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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Persona 3 Reload Emperor Social Link guide. Here we’ll cover how to start the Emperor Social Link along with what you’ll need to do to increase its rank and the correct choices to the questions asked by Hidetoshi Odagiri. Maxing out this social link will allow you to make the Odin persona. You’ll also receive the Cheap Lighter as a token of your bond. This will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Emperor Social Link in New Game Plus.

In order to obtain the Emperor Social Link, you’ll need to progress in the game until you reach 4/27. On that day, Mitsuru will approach the Protag at lunch asking him to meet her after school for a favor. Later on when they meet up, she will request that he join the student council to help her out, claiming that she needs someone familiar with her late-night activities on her side. You’ll then to head to the Faculty Office on the 1st floor and speak with Ms. Toriumi to officially join the student council. All that’s left to do now is head to the student council room to introduce yourself to the other members. This will unlock the Emperor Social Link.

In order to rank up the Emperor Social Link, you’ll need to spend time with Hidetoshi Odagiri in the student council room on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Keep in mind that you won’t be able to meet the day before a test. You’ll also want to make sure that you have an Emperor persona on you to increase your affinity with Odagiri faster.

Rank 1

Rank 1 is reached automatically once you obtain the Emperor Social Link.

Rank 2

After attending your first student council meeting, Odagiri will want to borrow you for a moment to ask your opinion on a topic.

Some students think the school uniform should be abolished, and they’re gathering supporters.Sounds like nonsense.

Rank 3

As you enter the student council room, Odagiri will be in the middle of speaking with a teacher. After he leaves, the secretary warns him about making decisions without talking to the prez. We’ll then have to step in to figure out what’s going on. Either option doesn’t matter as you’ll receive an affinity point for both.

What!? You can’t decide something like that without talking to the president first!Either Option

Rank 4

During the student council meeting, Odagiri will miss the meeting looking into the issue from last time. Afterwards, you’ll run into him in the hallway dealing with a student. The first option you are presented with doesn’t have any affinity points, so feel free to choose which option you fancy. The best option for the second question can be found in the table below:

This guy looks like he’s about to hit Odagiri!Either Options
What is it? Did you need something for me?Looks like you’re hard at work.

Rank 5

As you enter the student council room, Odagiri has started accusing the other members of being the culprit. This of course leads to them exiting the room leaving just the two of you.

…Bunch of neanderthals.They’re the worst.

Rank 6

During this student council meeting, we show up a bit late to see everybody but Odagiri has left already. Since it’s just the two of us, he’ll tell us a bit more about himself. Feel free to pick either option for the first response as neither rewards any affinity points. Check out the table below for the second to see what the best choice is.

It’s nice not having those hyenas around.Either Option
So as you can see, we can’t exactly hold a meeting right now. You can leave if you want.But I just got here…

Rank 7

At the student council meeting, we learn that the teachers want to make an example of the person who left the cigarette bud in the bathroom. After the meeting, Odagiri will ask for your opinion on the matter.

About the smoker’s punishment, I mean.It seems too harsh.

Rank 8

Upon entering the student council room, Chihiro will tell you that the meeting has been cancelled. Feel free to choose which ever option you want for the first response as neither rewards any affinity points. Check out the table below to see the best answer for the second response:

Um, did Odagiri-san do something?Either option
…So, you heard all that?It wasn’t me.

Rank 9

Following the student council meeting, Odagiri will ask to see you on the roof. For this conversation, there will only be one response. Feel free to pick which ever option you like. They both reward max affinity points.

I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power.Either Option

Rank 10

For the final rank of the Emperor Social Link, feel free to choose any of the options that you like as it doesn’t matter at this point. You’ll receive the Cheap Lighter as a token of your bond. This will give you the benefits of having a Rank 10 Emperor Social Link in New Game Plus.

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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