My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Unlock Each Ending

by Chappie in


In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will explain how to unlock each ending to the game.


There are two main endings to the game. The choice is made where you are given the option of siding with Phillip or the shrine by allowing either of them to extract 30,000 Caranal Essence. Please note that if you want to see both endings, make a secondary save before picking a side so you can reload it and continue from there. What happens after picking a side is you’ll be given a list of possible hosts for Luna. You’ll then need to summon the succubi on the list, max out their affection then consummate their love. This will give you the option to use the succubi as a host for Luna. Choose that option to show how the rest of the game plays out. I wanted to note that for my playthrough, I talked with each potential host succubus in their room and did all the things they asked until Jake said there was no reason to talk to them anymore before consummating their love. You’ll get some general dialog this way followed by some additional dialog as you level their affection.


In addition to the endings above, each succubus has its own ending that leads to a game over. To get those endings, you’ll need to max out the affection for each succubus the consummate the love. During this, you’ll get the option to choose the succubus over Luna. This will trigger the ending for that succubus where you’ll get a new picture and some dialog to summarize the result of their union with Jake. You’ll then be kicked back to the main screen where you can start up your game again where you left off. Jake will also receive Carnal Essence as if you tried to use them as a host for Luna. You can repeat this as many times as you want for each succubus. I again want to mention that before I consummate their love with Jake, I talked to each succubus before and after maxing out their affection until Jake says there is no reason to talk to them.



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Raise Affection

by Chappie in


In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will explain the way to raise affection with the various succubi in the game in the hopes of bringing back Luna.



The best way to raise affection in the game is by taking a succubus on dates to Fortuna Plaza. Stroll at the Park will be available by default. To unlock the rest, you’ll need to invest money into the Fortuna Plaza. Wine Tasting provides the most affection but also costs the most to do. Chat on the Bench produces the next highest followed by a Romantic Picnic then a Stroll at the Park. It’s also worth mentioning that you can only take one succubus on a date at a time.


There are two other ways to increase the affection of a succubus. The first will can randomly trigger while they are working a the hotel or brothel. You will be prompted about a situation and given two choices. Sometimes those choices award a boost in affection. The second one is in the form of secondary objectives you can receive from a succubus after talking with them in their room. These range from summoning a certain succubus to assigning or not assigning them to a specific location. Completing a secondary objective tends to increase affection by 25%.



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Generate Carnal Essence

by Chappie in


In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will walk you through how to generate Carnal Essence.



The main method for generating Carnal Essence is by sending your succubi to work at Aphrodite Brothel. By default, you’ll have access to the Commoner clients with the option to invest money into the brothel to unlock Tycoon, Bureaucrat and Royal clients. Another thing worth noting is that you can assign one succubus to each client at a time, so if all four clients are unlocked, four succubi can work at the brothel. Also, the Royal clients generate the most Carnal Essence followed by the Bureaucrat, Tycoon and then the Commoner. Sending a succubus to the Royal, Bureaucrat and Tycoon clients will cause a succubus’ affection for Jake to decrease by a small percentage. I wouldn’t worry about this too much as you can raise their affection pretty easily by taking them on a date.



The next thing I want to mention is that you can send your succubus to Noire Academy to level up their flair. This will cause them to generate additional Carnal Essence while working at the brothel. Similar to the brothel, only the Innocent Kiss lesson is available at the start. You’ll need to invest money in the other classes to unlock them. The more advanced the class, the more flair the succubus earns while taking it. Just watch out as the higher tier classes also decrease the affection a succubus has for Jake by a percentage.


The last thing I want to discuss is Jake’s skills. As you progress in the game, Jake will gain the ability to use the succubi to unlock new skills that increase the amount of Carnal Essence the succubi can earn while working along with increasing the total amount of flair (up to a max of 500) and Carnal Essence (up to a max of 4000) a succubus can have.


The way I went about generating Carnal Essence was by maxing out the flair of each succubus so they were making the maximum amount of essence while working at the brothel. As Jake learned new skills, I sent them back to Noire Academy to make sure they stayed at the flair cap. Then it is all a matter of sending them to work as you need Carnal Essence.



My Lovely Wife

My Lovely Wife – How to Make Money

by Chappie in


In My Lovely Wife, you’ll take on the role of Jake who has recently become a widower. After forming a partnership with a mysterious researcher, he’ll be tasked with generating Carnal Essence by summoning and pimping out various succubi. This guide will walk you through setting yourself up to fund your quest to bring Jake’s lovely wife back from the dead.



The main way to make money in the game is to send your succubi to work at Willard’s Hotel. There they can Sing, Dance, Host or provide Room Service to the guests. At first, only the Singing option will be available. To unlock the rest, you’ll need to raise money by singing to invest in the other services. As new services become available, you can assign 1 succubus to each service at a time. Also note that Room Service generates the most money followed by Hosting, Dancing then Singing. Another thing to keep in mind is that sending a succubus to Dancing, Hosting or Room Service also decreases their affection for Jake by a certain percentage. This isn’t a big deal though as you can raise a Succubus’ affection easily by taking them on a date.



The next thing I want to talk about is the Charm School. By sending your succubus to learn at the school, they will raise their charm level. This in turn increases the amount of money they can make when working at Willard’s Hotel and Aphrodite Brothel. Just like the hotel, only the Mannerism class is available at the start. You’ll need to raise some money to invest in the other classes to unlock them. You’ll then be able to send a succubus to each class available. Again, keep in mind that the other classes generate more charm but also lower the succubus’ affection for Jake.


One more thing to note is that as you progress through the game, you’ll gain the ability to unlock skills for Jake. These skills can increase the amount of money earned when sending a succubus to work the hotel and also increase the amount of Charm a succubus can learn up to a max of 500.


Now that we have explained the concepts behind how money is generated, below is how we set ourselves up to easily generate money in My Lovely Wife. Please note that this is just what I did as it fit my playstyle for this game which was to just prioritize making money over the Carnal Essence (which is needed to progress the story). This set me up to easily get all of the endings to the game.


  • Send a succubus to work at Willard’s Hotel until you reach 5,000 money
  • Buy the room construction from Phillip’s Warehouse for 5,000 money to unlock the third room
  • Summon another succubus and assign them to the third room
  • Pick a succubus and send her to the Charm School until her charm is maxed out
  • Send that succubus with maxed charm to Willard’s Hotel while sending a different succubus to the Charm School to max out their charm
  • By this time you should have enough or be close to having enough gold to invest in Dancing
  • Send both succubi with maxed charm to the hotel


From this point, I did things as they were needed and started by saving up enough money to unlock the 4th room construction to get another succubus. Then I focused on maxing the charm and flair (leveled up at the Noire School) for all of my succubi. I also prioritized investing in Willard’s Hotel to unlock Hosting and Room Service while also investing in Aphrodite Brothel to unlock both Tycoon and Bureaucrat clients. My next move was to unlock the 5th and final room so I could have 5 succubi. I also started using my succubi to max out all of Jake’s skills which increased the overall money and Carnal Essence generated from the hotel and brothel. From there, I invested in the rest of the places and played the objectives to reach the end of the game.