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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to our guide for the In Memoriam mission in Starfield! In Memoriam is a compilation mission for Sarah Morgan. To start the mission, you’ll need to have raised Sarah’s affection for you high enough by making choices that she likes. This in turn will lead to about 3 to 4 conversations where she’ll eventually ask for your help. Sarah will be locked in your party after starting this mission until its completion.

Speak to Admiral Logan

Admiral Logan can be found at the MAST office in the MAST District of New Atlantis, situated on the planet Jemison within the Alpha Centauri System, just above the NAT station. Go inside and use the elevator to travel to the Central Command / Office of the President / Systems Defense floor then pass through the doorway marked ‘Central Command’. Proceed to the back left side of the room to find the Admiral’s office. Upon entering the office, Sarah will converse with the Admiral who will eventually involve you. Choose whatever option you like as your choices do not affect the outcome.

Proceed to Cassioppeia I

Return to your ship and set a course for Cassiopeia I. It can be found in the ETA Cassiopeia System. You’ll want to land at the Ship market on the planet and then speak with Sarah afterward.

Proceed to Sarah’s Old Campsite

Exit your ship then follow the objective marker east to reach Sarah’s Old Crashsite. Head in far enough until the objective updates then speak with Sarah.

Locate and Install the Emergency Power Cell

After the conversation begin climbing up to the top of the plateau to snag the power cell that Sarah mentioned. As soon as you grab it, you’ll be attacked by a trio of Level 30 enemies.

After dealing with them (or not because they like to run away) head back down to the ship’s remnants, then install the power cell to get inside. You’ll then be able to access the Escape Shuttle 03 Computer. You can peruse the other files if you want, but to proceed you’ll need to select the ‘Telemetry Data’ folder and select both ‘Object Alpha’ and ‘Object Beta’. Talk with Sarah again afterward and she’ll decide to head to the other shuttle. Before returning to your ship, there is a magazine in this room you can grab.

Investigate the Shuttle Crash Site

Exit the ship to be attacked by the surviving Stonewalker Stalkers from earlier. Deal with them then open your Starmap and travel to the new Ship marker that just appeared on the planet.

Follow the objective marker southwest through a tunnel to get an overview of the area and spot the shuttle off in the distance. Make your way there to learn that parts of the shuttle had been salvaged and dragged away somewhere else. Follow the path southeast to find a makeshift shelter.

Enter the shelter to meet Sona who is not happy to see you. Exhaust her dialog options then speak with Sarah again (also there is another magazine on the table).

Collect Genetags

Exit the shelter following the long path that leads behind it to eventually reach the graveyard. There will be quite a few insects you’ll have to fight along the way. Collect the Dauntless Crew Genetag from each of the tombstones.

After collecting the last one (#9) a Level 35 t-rex-like beast shows up that you’ll need to take down. Loot it for the last Genetag then take them all back to Sarah in the shelter.

Convince Sona to Leave or Let Her Stay

Back in the shelter, Sarah is trying to convince Sona to leave the planet but she’s not having it. Sarah will then ask that you speak with Sona and get her to leave. There are no persuade options, this is done just through dialog options. There really isn’t a big difference if you let her stay or not so go with what you’re gut’s telling you. After making the decision, speak with Sarah once more.

Proceed to the Overlook

Exit the shelter then head for the overlook above the entrance to the path leading to the shelter.

Speak with Sarah once last time before heading back to the ship.

Return to New Atlantis

Travel back to New Atlantis and pay a visit to Admiral Logan in Central Command. Head back to his office and speak with him to hand over the Genetags. When you’re done, if you brought Sona with you to New Atlantis, she’ll be at the Lodge. Make you’re way there and speak with her. To finish the mission, take Sarah to the Colony War Memorial near the ramp leading to the NAT.

Talk with her and she’ll ask for a moment of silence then ask you to bring her to the waterfall. You can get there by taking the NAT to the Spaceport and then riding the elevator by Jemison Mercantile to the Waterfall Promenade. Follow the walkway all the way to the end. This will cause the objective to update and Sarah will temporarily leave the party. Approach her to begin a conversation where you’ll finally be able to decide if you want to remain friends or start a relationship with Sarah. After making your decision the mission will be complete and you’ll be awarded 250 EXP and some credits.

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