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Kingdom Come Deliverance – A Man of the Cloth

by Chappie in

Welcome to NGB and our Kingdom Come Deliverance walkthrough for the A Man of the Cloth quest! Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to easily breeze through this quest.

A Man of the Cloth Overview

*Note(s): This quest will need to completed first if you also have the quest In Gods Hands already.

Summary: A peasant near Skalitz asks Henry to track down Father Simon and persuade him to come help rebuild the town.


Talk to the Family of Simon’s Housekeeper

For the A Man of the Cloth Kingdom Come Deliverance quest, you’ll first need to follow the objective to the home of the housekeeper’s family. The mother mentions a nearby cross that was put up to remember their daughter. She states that someone has been visiting it lately and that it probably was Father Simon. Head to the newly added spot marked on the map and begin searching the surrounding area.

Find Father Simon

Father Simon is located under a cliffside held captive by bandits. You can force them to leave if your speech is high enough or fight them if you wish. Talk to Father Simon once you deal with the bandits and convince him to return to the village. Note: If you are also on the In Gods Hands quest, you can also ask Father Simon about Philip’s condition.

A Man of the Cloth Father Simon

Afterwards, the A Man of the Cloth quest will complete.

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