Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter XII In the Still of the Night Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter XII – In the Still of the Night in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Rosellan Village (Main Story – Exploration)

Select the Rosellan Village to trigger a cutscene. You’ll then be free to explore the village. After finding all the below, end exploration. Please note that finding The Pink Rock info is required for the Serenoa (best) ending. After ending exploration, show the Elder the pink rock.


Conviction Choice 1 (Rosellan)

  • I feel your pain, but I only need know if Lady Orlaea left anything behind. It may help us achieve peace. (utility)
  • No so. We are all confronting the results of the Rosellan uprising from thirty years ago. (liberty)
  • You will never know how sorry I am that we could not protect you. I beg you, gather your things and go. (morality)


Conviction Choice 2 (Child)

  • Why yes, I am on a treasure hunt. And you? Are you playing hide-and-seek?
  • I’m looking for something that could help everyone in the village. I’m sorry we’re causing such a commotion.
  • Aye. I hear there’s something incredible hidden in this village. Do you know anything about it?



  • The Pink Mirror
    • Speak with the Rosellans until you find the one that mentions the mirror. Afterwards, travel to the back of the tallest house in the village past Hughette to find the mirror. Interact with it to trigger a quick cutscene.
  • The Pink Pelt
    • Speak with the Rosellans around the village until one mentions the pink pelt that Jerrom’s parents had. Afterwards, speak with Jerrom in front his house then head inside Jerrom’s house and inspect the pink pelt.
  • The Pink Rock
    • Speak with Benedict who will want to search the Elder’s home. Next, speak with Frederica. She will lure the Elder out, allowing you to freely search his house. After she does, enter the house and examine the middle of the rug he was sitting on to find the pink rock.



  • Superior Iron x2 – on the roof next to Roland
  • Silver – on the roof next to the Rosellan with a conviction choice
  • Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x2 – on a rooftop near the well next to Frederica
  • Azure Crystal – in Elder’s house by the blue cloth on the table in the back (required to upgrade Serenoa’s weapon to rank 3)
  • Iron x3 – Jerrom’s house on the table



  • Hughette
  • Frederica
  • Roland
  • Rosellan x6
  • Child x2
  • Erador
  • Anna
  • Jerrom
  • Benedict
  • Cat – near Benedict
  • Geela
  • Elder – in his house


Hierophant’s Palace (Main Story)

Travel to the Hierophant’s Palace to trigger a cutscene.


Central Hyzante (Side Story)

Pop into Central Hyzante to tie in with the Saintly Seven following the audience with Wolffort.


Whiteholm Castle (Main Story)

Make your way to Whiteholm Castle for a cutscene. Afterwards, the chapter will complete!


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter XIII – Part I: Our Time Has Come in Triangle Strategy.