
Metro Exodus – Sam’s Story Harmonica Melodies Sheet Music Collectibles

by Chappie in

*NOTE: There are 9 harmonic melodies (sheet music) to collect in the Metro Exodus Sam’s Story DLC. The melodies are listed below in the order that they can be obtained during the main story. Please make sure to collect them as you go. If you progress too far in the story, you will be locked out of the locations that contain the melodies.



Melody 01

After you dock the boat, enter the school via a window and work your way to the part of the building containing a set of stairs leading to the second level. Facing the stairwell leading up, follow the hallway right and take the first left into a classroom to find the sheet music hanging on the wall next to a piano.


Melody 02

Head to the theater occupied by bandits and make your way to the second level. Once on the second level, make your way to the east side of the building to find a room filled with bookshelves. Just outside this room, there will be a window in the hallway with planks connecting it to another window in a sealed off room. Head across the planks and enter the sealed off room to find the sheet music on a bulletin board near some triangular guitars.


Melody 03

After you defeat the sniper, exit the door and head towards the boat. Instead of entering the boat, take a left in front of the boat and follow the walkway to a blue door. Enter the door to find the sheet music on the wall straight ahead.


Melody 04

After your drunken adventures with the Captain, you will be tasked with setting up traps in his base. Head to the floor below his sleeping quarters via the stairwell. Next, head through the doorway, passing a red door on your right, and take a right to reach a brown sofa at the end of the room. Facing the sofa, jump over the wall to the left marked with yellow paint. Follow the path forward to reach a room with a piano and a corpse resting on a bed. The sheet music will be located on a pillar next to the piano.


Melody 05

The sheet music is located at the scout outpost. After you dock your boat, head towards the outpost and make your way to the ramps. The sheet music will be located on the wall next to a workbench.


Melody 06

The sheet music is located at the car dealership on the wall behind a blue door in a break room.


Melody 07

This sheet music is located on a wooden cabinet to the right of a piano.


Melody 08

The sheet music is located on the door of an outhouse which is reachable via a walkway connected to the roof of the medical building.


Melody 09

After you dock the boat, head up the stairs and take a left to find the note on the side of a large green container.