Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XI Part I: Oppressions Under the Sun Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XI – Part I: Oppressions Under the Sun in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Stop by Whiteholm Castle to see what Gustadoph is up to.


Crown City (Side Story)

The next stop is the Crown City where you’ll be introduced to a dancer speaking to a certain annoying pest.


Central Hyzante (Main Story – Exploration)

Travel to Hyzante to view a cutscene to finally learn about the Rosellans and explore the Source. End the exploration when you are done speaking with everyone and collecting the items.


Conviction Choice 1 (Frederica)

  • I would love to see them free, but they are under constant watch. It would be nigh impossible. (Utility)
  • I understand how you feel, but we mustn’t look away. We have to use this opportunity to learn all we can. (Liberty)
  • They do not think the Roselle human. This is the only way a nation arrives at such cruelty. (Morality)


Conviction Choice 2 (Hyzantian Soldier)

  • The nature of one’s birth does not enter into it. We are all born the same. (Morality)
  • And you have the purity they lack? I see before me a man like any other. (Liberty)
  • Salt has brought prosperity to the Holy State. Why rely solely on the Roselle when everyone could aid in the harvest? (Utility)



  • Stone x3 – on a barrel on the dock path leading to Frederica
  • Movement Bangle – in the salt between the Rosellans behind Frederica
  • Grounding Amulet – on the ground near the fence corner by Frederica past the Rosellan
  • Quality Stone – on the upper platform near the Rosellan raking salt in the middle of the area
  • 1700 Money – down the wooden walkway near Roland
  • Cure All Pellet – Near the child



  • The Roselle in the Holy State of Hyzante
    • Speak to the Rosellan on their hands and knees to the left of the stone platform with the giant statue
  • A Saintly Seat Left Vacant
    • Speak to the pair of soldiers southwest of the stone platform in the middle of the area
  • Register of the Roselle
    • On the white platform with the statue at the southwestern side



  • Rosellan x10
  • Frederica
  • Hyzantian Solider x4
  • Roland
  • Child


Castle Wolffort (Main Story – Voting)

Travel to Castle Wolffort to start the voting on whether to defend the Roselle or turn them over. Speak with your allies then kick off the voting to come to a decision. Please note that if you are trying tor the Serenoa (best) route, then you’ll need to convince your friends to defend the Roselle. After the vote, a cutscene will trigger leading to the conclusion of Part I.


Defend the Roselle even if it affects relations with Huzante


  • We must surrender the Roselle to gain Hyzante’s protection…
    • House Ende defied the hierophant, and we all know what befell Minister Sorsley. As the lord of House Wolffort, I refuse to tread the same path.
    • ???



  • We must surrender the Roselle to gain Hyzante’s protection…
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We must obey the hierophant for now. Once we have gained enough influence in the Holy State, we can change the Roselle’s fate.
      • You saw what the Holy One did to house Ende. We cannot allow our house to treat the same path he did.
      • Disobeying the hierophant is no small matter. As a fellow Rosellan, is there no way for you to convince them to come quietly?
        • The Roselle in the Wolffort Demense info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • The power to rein in the ducky. With Hyzante at our side, Gustadolph wouldn’t dare attack us.
      • The safety of our defense. With Hyzante at our backs, we wouldn’t need to worry about funds or provisions.
      • The vacant seat of the Saintly Seven. As Minister of Salt, there is a greater chance of improving the Roselle’s treatment.
        • A Saintly Seat Left Vacant info



  • We must surrender the Roselle to gain Hyzante’s protection…
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • This was a request directly from the hierophant. If we want Hyzante’s support, we have no choice but to obey.
      • If we refuse, Hyzante will merely take them back by force.
      • There is something strange about the Holy State’s fixation on the Roselle. I think it wiser for us to tread carefully on the matter.
        • The Roselle in the Holy State of Hyzante info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Hyzante won’t give on the Roselle. Even if we protect them now, they will keep asking us at every opportunity.
      • If we are too fixated on the Roselle, we risk exposing the rest of Wolffort to danger.
      • ???


Deliver the Roselle to Hyzante to prove your loyalty


  • The Roselle are to be protected, even if it earns us Hyzante’s ire
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • The Roselle are citizens of Wolffort, and there is no future for a house that abandons its people.
      • We need all the soldiers we can get. We have protected the Roselle for decades now, and I am certain they would join our fight as thanks.
        • The Roselle in the Wolffort Demense info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Could we not use continued trade with the Wolffort demesne as a means to negotiate the Roselle’s safety?
      • A conflict with Aesfrost is unavoidable, and the Holy State will need our might if they are to stand a chance against them. I would use that leverage to reach a compromise.



  • The Roselle are to be protected, even if it earns us Hyzante’s ire
    • If we accept the Goddess’s Teachings, there is a chance we put even Frederica in danger.
    • I have seen the harsh reality of the Source for myself, and I could not subject my people to such cruel treatment…
      • The Roselle in the Holy State of Hyzante info



  • The Roselle are to be protected, even if it earns us Hyzante’s ire
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • The people would never forgive us for doing something so heartless. Without their support, we would be easy prey to the Holy State.
      • Hyzante can no longer trade with Aesfrost and Glenbrook. As their only remaining partner, we have grounds for negotiation.
      • Even if I was named a saint, we are still unbelievers. As such I doubt they would grant me much power.
        • A Saintly Seat Left Vacant info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • …The Holy State acts in accordance with the hierophant’s wishes. I fear giving in to one request would only be the beginning of many more.
      • It is not the Holy State, but the hierophant that I fear. Their orders are cold and callous, as if they have no heart…
      • Aye. They wish to have the Roselle back so badly that they would use us to that end. I cannot help but wonder why.




  • The Roselle are to be protected, even if it earns us Hyzante’s ire
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Perhaps we could get the Holy State to promise not to attack the Rosellan village, as my father once did…
      • The Holy State needs our power if they are to fight the duchy. We can use that to our advantage in negotiations.
      • This is our bargain with the hierophant. It might play to our advantage to deny their request this once.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • I must defend my people, even against the hierophant. Call it a lord’s pride.
      • I would hate to be the reason that people’s faith in our house is shaken, especially after all my father has done to build up its repute.
      • They are Frederica’s people. I cannot simply look the other way.
  • We must surrender the Roselle to gain Hyzante’s protection…
    • We need Hyzante’s support if we are to reclaim Glenbrook.
    • It is likely that the duchy is preparing for war, if their declaration is any indication. It is dangerous for us to stand alone now.
    • Roland needs a nation at his back. We cannot risk making an enemy of Hyzante.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XI – Part II: To the Bitter End in Triangle Strategy!