Triangle Strategy

Triangle Strategy – Chapter X Part I: Beneath a Frigid Sky Walkthrough

by Chappie in


Below is a walkthrough of Chapter X – Part I: Beneath a Frigid Sky in Triangle Strategy. Please note that for the Conviction Choices, we used our best guess on what each conviction might be.



When you start the chapter, stop by the Encampment to check for new items and character stories.


Twinsgate (Main Story – Persuasion)

Select the Twinsgate as your destination to view a quick cutscene then speak with the Concierge to head outside.


Conviction Choice 1 (Svarog’s Guard)

  • I would ask you instead: why is Lord Svarog engaged in such dealings? (Liberty)
  • We made the journey to protect both our house and people. That is all. (Morality)
  • …That is the business of my house alone, and shall not be divulged without adequate reason. (Utility)


Conviction Choice 2 (Svarog’s Footsoldier)

  • Ser Maxwell hides all he can from his enemies, his age included. As a warrior, he would be loath to let others use anything against him.
  • …Enviable, isn’t it? Ser Maxwell takes greater care of his appearance than one might think.
  • Ser Maxwell is younger than you might think, and sensitive about it as well. You would be wise not to treat him as an old man.



  • Dragan, Beloved Son
    • Speak with the Svarog’s Footsoldier guarding the main gate
  • Disunity in the Duchy
    • Speak with the Svarog’s Footsoldier guarding the main gate



  • Fiber
    • On a shelf inside the room with the Scales of Conviction
  • Enchanting Spice x3
    • On a shelf inside the room with the Scales of Conviction
  • Ranged HP Recovery Pellet x2
    • On the cliffs to the left of the main gate
  • Quality Timber
    • Next to a tree on the front left side of the main gate



  • Marvels of Norzelia, Vol. 7
    • On a bookshelf inside the room with the Scales of Conviction



  • Svarog’s Guard
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier
  • Svarog’s Footsoldier


Twinsgate (Main Story – Voting)

Speak with allies to persuade them with which way you’d like them to go. When you’re ready, interact with the Scales of Conviction to proceed with the voting. Please note that if you’re going with Seranoa’s ending, you’ll want to reveal Roland’s identity to Svarog. Once the voting is complete, a cutscene triggers leading to the end of Part I.


Keep Roland’s identity a secret and enter negotiations with Svarog.


  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Lord Svarog is suspicious of us. We will have to be forthright with him if we are to gain his trust.
      • Restoring House Wolffort takes precedence over the prince’s secret. Please remember why Roland donned the mask in the first place.
      • ???
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • If he is your uncle, then he is mine as well. I am sure we can come to an understanding.
      • He is a man bold enough to vie for power against Gustadolph. I do not believe he is in the habit of casually revealing secrets.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info



  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We must take a risk to prove our determination if we are to earn Lord Svarog’s trust.
      • We want justice for Lord Dragan, as does Lord Svarog. Showing him that Roland lives may convince him that we had no part to play in his son’s murder.
        • Dragan, Beloved Son info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • He is a man who also wishes to overthrow Gustadolph, and those with common enemies make potential allies.
      • He is Frederica’s uncle. As such, I should like to trust him.
      • He is someone who holds boundless ambition that requires a cause around which to rally – a cause I believe we can provide.
        • Disunity in the Duchy info



  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Doing so might earn Lord Svarog’s trust, and win him to our cause. Is the enemy of our enemy not our friend?
      • We have no other choice if we wish to convince Lord Svarog that we had naught to do with his son’s death.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Federica seemed to think him trustworthy when she lived in Aesfrost, so I believe he can keep a secret.
      • He’s an ambitious man with no love for the archduke, and a father consumed by grief, desperate to avenge his son.
        • Disunity in the Duchy info


Reveal Roland’s identity to earn Svarog’s trust before negotiations.


  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • Lord Svarog is in league with House Ende. He may very well peddle your identity to them.
      • Lord Svarog is Frederica’s uncle. If we could reason with him, I’m sure he will understand.
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Roland, do you truly understand why you had to feign your own death?
      • The more people privy to a secret, the more holes there are in the sieve. You should not allow your gambit to be exposed so haphazardly.
      • Can Lord Svarog truly be trusted? We do not have enough information to be certain.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info



  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • I am sure there is a way to convince Lord Svarog without revealing the secret. If we are earnest in our intentions, I am sure he will understand.
      • It would be unwise to show our hand first. Let us first see how he approaches us.
      • If we reveal Roland’s identity, we will become embroiled in the duchy’s power struggle. I do not wish to add to our problems.
        • Disunity in the Duchy info
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • Who we are dealing with does not matter. The less people that are privy to a valuable secret, the better.
      • We are talking about a pillar of the nation that invaded our kingdom. Of course we should be cautious.
      • Lord Svarog’s influence rivals that of the archduke. There is a chance that he will use Roland in a bid for absolute power.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info



  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • 1st Set of Choices
      • We succeeded in feigning the prince’s death. We would be fools to put his life in danger yet again.
      • There is no guarantee that Svarog will assist us, even if we are forthright. Is there not possibility that he will merely use that knowledge to blackmail us?
    • 2nd Set of Choices
      • It matters not. Once the duchy learns of our secret, it is sure to spread.
      • Though he may be Frederica’s uncle, he is also a minister of an enemy nation. It would be unwise to place any trust in him.
      • He is ambitious and rebellious, two qualities that lead him to use any and all in his path.
        • Svarog Aesfrost info




  • We must keep Roland’s identity a secret.
    • We need but speak with Lord Svarog in order to allay his concerns.
    • Roland’s fate is bound to that of House Wolffort. Protecting him protects us, as well.
    • Revealing his identity risks making him a pawn in a power struggle. I trust you can imagine what an Aesfrosti power struggle entails.
      • Disunity in the Duchy info
  • I believe we should reveal Roland’s identity.
    • We need Lord Svarog on our side if we are to restore Wolffort. I believe securing his cooperation to be worth the risk.
    • We have nothing else with which to bargain. Revealing his identity may well be our best move.
    • Lord Svarog remains suspicious of the archduke. He might aid us if we can prove that we did not murder his son.
      • Dragan, Beloved Son info


Click here for the next walkthrough on Chapter X – Part II: A Treacherous Soul in Triangle Strategy!