Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Walkthroughs

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands – Ancient Obelisks

by MrsChappie in


Below are the locations of the Ancient Obelisks found in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. When you interact with an Ancient Obelisk, waves of enemies will spawn until a final boss is released from the obelisk. Defeat them all to complete the campaign challenge!


Crackmast Cove

This obelisk can be found behind a waterfall west of the Crackmast Cove – The Salty Saunter fast travel point.


Drowned Abyss

This obelisk can be found in the northwestern part of the map. You’ll be able to head through this door during the Mortal Coil main quest after you’re tasked with following the fire spirit.


Karnok’s Wall

This obelisk can be found south of the Soultorn Rise fast travel point.


Mount Craw

This ancient obelisk can be found on the west side of the large frozen lake in the central part of the area. When you activate it, you’ll have to fight off waves of enemies! Defeat them to complete the campaign challenge.


Ossu-Gol Necropolis

This obelisk can be found just past the room with all the poison on the floor.


Queen’s Gate

After blowing up the ocean as part of the story, this obelisk can be found on the western side of the map in the newly exposed seafloor.


Sunfang Oasis



This obelisk can be found west of the first town.


The Fearamid


Wargtooth Shallows

This obelisk can be found north of the Wargtooth Shallows – Recent Beach fast travel point.


Weepwild Dankness

This obelisk can be found in the northwestern corner of the area.



Tiny Tinas Wonderlands Walkthroughs
Game Guides

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Walkthroughs and Guides

by MrsChappie in


Below are our walkthroughs and guides on Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands!


Campaign Challenges

Guides on where to find all the collectibles for the campaign challenges.



Guides for each area showing all the ancient obelisks, lost marbles, lucky dice, poetry pages, rune switches and scrolls found there!



Locations of all the lore scrolls found in the game.



Guides on where to find each shrine and how to complete them.


Side Quests

Guides on all the side quests.