Welcome to NGB and our guide for the Starfield Primary Sources mission. In this guide, we’ll cover how to start the mission and the steps you’ll need to take to complete it! If you’re here looking for help with a specific mission objective, please check out the quick links section which should point you to the right section!
Starfield Primary Sources Quick Links
How to start the Starfield Primary Sources Mission
To begin the Primary Sources mission, speak with Nadia Muffaz at the SSNN office in the Commercial District on New Atlantis after giving her the first story for the A Light in the Darkness mission. She’ll mention some interviews she needs to be conducted which you can respond to by offering to help. She’ll then send you to the Well to speak with 3 people.
Starfield Primary Sources Mission Guide
To the Well
Make your way to the Well by using the elevator near Jemison Mercantile at the Spaceport on New Atlantis.

Speak to Henrik at Apex Electronics

Apex Electronics can be found near the Trade Authority located in the southern part of the Well. Go inside and speak with Henrik telling him you’re from the SSNN. Ask him all three questions then you can leave.
Speak to Nurse O’Shea at the Medbay

The Medbay can be found on the other side of the Well just past Kay’s House. Head inside and speak with Talia O’Shea telling her you with the SSNN. Ask her all three questions then you can leave.
Speak to Theresa at Kay’s House
Kay’s House can be found straight ahead after getting off the elevator past the giant red cylinders on the right. Head inside and speak with Theresa. Tell her you’re with the SSNN and want to ask her some questions. After she agrees, ask there the three available to you then you can leave.
Return to Nadia Muffaz
After you’ve interviewed all three people return to Nadia at the SSNN office in the Commercial District and fill her in on the details to complete the mission. As a reward, you’ll receive 50 EXP and some credits!
Additional Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs
Be sure to check our main Starfield Guides and Walkthroughs page for additional content on Starfield!