Code Vein

Code Vein – Atlas Vestige Parts

by Chappie in


Atlas Vestige Part A

Location: Howling Pit – Howling Pit Entrance

This vestige can be found in the ruins of an old structure along the eastern part of the map. To reach it, start from the mistle and head down the platform into the pits. Swing a right (putting you left of the ramp) and follow the right wall. You will eventually come to another ramp with a lantern near its base. Head up the ramp to find the vestige on the ground next to a pair of enemies.


Atlas Vestige Part B

Location: Howling Pit – Hills of Deception

This vestige is located next to the fire spout overlooking the pits near the Hills of Deception mistle.


Atlas Vestige Part C

Location: Howling Pit – Howling Pit Entrance

From the Atlas Vestige Part A, head down the western ramp (not the one you came up) and take a right at the bottom. Follow along the right wall until you come to the corrupted mistle (unless you purified it already). Enter the ruins north of the mistle to find this vestige in the middle of them on a rock covered with tires. There will be an enemy guarding it.


Atlas Vestige Part D

Location: Howling Pit – Bottomless Shore

This vestige is located on an elevated concrete platform west of the Bottomless Shore mistle. To reach it, start from the Bottomless Shore mistle and take the ramp down. Follow the path left (west) a short way to arrive at one of the flame beacons. Take a left (leading away from the boss fight) and follow the narrow path until you come to the fire barrel. Facing the barrel, take the left path, hugging the left side, to reach the concrete platform.