Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter III Part II A Land of Snow and Ice Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough on Chapter III – Part II: A Land of Snow and Ice in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.


Duchy of Aesfrost (Main Story)

This chapter starts off with a cutscene taking place in Aesfrost. You’ll be kicked back to the world map when it’s done.


Whiteholm Castle (Side Story)

Back at the world map, head back over to Whiteholm Castle for a side story with Frani and Cordelia.


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

After the side story, head to Central Aesfrost for a meeting with the duke who will also give you a Conviction Choice. When it finishes, select Central Aesfrost again to get the details of the pending situation from Sycras. You’ll then be free to explore the city and Archives. When your finished, end the exploration.


Convcition Choice 1 (Gustadolph)

  • I believe it important alliance that may bring harmony to our three nations. (Morality)
  • It is a lucrative enterprise that stands to benefit all nations equally. (Utility)
  • I cannot shake the gear that our visions do not align and thus this fragile alliance my not hold. (Liberty)


Conviction Choice 2 (Frederica)

  • The advantages that ironmongering affords the duchy are quite evident. (Morality)
  • For all of the freedom you enjoy, I could not help by notice the poverty of the people… (Liberty)
  • I admire your commitment to education. Is it true that any and all may make us of the Archives? (Utility)


Conviction Choice 3 (Researcher)

  • Research leads to wisdom that lasts for generations. All of it is worthwhile. (Liberty)
  • Knowledge should not be a vehicle for fame or fortune. All should be free to study what they please. (Morality)
  • I ask you in response: what joy is there in study that doesn’t not benefit the nation? (Utility)



  • The Might of Aesfrost
    • Speak to the Aesfrosi Soldier near the back door in the Archive.



  • 600 money – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
  • Poison Recovery Pellet x2 – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
  • HP Recovery Pellet – in the house to the right of Frederica
  • Timber – On the ground near the entrance to the Archives
  • HP Recovery Pellet – on top of the Archives roof
  • Magic Ring – on the ground along the right section of the Archive



  • Recruitment Notice – on the wall next to a touch across from the bridge north of Sycras
  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol. I – on the third shelf along the northern part of the Archive
  • Children’s Textbook: Salt in Norzelia – on the last shelf along the north part of Archive
  • Salt and Mean – on the back right wall bookcase of the Archive
  • Condemn the Corrupt Consorlium! – buy from the Sundry Shop at the Encampment



  • City
    • Sycras
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
    • Aesfrosti Merchant – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
    • Erador – in the building left of Sycras past the stairs
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – right of Sycras
    • Aesfrosti Soldier – near the bridge over lava along the southern part of the city
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – next to the above soldier
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – in the house to the right of Frederica
    • Frederica
    • Rudolph
    • Aesfrosti Soldier – up the path to the left of Rudolph
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – in the house at the top of the path to the left of Rudolph
    • Itinerant Merchant – can buy things from him
    • Hughette
    • Anna
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city next to a gate
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city at the entrance to the Archives
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city by the entrance
    • Aesfrosti Solider – north of the city by the entrance
    • Aesfrosti Citizen – north of the city to the left of the entrance
  • Archives
    • Aesfrosti Solider -near the exit to the Archives
    • Roland
    • Glenbrook Miner – left section of the Archives past Roland hidden behind a bookcase
    • Glenbrook Noble – left section of the Archives wearing a blue dress
    • Aesfrosti Soldier – next to the back door in the Archive
    • Researchers – right section of the Archive
    • Benedict
    • Geela
    • Researcher – center of the room (Conviction Choice)
    • Researcger – center of the room to the right of the table


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

From the world map, select Central Aefrost to begin the operation. You’ll be facing about 12 units and are only allowed to deploy 7 of your units (plus 1 extra in Rudolph). Defeat the enemy to trigger a cutscene. If your conviction aligns with Rudolph’s, he’ll join your forces and the cutscene will end.


Ironstone (Side Story)

Once on the world map, select Ironstone to see a scene with the archduke.


Central Aesfrost (Main Story)

After the side story, return to Central Aesfrost for another cutscene ending with the completion of the chapter.


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter IV – A New Dawn in Triangle Strategy.