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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Part 1

For The Apothecary & Hunter Crossed Paths quest in Octopath Traveler II, Castti and Ochette will arrive in Cropdale where Ochette catches a delicious smell. The two follow her nose to a merchant’s stall. Please note the recommended level for this Crossed Paths quest is 16.

After Ochette’s dissatisfied with the meal, you’ll offer to help the Meat Merchant. Head north out of town then take the boat heading east to find the Animal Trail. Proceed into this area a short ways to trigger a cutscene where Castti and Ochette will find the stash of an angry Dire Duordour. This will lead to a boss fight. The Dire Duordour is vulnerable to Sword / Bow / Staff / Fire. Once you take it down, it’ll run off. Follow the creature deeper into the area. Along the way, take the steps leading south from the main path to find a chest containing a Herb of Serenity!

As you approach the savepoint, you’ll find the animals hiding. Continue east passing the savepoint to find the Duordour. Afterwards, the quest will end.

Part 2

For The Apothecary & Hunter, Part 2 Crossed Paths quest in Octopath Traveler II, Castti and Ochette arrive in Cropdale once more to check on Wooly-Ooly. While there, they’ll discover that something is amiss in the woods. Please note the recommended level for this Crossed Paths quest is 45.

After finding the meat stall gone, travel north to the Forest Path. Once there, head east and take the map transition to the Animal Trail. After discovering something amiss, continue deeper into the area where you’ll encounter a strange creature. Use Ochette’s Provoke Path Action during the day on this creature. The creature is vulnerable to Dagger / Bow / Light.

Once you take it down, you’ll find Wooly-Ooly. Assuming it was the shadow thing that hurt Wooly-Ooly, continue east deeper into the woods.

After being reunited with Ochette, you’ll engage in a boss fight against the Creeping Shadow. It’s vulnerable against Spear / Axe / Bow / Ice / Light. With the forest saved, the quest will end.

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