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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 21 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 21: The Return in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralouge: The Caring Princess

Location: Forgotten Shrine

Travel to the Forgotten Shrine for a dialog event between Alear and Celica followed by a battle to increase their bond. The fight takes place on a beach with Celica at the southwestern corner. Please note that you can obtain the below items during this battle! After starting the battle, each High Priest will summon 4 additional enemies into the fight. They will keep doing this every couple of turns until defeated. Another thing to keep in mind during this fight is that Celica has a large area of attack. If you enter with her range, she will warp in using her Emblem Skill to deal some big damage. After defeating Celica you’ll be free to explore the area collecting items, speaking with allies and adopting animals.

1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a High Priest Fabrication
1,000 GDropped by a Phantom Wyrm Fabrication


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Lythos Castle

Travel to Lythos Castle when you’re ready to progress with the story. Here you’ll receive a prompt stating that starting this chapter will lead to a series of battles you’ll have to complete before being able to return to the Somniel. Select yes to trigger a lengthy dialog event. After it concludes, you’ll have to fight your way to Veyle and the hounds while being assaulted on both sides by enemies. Enemies will also keep spawning as the turns progress until you defeat Veyle. The best course of action would be to rush Veyle while taking out the two hounds and thief along the way to get all of the rewards. Please note that Mauvier will also join your group! After reducing all three of Veyle’s health bars a cutscene will trigger leading to the end of the chapter.

CaladbolgDropped by Zephia
CarnwenhanDropped by a Thief Corrupted
Spirit DustDropped by Griss

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 22 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 20 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 20: The Kingless Castle in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Young Lion

Location: The Binding Grounds

Travel to The Binding Grounds for an event leading to a battle with Roy to increase your bond with him. This fight is pretty straightforward with A LOT of wyvern enemies. Make your way to Roy fast as more wyverns will just keep spawning! During this fight, you can find the below items. When you reach Roy, deplete both of his health bars to win the fight. You’ll then be free to explore the area while collecting items, speaking with your allies and adopting animals.

1,000 GDropped from a Sniper Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Sage Fabrication
1,000 GDropped from a Wyvern Knight Fabrication

Paralogue: The Dawn Maiden

Location: Frozen Fortress

Travel to the Frozen Fortress to trigger a cutscene leading to a fight against Micaiah that will strengthen your bond. For this fight, you’ll have to defeat Micaiah while also preventing her and her allies from reaching the area that Alear is guarding. It’s best to make a b-line to her as enemies will just keep spawning until she is defeated. Please note there are quite a few mounted and armored units in Micaiah’s army. During this fight, you can find the below items. Once you defeat her, you’ll be free to explore the area while collecting items, speaking with your allies and adopting animals.

1,000 GDropped from a Thief Fabrication


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you usually don’t use or get others closer to promotion.

Elusia Castle

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, travel to Elusia Castle. Here you’ll have to face Griss, who has three health bars, in a room covered in darkness. For the first couple of turns, Griss will use Celica’s Emblem skill, teleporting around the map and dealing high damage to your units. After the second turn, he’ll head to his tile on the northern side of the room. There will be braisers scattered around the area that you can light to lift some of the darkness and reveal enemies. During this fight, you can also find the below items. Once you’ve defeated him, you’ll receive 50,000 G. You’ll then be free to explore the area collecting items and speaking with your allies. When you’ve finished, return to the Somniel.

Brave BowLooted from a chest on the northeastern side of the map
EntrapDropped from an Elusian High Priest
ExcaliburDropped from Griss
RescueLooted from a chest on the northwestern side of the map
Secret BookLooted from a chest on the northeastern side of the map
Silver BladeLooted from a chest on the northwestern side of the map

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel, stock up on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 21 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 13 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis in Fire Emblem Engage!

Paralogue: The Lady of the Plains

Area: Plains of Swift Winds

This paralogue has you fighting against Lyn to deepen her bond. Your army will be separated into 3 groups of 4 at different corners of the map. There will be 3 sages in the center of the map that will cause break on your units each turn and a majority of the enemies will be Bow Knights. To win the battle, you’ll need to defeat Lyn. When you reach her corner on the map, she’ll start using her bow skill which has a large range. Additional enemies will also spawn out of both tents near her.

500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Sage Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Bow Knight Fabrication
500 GDropped by the Bow Knight Fabrication
2,000 GDropped by Lyn


Now might be a good time to do a couple of skirmishes if you wish. You can use them to level up units you normally don’t use or get others closer to classing up.

Oasis Village

When you’re ready to proceed with the story, head to the Oasis Village for a dialog event followed by a cutscene. Timerra, Merrin and Panette will join your group. For the battle you’ll need to fight your way past the Corrupted to reach the bandit brothers and defeat them. Along the way, bandits will attack some homes in the village and you’ll have to save them. The battle ends as soon as both brothers go down. Make sure to explore the area afterwards, gathering items and adopting pets.

ElwindDropped from a Corrupted Mage in the southeastern corner of the map
RescueVisit the house in the southwestern part of the map
Seraph RobeVisit the house near where Timerra, Panette and Merrin start

Intermission: The Somniel

Back at the Somniel make sure to speak with your new allies to get them added to the Ally Notebook. Also stock on supplies you may need and collect any items scattered around the grounds. When you’re ready to proceed with the story, leave the Somniel.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 14 in Fire Emblem Engage!

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Fire Emblem Engage – Chapter 6 Walkthrough

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Below is a walkthrough for Chapter 6: The Stolen Ring in Fire Emblem Engage. This guides picks up after leaving the Somniel!

Paralogue: Budding Talent

Location: Tea-Field Village

Once you reach the World Map, a tutorial on paralogues will pop up. Make your way over to the Tea-Filled Village to witness a dialog event between the residents leading to a fight where the Divine Dragon and their allies come to the aid of the village. Make sure you speak with Jean on the map near the clinic to enlist his aid. During this fight, you can receive the below items. After defeating all of the enemies, Jean will officially join you. Also, make sure to explore the village after the battle and collect all of the items and adopt any animals before leaving.

1,000 GDropped from an enemy
1,000 GDropped from an enemy
Defense TonicVisit the house in the southwestern corner near where your units start
Energy DropVisit the house in the southeastern corner
PoleaxeDropped from an enemy

Rewards: Surge, Pure Water

Mountain Settlement

When you’re ready to proceed with the chapter, head to the Mountain Settlement. After a dialog event, you’ll have to take out bandits occupying an abandoned village and recover the ring. The party will split up with Alear following Yunaka to secure the ring while the others take on the main force of bandits. You’ll also be introduced to the darkness/fog mechanic. Please note that you can receive the below items during the battle.

HammerDropped by an enemy
LongbowDropped by an archer enemy
TalismanDropped by the bandit boss
TorchDropped by an enemy

Defeat all of the bandits to win the battle. You’ll then be free to explore the town and adopt any animals in need of a good home! When you leave the area, another dialog event will occur.

Intermission: The Somniel

If you return to the Somniel, head towards Vander on the east side of the area. The game will then prompt you that the Records Hall is available. Another thing to note is that if you bought the season pass, head over to Lookout Ridge to get the Emblem with Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude from Fire Emblem Three Houses. Dining also becomes available in the Cafe Terrace. When you’re done, leave to proceed with the next chapter.

Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter 7 in Fire Emblem Engage!

Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Under the Protection of the Golden Deer Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain the Under the Protection of the Golden Deer paralogue, you’ll need to have Lysithea amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Play it cool.
  • Claim that you’re worried.


  • Tell him to aim higher. (did not increase any support points)
  • Say that’s a good idea. (did not try)



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Raiders from the North Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain Raiders from the North paralogue, you’ll need to have Dimitri, Sylvain and Rodrigue amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Ask about the Sreng people.
  • Ask about the Sreng leader.


  • Show confidence.
  • Show apprehension.


  • Assume that someone incited the Sreng forces. (did not increase any support points)
  • Claim the Sreng forces underestimated your strength. (did not try)


  • Encourage Sylvain. (did not increase any support points)
  • Express concern for his plan. (did not try)



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – The Saints’ Forge Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain The Saints’ Forge paralogue, you’ll need to have Seteth and Flayn amongst your forces. We obtained this paralogue during Azure Gleam: Part I – Chapter 9 – Reunion. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Refuse their payment. (did not increase any support points)
  • Take the money.


  • Say they were made by Saint Macuil.
  • Say they were made by Saint Indech. (did not increase any support points)


  • Accept the shield.
  • Refuse it.
  • Hesitate. (did not increase any support points)



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Wildflowers for the Future Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain the Wildflowers for the Future paralogue, you’ll need to have Dedue, Ingrid and Felix amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Ask what’s on her mind.
  • Attempt to cheer them all up.


  • Lift their spirits.
  • Leave them be.


  • Suggest it was for money.
  • Suggest he held a grudge.
  • Suggest you need to look deeper. (no increase in support points)


  • Ask if he’s referring to his lands.
  • Ask if he’s referring to Dimitri. (no increase in support points)


  • Promise to hold his secret. (no increase in support points)
  • Shout it out to the world.



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Like Cats and Dogs Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain the Like Cats and Dogs paralogue, you’ll need to have Caspar and Linhardt amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Agree reluctantly.
  • Refuse to go.


  • Be proud of Caspar.
  • Be jealous.


  • Shut the conversation down.
  • Playfully brush off the suggestion.



  • Jarngreipr (Legendary Fist Relic)
  • Monstrous Strength Ring



Fire Emblem Warriors Three Hopes

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – A Reason to Fight Paralogue

by MrsChappie in


Paralogues are special side stories involving certain units in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. In order to obtain the A Reason to Fight paralogue, you’ll need to have Jeralt, Byleth and Leonie amongst your forces. The options that grant support points during the paralogue are shown below in this pinky purple color.


Dialog Options:

  • Go with them.
  • Head back.


  • Be exasperated.
  • Admire Jeralt’s plan.