Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 – Pacifica Gigs

by Chappie in


Below are the gigs that can be found at Pacifica in Cyberpunk 2077! Please note that the gigs are listed in alphabetical order for ease of searching.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Lex Talionis

Obtained: Coastview – Approach the gig location west of Batty’s Hotel fast travel point near the water

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

Open the garage door and head inside. The cyberpsycho can be found to the right and is guarded by a gaggle of robots. Defeat him and the robots then read the messages on his computer, which is on the desk in front of 4 large fans near the circle of chairs. Afterwards, text Regina to complete the gig.


Cyberpsycho Sighting: Smoke on the Water

Obtained: Coastview – Approach the gig location west of the Pacifica Pier fast travel point

Objective: Find the cyberpsycho

For this gig, Regina specifically asks that you take the cyberpsycho down nonlethally. First, search the red van underneath the pier at the base of the stairs to find a corpse inside. Scan the corpse then head up the stairs. Take a left heading down the pier. Just before you reach the building in the middle of the pier, hang left to find a bag on the ground next to a corpse. Loot the contents to find a shard then read the shard entitled “Archived Conversation: Hideyoshi Ueno and Ken Masuda”. Afterwards, continue to the very end of the pier to deal with Diego Ramirez (nonlethally). Loot his body then read the shard entitled “Archived Conversation: Ken Masuda and Diego Ramirez”. Text Regina the outcome to complete the gig.


Two Wrongs Makes Us Right

Obtained: West Wind Estate – Approach the gig location east of West Wind Apartments fast travel point

Objective: Get to the unfinished NCART station

Once you arrive at the NCART station, head down the stairs to the very bottom level to locate the van. Get inside then drive the van to the objective near Batty’s Hotel fast travel point. Exit the vehicle to complete the gig.