Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Night Chest Locations

by Chappie in


While exploring Immortals Fenyx Rising, you’ll come across night chests. These chests are only able to be accessed at night and are guarded by difficult enemies. Thankfully you are able to change the time in the game to night by holding the options button. Below are the locations of the night chests in King’s Peak!


This night chest can be found west of the Shrine of Themis fast travel point.

Defeat the enemies then open the chest to find a Midnight Fragment!


This night chest can be found east of the Shrine of Fates fast travel point on the side of a mountain.

Defeat the enemies then open the chest to find a Midnight Fragment!



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Guarded Chest Locations

by Chappie in


Below are the guarded chests that can be found at King’s Peak in Immortals Fenyx Rising! *NOTE: We believe the items in the chests are randomly generated or the items might be given in a certain order based on the number of chests you’ve opened already.


This guarded chest can be found in southern King’s Peak along the coast.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found in southern King’s Peak south of the King of Gods fast travel point.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found in southern King’s Peak along the coast.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.


This guarded chest can be found east of the Shrine of Metis fast travel point.

Defeat the enemies guarding the chest to unseal it.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Epic Chest Locations

by Chappie in


Below are the epic chests that can be found at King’s Peak in Immortals Fenyx Rising! *NOTE: We believe the items in the chests are randomly generated or the items might be given in a certain order based on the number of chests you’ve opened already.


This epic chest can be found west of the Shrine of Themis.

To open it, stand on the circular platform across from the entrance to the chest that is up a set of stairs from an unlit brazier. You’ll need to use Apollo’s arrow to light all 3 unlit braziers below. 2 of the braziers are on columns and the last is to the left of the entrance’s barrier. Head inside and open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the southwestern corner of King’s Peak.

To open it, you’ll need to stand on the broken building across from the chest to find a pedestal. Activate the pedestal then use Apollo’s Arrow to light as many braziers as you can before they become unavailable. Once the gate raises, head inside and open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in the southwestern corner of King’s Peak in the hand of a giant statue.

To open the barrier, head to the hand not containing the chest and glide to a cliff across the way containing a lever using the wind currents. Once you make it to the lever, you’ll need to pull it then quickly make your way to the chest before time runs out!


This epic chest can be found in southern King’s Peak slightly southwest of the King of Gods fast travel point.

To unseal the chest, start at the chest then follow the air currents up the mountain until you reach a golden building with a snowball. The goal of this puzzle is to get the snowball to the end platform near the chest. To do this, you’ll need to push the snowball down over the cliff then quickly jump to each of the 3 circular platforms down the path to create a barrier to fill in the holes.


This epic chest can be found southeast of the Punishment of Atlas fast travel point.

In order to remove the barrier, look on the cliff across from the chest to find a ruined building. Head to that building and place a weight on the platform. Head on the other side of the platform behind the structure to find a circular platform. Stand on that platform then use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier across the gap near the chest. Make your way across the gap and open the chest.


This epic chest can be found on the Punishment of Atlas statue.

To unseal the barrier, jump to the ledge above the chest to find a platform. Place the nearby rocks on the platform then press the pedestal. Head further up to find 2 more platforms that also need rocks placed on them. Once weighed down, press the 2 pedestals then return to the chest to open it.


This epic chest can be found next to the constellation puzzle north of the Punishment of Atlas fast travel point.

Head to the building on the east side of the puzzle. Enter this building through the entrance on the right then turn immediately right to find a breakable wall. Smash this wall to reveal a hidden path. Head inside and at the dead end jump up through the ceiling to find the chest.


This epic chest can be found just south of the Shrine of Themis fast travel point.

To access the chest, head behind the building to find a hole that you can drop down into. Please the cube onto the weight then open the chest.


This epic chest can be found in southeastern King’s Peak at the base of a hand.

To unseal the chest, head to the hand across from the chest. You’ll notice a small square platform here. Jump to the ledge with the tree to the south to find an apple next to another small square platform with an apple on it already. Put this apple on the small square platform in the hand to unlock the chest.


This epic chest can be found slightly northeast of the Shrine of the Fates fast travel point in the hand of a statue.

To unseal the chest, break the corruption west of the chest against a cluster of rocks. Place a nearby rock where the corruption was to unseal the chest.


This epic chest can be found north of the Shrine of the Fates fast travel point in a cave on the side of a mountain.

To reach the chest on an upper ledge, you need to use the small ledges along the sides of the cave. Make sure you have a lot of stamina potions on you to do this!


This epic chest can be found in the northeastern part of King’s Peak in a cave on the side of a mountain.

The cave is located under a giant piece of rock that is jetting out from the mountain. To reach the chest, you’ll need to use the brazier in the entrance of the cave to light the unlit brazier in front of the chest. Next, head to the left side of the area and pull the giant cube towards you so that it lands on the platform. This will release the barrier to the right of you. Push the giant metal cube into the newly opened area and onto the platform. This will raise the gate to the left of you. Head through the gate to open the chest!


This epic chest can be found northwest of Zeus’s Throne on the side of a mountain.

To raise the gate, use an Apollo’s Arrow to light both of the braziers on either side of the entrance.


This epic chest can be found in northwestern King’s Peak on the side of a mountain.

To dissolve the first barrier, head to the circular platform across the gap near a broken bridge. Use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier in front of the barrier then glide over and jump onto that circular platform. Again, use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier further down the mountain to the west. Head on over to this newly revealed platform and once more light the brazier further down the mountain to the northeast. Head inside the cave next to the brazier you just lit to find the chest.


This epic chest can be found in northwestern King’s Peak. It is directly west of the Zeus’s Throne fast travel point.

There will be an ogre sitting on a platform weighing it down. You can either sneak past him and enter the cave or defeat him and place new weights on the platform. With a weight on the platform, head inside the cave to open the chest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Mounts

by Chappie in


Below are the mounts that can be found at King’s Peak in Immortals Fenyx Rising!



This mount can be found just north of the Cauldron of Circe potion making station, which is southwest of the Punishment of Atlas fast travel point.



This mount can be found southeast of the Punishment of Atlas at the bottom of a ravine.



This mount can be found north of the Zeus’s Throne fast travel point.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – Mounts

by Chappie in


Below is a master list of the mounts that can be found throughout all the areas in Immortals Fenyx Rising. You’ll need to tame all 25 mounts in order to receive the Fenyx the Horseman trophy! For a detailed description on where each mount is located, please click the name of the mount!


  1. Aethon
  2. Alabaster
  3. Anemone
  4. Antikythera
  5. Asphodel
  6. Bolt
  7. Cypress
  8. Everlast
  9. Guardian
  10. Hellebore
  11. Indika
  12. Itea
  13. Khroma
  14. Krater
  15. Krystalline
  16. Larkspur
  17. Laurion
  18. Muse
  19. Paragon
  20. Ptilon
  21. Quicksilver
  22. Sepia
  23. Sheena
  24. Tyrian
  25. Xenippos


**Spring is an additional mount that you can receive only if you purchase the season pass, which unlocks a string of side quests. After completing The Future is in Music side quest, you’ll automatically obtain the mount as a reward.**



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – King’s Peak Constellations

by Chappie in


Mandatory Constellation

During the Family Emergency main quest, you’ll need to complete this constellation to proceed up the mountain.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Head to the northwest to find a cave. Inside there are 2 platforms. Put enough weight on the platforms to release the orb.


2. Grab the orb given to you and carry it to the circular platform to the northeast of the puzzle. Drop it down the ramp then press the pedestal. Carry the orb you got above up the stairs to the building opposite of the other circular platform. Stand on this platform then  drop it down the ramp just like before to release the orb.


3. On the southeastern side of the puzzle, jump into the water on the right side of the structure and dive under the water to enter the room with an orb. Once inside, put enough weight on the platforms to open the door. We placed the clone on one platform and stood on the other then pulled the orb to us.


4. The orb is located in the water to the left of the last structure towards the path leading northeast.


Punishment of Atlas Constellation

This constellation can be found just north of the Punishment of Atlas fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. This orb can be found already on the puzzle it is just in the wrong slot!


2. Head west of the constellation puzzle to find a building with an orb behind a gate. Jump into the little hole near the orb then swim to a pedestal underwater behind large rocks and press it. Return to the orb and grab it.


3. Head inside the building to the east of the puzzle. Head up to the right side of the second level and pull the metal cube towards you so that it drops down into the hole. Jump to the lower level then head to the left side of the structure to pull the cube onto the platform. Activate the pedestal next to you then dive into the water on the right side. When you emerge on the other side, pull the metal cube towards you then dive back under the water to the other side. Stand next to the platform then pull the cube onto it and activate the pedestal next to you. Grab the orb that release between the entrances to this building.


4. Head to the building south of the puzzle then climb up the pillar closest to you. Look west to find a ledge lit by a brazier with a giant metal cube on it. Pull down the cube and place it on the platform to open the gate blocking the orb. Head up to the orb and grab it!


Northeastern Constellation

This constellation can be found in the far northeastern corner of King’s Peak.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. Break the corruption on the archway to the east of the puzzle to reveal an orb.


2. Break the corruption at the base of a tree to the south of the puzzle to reveal an orb.


3., 4. & 5. Head inside the cave south of the puzzle and smash the breakable wall to the left of the circular platform to reveal an orb. Stand on the circular platform in the cave and throw the orb into the space where the barrier was on the right side. Next, shoot the target behind the grate to cause another orb to fall. Activate the pedestal on the right to release all 3 orbs.




Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Ambrosia Locations

by Chappie in


In Immortals Fenyx Rising, you’ll need to collect Ambrosia to increase your maximum health. You can find the Ambrosia at the below locations in War’s Den.


This Ambrosia can be found slightly southeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point behind the tall column.


This Ambrosia can be found in a building on the small island to the east of War’s Den. To reach it, head to the east side of the island to find some bubbles in the water. Dive down and follow the path under the island to surface in the room with the Ambrosia.


This Ambrosia can be found in the very north of War’s Den along the border with The Forgelands. It is located on the top of a cliff overlooking the night chest.


This Ambrosia can be found northeast of the God of War fast travel point in a locked building. Head to the roof of the building then remove the giant cube to find a hole that you can drop down to get into the building.


This Ambrosia can be found on a small ledge in the ravine northwest of the God of War fast travel point.


This Ambrosia can be found south of the Protector Drakon Isemnios fast travel point on the side of a cliff near a bridge.


This Ambrosia can be found southwest of the God of War fast travel point on the hand of a giant statue.


This Ambrosia can be found on the giant statue’s fist northwest of Giant’s Fall fast travel point.


This Ambrosia can be found in the far western part of War’s Den on a cliff overlooking a vault.


This Ambrosia can be found on a cliff overlooking the ocean just southeast of the Sanctuary of Erebos vault.


This Ambrosia can be found on the northwestern side of Ajax’s Fort on top of the stone wall.


This Ambrosia can be found in the northern part of Ajax’s Fort near the top of a building in a broken room.


This Ambrosia can be found southwest of Ajax’s Fort on a cliff overlooking the wall.


This Ambrosia can be found on a small island south of War’s Den.


This Ambrosia can be found on the side of a cliff overlooking the ocean east of Ajax’s Fort locked in a building.

To open the building, head down to the waterline and place weights on the 2 platforms. Next, jump into the water between the platforms and dive through the entrance underneath the cliff. Follow the path then climb up the walls to reach the Ambrosia at the top.




Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Chests

by Chappie in


Below are the chests that can be found at War’s Den in Immortals Fenyx Rising!


This chest can be found northeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point.

To access it underneath the giant statue, you’ll need to first raise the gate. To do this, you’ll need to activate both pedestals in all 4 burrows. We started at the one on the left (east side). Pull the lever then sprint over the laser beams into the next room then activate the pedestal on the left. This will cage you in with lasers. Sprint through the lasers and into the room that was previously blocked with a barrier to activate that pedestal. For the next burrow that is slightly back farther to the left, pull the lever and run through the lasers to enter the room. Activate the pedestal in front of you then run through the lasers to activate that one as well. Head on over to the next building. Again pull the lever in front then either run through or jump over the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then use the cube to block some of the lasers so you can activate the pedestal in the next room. Head to the next building in line to again pull the lever and make it through the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then leave a clone of yourself on the platform. Grab the cube and put it in front of the lasers to reach the pedestal in the next room. Activate it then head back to the chest to see that the gate has been lifted. Pull the lever to see what order you need to step on the platforms. The order is 31425. Head inside the next room to open the chest.


This chest can be found in the far northwestern corner of War’s Den in the corner of a ruined building.


This chest can be found west of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point in a ravine. The chest is located inside a cave in the side of the ravine hidden by red mist. Be careful to avoid the mist by climbing on the walls.


This chest can be found on the roof of the large building to the northwest of Giant’s Fall fast travel point.


This chest can be found west of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den next to a small lyre.

To unlock the lyre thus unlocking the chest, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the braziers in the correct order as shown on the wall.


This chest can be found southeast of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den.

To unlock the pedestals in front of the entrance, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier on the back of each neck of the giant statues in the water. The last brazier can be found behind a large pot on the ledge of the cliff on the east behind the giant’s hand that is holding a boat. Once all braziers have been lit, activate the pedestals to remove the barrier. Head inside to open the chest.


This chest can be found in the northern outskirts wall of Ajax’s Fort in a broken section of wall.


These 3 chests can be found surrounding the throne in the large building in the southern part of Ajax’s Fort.


This chest can be found inside a building on the southwestern side of Ajax’s Fort.

To unlock it, head to the top of the structure to the left of the circular platform to find another circular platform. Stand on it then grab the cube that was previously behind the barrier.  Jump back down and face the entrance. Climb up to the top left side then pull the cube towards you which will cause it to fall. Jump down then smash the breakable wall to the left of the entrance and retrieve the cube. Stand on the circular platform in the center of the room and throw a cube threw where each barrier was to raise the gate in the middle. Head up the stairs to open the chest.



Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Constellation Myth Challenge

by Chappie in


Northern Constellation

This constellation can be found in the northern part of War’s Den near the border with The Forgelands.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. For the first orb, head to the second level of cave north of the puzzle. Head into the cave on the far left. Place a duplicate of yourself on the lightweight platform then climb up ontop of the barrier to find a breakable wall. Use your axe to smash the wall then pull the metal cube towards you to make it fall through the hole in the floor. Grab the cube then stand on the circular platform and throw it onto the platform that was behind the barrier to release the orb.


2. Head into the next cave on the second level in the side of the cliff to find 2 barriers. Head past the 2 light to the right then swing around the gold box to find a breakable wall. Smash the wall then grab activate the pedestal to release one of the barriers. Grab the cube hidden behind the barrier then climb to the top of the other barrier to find 2 platforms. Bring this cube onto one platform and the other cube can be found above where the breakable wall was. Jump down then grab the orb.


3. Head to the third level up on the cliffside to find another cave on the right. This one contains some lasers inside. Place a copy of yourself on the lightweight platform then head inside towards the orb and take a left. Stand on the circular platform to release the orb then grab it.


4. Head to the third level up on the cliffside to find a cave on the left that contains 2 platforms. Put the giant metal cube on the heavy one and a clone of yourself on the light one. Once both have been activated, the orb will release.


5. The last orb is behind the puzzle to the south behind the wall depicting the placement of the orbs. To unlock it, head to the northeast cave on the first level to find a breakable wall inside. Smash the wall then grab the circle and drop it under the unlocked orb. Head to the second square to the left to see that this one is missing its circle, which you can find directly in front of it. Drop it onto the square to release the orb.


God of War Constellation

This constellation can be found north of the God of War fast travel point.

Use the image on the wall to place the glowing orbs in the correct locations on the ground. You can find the orbs in the following locations:


1. The first orb can be found behind the wall with the image on it depicting where to place the orbs. To unlock it. Stare at the columns containing medallions. From left to right start, step on the circles in the following order: 3, 1, 2, 4.


2. & 3. Both orbs can be found in the belt of the giant statues guarding the puzzle.


4. East of the puzzle stand on the circular platform then shoot the 2 targets above the barrier. Once both targets have been hit, the orb will release.


5. Face east of the puzzle to spot a face in the cliff. Head to the right of the face and hug the wall to find a breakable spot in the cliff. Smash the cliff then head inside to retrieve the orb.


Immortals Fenyx Rising

Immortals Fenyx Rising – War’s Den Lyre Myth Challenges

by Chappie in


Big Lyre

This big lyre can be found east of the God of War fast travel point.

To play the big lyre, you’ll need to first find the 4 small lyres scattered around War’s Den. They will give you the order of the strings to play on the big lyre. At the big lyre, shoot the strings with arrows in the correct order to receive Coins of Charon.


Small Lyres

This lyre can be found northeast of the Protector Drakon Ismenios fast travel point next to a chest.

To access it underneath the giant statue, you’ll need to first raise the gate. To do this, you’ll need to activate both pedestals in all 4 burrows. We started at the one on the left (east side). Pull the lever then sprint over the laser beams into the next room then activate the pedestal on the left. This will cage you in with lasers. Sprint through the lasers and into the room that was previously blocked with a barrier to activate that pedestal. For the next burrow that is slightly back farther to the left, pull the lever and run through the lasers to enter the room. Activate the pedestal in front of you then run through the lasers to activate that one as well. Head on over to the next building. Again pull the lever in front then either run through or jump over the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then use the cube to block some of the lasers so you can activate the pedestal in the next room. Head to the next building in line to again pull the lever and make it through the lasers. Once inside activate the pedestal then leave a clone of yourself on the platform. Grab the cube and put it in front of the lasers to reach the pedestal in the next room. Activate it then head back to the lyre to see that the gate has been lifted. Pull the lever to see what order you need to step on the platforms. The order is 31425. Head inside the next room to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 213234.


This lyre can be found west of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den.

To unlock the lyre, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the braziers in the correct order as shown on the wall. Play the lyre to get the following order of the strings: 311243.


This lyre can be found southeast of the Vault of Ares in the far western part of War’s Den.

To unlock the pedestals in front of the entrance, you’ll need to use Apollo’s Arrow to light the brazier on the back of each neck of the giant statues in the water. The last brazier can be found behind a large pot on the ledge of the cliff on the east behind the giant’s hand that is holding a boat. Once all braziers have been lit, activate the pedestals to remove the barrier. Head inside to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 231424.


This lyre can be found inside a building on the southwestern side of Ajax’s Fort.

To unlock it, head to the top of the structure to the left of the circular platform to find another circular platform. Stand on it then grab the cube that was previously behind the barrier.  Jump back down and face the entrance. Climb up to the top left side then pull the cube towards you which will cause it to fall. Jump down then smash the breakable wall to the left of the entrance and retrieve the cube. Stand on the circular platform in the center of the room and throw a cube threw where each barrier was to raise the gate in the middle. Head up the stairs to play the lyre. The order of the strings is 11423.