Saints Row
by MrsChappie in


Below is a walkthrough for the Eurekabator! criminal venture in Saints Row.


Alpha test product RTP 6208S

Location: Badlands North  on island

Once there, interact with the table to begin the alpha test. Hop on the board and follow the prompts. Head over to Lakeshore when asked. When you reach the land, you’ll be prompted to do some tricks. Press L2 to slam down. Next, slam down on 3 cars to blow them up. Afterwards, follow the objective to the Boot. When you arrive, slam down on the 5 cars parked around the circle until they blow up. Once you blow up the 5th car, quickly leave the area as you’ll be attacked by hordes of Marshalls. Upon losing them, the mission will complete!


Alpha test product QA 99-5 mode S

Location: West Flats

Once there, interact with the table to begin the alpha test. First, shoot the 4 people in the shipping containers. Focus on getting headshots as that does the trick. Next, head forward a short way to find 2 more shipping containers. Again, shoot the 4 people inside the shipping containers using headshots. This time, however, you will not be able to see them so use the special ability in the skill slot (ours was R1). For Stage 3, you’ll again need to shoot the people in the container. To field test the Aperture, head to the next objective and take out the enemies around the area. Be sure to make use of the new ability.


Alpha test product HE 17-5 DI

Location: Smelterville East

Once there, interact with the table to begin the alpha test. Listen to Choe then melee the people in the shipping container to attach the new device to them. Next, throw the device at the people in the shipping containers on the roof to attach it to them. For stage three, throw the device at the vehicle in the shipping container. Marshalls will then spawn in the area. Defeat 25 of them using the new device. You’ll have to either throw it at them or melee them with it!


After you complete all the alpha tests, follow the objective then speak with Chloe.



  • Eurekabator! Crew Outfits
  • Hoverboard Trophy
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