Below are the side quests in Chapter 10 of Snack World Dungeon Crawl Gold. Side quests are quests that you can do online with other people. Be sure to make a cool online profile for yourself in PIX-e PALS before you dabble in the side quests.
Friendly Falgon Fixture
Quest Level: Advanced
Grand Prize: Clan Alloy Bow
Objective: Best the boss!
*NOTE: Before you can embark, you must equip all white Style Gear.
Schnozzle Showdown
Quest Level: Advanced
Grand Prize: Clear Shark Lance
Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!
GoDIVA Besieger
Quest Level: Advanced
Grand Prize: Fairytale Sable Pendant
Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!
Stone Sentinhell Shutdown
Quest Level: Advanced
Grand Prize: Clan Alloy Lance
Objective: Defeat the boss in the deepest depths!
Royal Rescue Recollections
Quest Level: Advanced
Grand Prize: Dettonic Bow
Objective: Best all the bosses!