Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Constellations

by Chappie in


Mandatory Constellation

During the Family Emergency main quest, you’ll need to complete this constellation to proceed up the mountain.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Head to the northwest to find a cave. Inside there are 2 platforms. Put enough weight on the platforms to release the orb.


2. Grab the orb given to you and carry it to the circular platform to the northeast of the puzzle. Drop it down the ramp then press the pedestal. Carry the orb you got above up the stairs to the building opposite of the other circular platform. Stand on this platform then  drop it down the ramp just like before to release the orb.


3. On the southeastern side of the puzzle, jump into the water on the right side of the structure and dive under the water to enter the room with an orb. Once inside, put enough weight on the platforms to open the door. We placed the clone on one platform and stood on the other then pulled the orb to us.


4. The orb is located in the water to the left of the last structure towards the path leading northeast.


Punishment of Atlas Constellation

This constellation can be found just north of the Punishment of Atlas fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. This orb can be found already on the puzzle it is just in the wrong slot!


2. Head west of the constellation puzzle to find a building with an orb behind a gate. Jump into the little hole near the orb then swim to a pedestal underwater behind large rocks and press it. Return to the orb and grab it.


3. Head inside the building to the east of the puzzle. Head up to the right side of the second level and pull the metal cube towards you so that it drops down into the hole. Jump to the lower level then head to the left side of the structure to pull the cube onto the platform. Activate the pedestal next to you then dive into the water on the right side. When you emerge on the other side, pull the metal cube towards you then dive back under the water to the other side. Stand next to the platform then pull the cube onto it and activate the pedestal next to you. Grab the orb that release between the entrances to this building.


4. Head to the building south of the puzzle then climb up the pillar closest to you. Look west to find a ledge lit by a brazier with a giant metal cube on it. Pull down the cube and place it on the platform to open the gate blocking the orb. Head up to the orb and grab it!


Northeastern Constellation

This constellation can be found in the far northeastern corner of King’s Peak.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Break the corruption on the archway to the east of the puzzle to reveal an orb.


2. Break the corruption at the base of a tree to the south of the puzzle to reveal an orb.


3., 4. & 5. Head inside the cave south of the puzzle and smash the breakable wall to the left of the circular platform to reveal an orb. Stand on the circular platform in the cave and throw the orb into the space where the barrier was on the right side. Next, shoot the target behind the grate to cause another orb to fall. Activate the pedestal on the right to release all 3 orbs.




Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Clashing Rocks Navigation Myth Challenge

by Chappie in

This myth challenge can be found on an Olympic track in the southern area of the large island.

To begin the navigation myth challenge, stand on the platform to activate a glowing beam then race down the track towards the beam, jumping over the broken columns. Your goal is to reach the beam before it disappears. You’ll collect 2 Coins of Charon for reaching it.