with spiked slime and come to another split. Follow the path left (there will be a blue ladder on the right…pictured above) then take an immediate right (to avoid the dead end). The vestige will be located straight ahead at the end of the path guarded by an enemy (the path to the boss is at the end to the left).


Code Vein

Code Vein – Scathach Vestige Parts

by Chappie in
*NOTE: This area didn’t have many locations to use for makers, so we did the best we could 🙂


Scathach Vestige Part A

Location: City of Falling Flame – City of Falling Flame Entrance

From the mistle, head into the city taking the left path and follow the flaming path forward, passing over some magma ground and climbing up a ladder to reach a ledge. Follow the ledge left around a building and take another ladder back down to the flaming ground floor. Pass over some more magma ground taking the first right. Head through the courtyard filled with flaming cars and take a flight of stairs up to a walkway. Follow the walkway to a ladder on the right next to a concrete wall. Climb down the ladder to find the vestige.


Scathach Vestige Part B

Location: City of Falling Flame – Back Alley

From the mistle, climb up the nearby ladder to reach a concrete walkway. Take a left and drop down to the walkway below with an enemy kneeling on it. Take out the enemy and follow the path up a ramp to reach this vestige.


Scathach Vestige Part C

Location: City of Falling Flame – City of Falling Flame Entrance

From Vestige Part A, climb up the ladder and take a left. Head down the ramp and follow the path forward, walking over some more magma ground, coming to a ladder. Take the ladder up to and follow the path around to another ladder. Descend down it and head forward through the flaming alleyway with lava geysers. After exiting the alleyway, take a left and follow the path to reach a small courtyard. Climb up the ladder here and follow the left path along the walkway passing a ladder. When you come to the part of the walkway where it goes around a wall, drop off the end of the path instead of taking the right leading to a flight of stairs. The vestige will be located on the ground near where you landed.


Scathach Vestige Part D

Location: City of Falling Flame – City of Falling Flame Entrance

From Vestige Part C, follow the path (heading east) and take a left when you reach the magma ground. Continue following the path until you reach the rotten mistle at the end of the big lava ground area. The vestige will be across from the mistle near a destroyed taxi.


Scathach Vestige Part E

Location: City of Falling Flame – Back Alley

From the mistle, climb up the nearby ladder to reach a concrete walkway. Drop down to the road, heading east through the section of lava ground, and take a left at the flaming van. Head to the lava ground straight across from you to the left of the flaming car. Follow the lava ground to enter an alleyway containing the vestige at the end on the ground near a ladder.


Code Vein

Code Vein – Eos Vestige Parts

by Chappie in


Eos Vestige Part A

Location: Ridge of Frozen Souls – Crypt of the Breath

After you defeat the boss in the Crypt of the Breath, head back out to where Cyllene was standing just before the battle to find this vestige.


Eos Vestige Part B

Location: City of Falling Flame – Back Alley

After you defeat the boss in the Back Alley, head back outside to find this vestige on the ground.


Eos Vestige Part C

Location: Crown of Sand – Crypt of the Throat

After you defeat the boss in the Crypt of the Throat, head back to the entrance where the attendant was standing to find this vestige on the ground.


Eos Vestige Part D

Location: Provisional Government Outskirts – Provisional Government Outskirts Entrance

From the mistle, head north and climb up the ladder (shortcut) to reach the higher ground. Head across the metal walkway and take a left after the green army truck. Follow the path a short way to come to a ladder on the right side. Climb up the ladder and follow the path to find the vestige on the ground at the end.


Eos Vestige Part E

Location: Provisional Government Center – Connecting Bridge

Defeat the Attendant of the Relics to receive this vestige. To reach this boss starting from the Connecting Bridge mistle, head west and drop down the ramp. Take a left and head up the stairs then take a right, heading up another flight of stairs. Follow the path forward, taking the next right into a room (before the two flights of stairs going up). This will bring you to the chamber where the Attendant awaits.


Eos Vestige Part F

Location: Provisional Government Center – Connecting Bridge

In the room with the elevator leading to the boss, destroy the crates and glass cylinders to reveal a hidden doorway. Head through the doorway and follow the path forward until you come to a ladder leading down to a bridge. Take a left at the ladder to find the vestige on the ground next to a corpse.


Code Vein

Code Vein – Isis Vestige Parts

by Chappie in


Isis Vestige Part A

Location: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – Inner Tower

From the Inner Tower mistle, take the northeastern path (left with the locked feathered door behind you) across a walkway to end up in a room with just a ladder. Take the ladder to the top then go left (northeast) and head across the walkway. This will bring you to an open room with no roof and a giant hole in the middle. Take care of the two enemies here then drop down into the hole. Now you should be on a circular platform with multiple doorways. Take the northern doorway and drop down on the walkway below. The vestige will be straight ahead guarded by an enemy.


Isis Vestige Part B

Location:  Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – Cathedral of the Sacred Blood Entrance

From the entrance mistle, head north taking the stairs down and follow the path to the big circle platform. Once on the platform, take the left path (west), follow it straight and then take the spiraling stairs to the second level. Keep following the path forward until you reach a doorway (this doorway is locked until you unlock it from the other side). Head through the doorway and exit through the doorway straight ahead on the other side of the room. Keep following the path forward until you come to a split. Take a left and keep following the path (eventually you will come to stairs leading down). At the bottom of the stairs, turn right and follow the path forward to arrive at a circular room containing the vestige. Entering the room will trigger a Trial of Blood.


Isis Vestige Part C

Location: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – Outlook Tower

From the Outlook Tower mistle, head down the winding steps and follow the walkway (going up a long flight of stairs) ending up at a big circle platform with a lone enemy on it. Take the right (and only other) walkway to arrive at another circular platform. Take the ladder on the other side of the platform down to a ledge with another ladder. Take the ladder down to another ledge with an entryway into another circular room. This vestige will be located here.


Isis Vestige Part D

Location: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – Cathedral Front

This vestige is obtained as part of the story.


Isis Vestige Part E

Location: Cathedral of the Sacred Blood – Inner Tower

From the Inner Tower mistle, take the northeastern path (left with the locked feathered door behind you) across a walkway to end up in a room with just a ladder. Take the ladder to the top then turn right and drop down onto the walkway below. Head into the circular room and take the spiraling steps in the middle of the room down a level. Exit the stairwell and take a left. Pass through the doorway ahead on the right to come to a walkway. At the end of the walkway, there will be a circular room with a small hole in the middle. Drop down the center of that hole to land on the circular platform containing the vestige.