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by NightlyGamingBinge in

In Mega Man Battle Network 2 as you progress the story, Lan and Mega Man will have to jump in to help the city net battlers protect the Mother Computer of Electopia from an attack led by Shadowman. This guide will cover the puzzle in each area that you’ll need to solve in order to reach Shadowman and put a stop to his wickedness.

Mother Comp1

For the first puzzle in Mother Comp1, you’ll be given the phrase “Curiosity Killed the ___” and have to step on the correct tiles in order that spell out the missing word. In this case, the answer is “CAT”. You’ll want to walk on the tiles C-A-T in that order starting with the C next to the C and A tiles.

The second puzzle in the area gives you a riddle “I rest in a bed but never sleep”. The answer to a river. So step on the R-I-V-E-R tiles in that order to complete the question.

For the third puzzle, you’ll be given “_ET_ATTLER” and the solution is to step on the tiles for the missing letters. Those tiles are N and B. After doing so, you’ll be clear to reach the control panel for the 2nd wall protecting the mother computer.

Mother Comp2

The first puzzle in Mother Comp2 requires you to speak with 4 programs, each giving you a different password. The correct password that you’ll want to input is “AFBECD” given to you by Progame D. Step on the A-F-B-E-C-D tiles in that order starting with the A next to the M and F tiles.

For the second puzzle, you’ll be given the riddle “What do you call a chronometer you can wear?”. The answer of course is a WATCH so step on tiles W-A-T-C-H in that order.

The final puzzle tasks you with making two words from the letters “ere last moth”. If you speak to the nearby programs, there will tell you what 9 of the letters that make up the words are and in what position to place them. The two words are ALMOST THERE, so step on tiles A-L-M-O-S-T-T-H-E-R-E in that order to finally reach the control panel.

Mother Comp3

This first puzzle is a little trickier than the others. There will be 4 groupings of letters with four words you have to spell out “GEM KNIFE MASK WIG”. If you spoke to all of the programs in the area up to this point, one of them will have given you a clue that you’ll have to connect the first letter of one word with the last letter of another word. With that in mind, follow the steps below to solve this puzzle.

Start with the back left grouping of letters, stepping on tiles W-I-G.

Next head over to the back right grouping and step on tiles G-E-M.

Now go to the front left grouping and step on tiles M-A-S-K.

Finally, walk over to the front right grouping and step on tiles K-N-I-F-E.

The second puzzle has you interacting with 3 panels to receive 3 different phrases with a program providing the clue “Read the 3rd letter, top to bottom)


This basically means you need to walk on the U-C- A tiles and then the N-G-O tiles in that order.

For the final puzzle, you’ll be given the clue “A quick brown fox …” and the solution is JUMPS (I’m guessing it’s a J 🙂 ) Walk over the J-U-M-P-S tiles starting on the J tile between the M and N. You are now free to head for the next area.

Mother Comp4

For the first puzzle, speak with the programs to be given clues to the password which is SPIDER. Step on tiles S-P-I-D-E-R starting on the S between the P and C tiles.

At the second puzzle, you’ll be given the clue “What did William Tell hit with his arrow?”. The answer is an APPLE so walk over the A-P-P-L-E tiles to proceed on.

The clue for the third puzzle is “What insect starts bathing, and ends up drab?”. The answer to this one is just B. You know what to do next!

On the fourth puzzle, speak with Program 1 to get “DNGVU” and Program 2 to get “OTIEP”. You’ll want to step on the tiles D-O-N-T-G-I-V-E-U-P in that order to reach the next area.

Mother Comp5

The first puzzle will give you the clues “I am an animal” and “I wear a mast”. The thing that the two programs are talking about is a RACCOON. Walk over the tiles R-A-C-C-O-O-N.

The second puzzle asks, “A-C-E… what are the next 10 letters?”. This makes the password GIKMOQSUWY. Step on tiles G-I-K-M-O-Q-S-U-W-Y in that order to proceed.

The program at the third puzzle will tell you the password is “DARETHEY SLAYME?” while another gives you a hint for decoding the password. If you work it out the password is really SYSTEMHEAD so step on tiles S-Y-S-T-E-M-A-H-E-A-D in that order.

For the fourth puzzle, there will be two programs that each provide you with a password: Program A = STCLS and Program B = YSEMOE. If you take a blue warp pad, there will be another program at the end of the path that gives you the following clue: ABBABBAABAB. If you apply that logic to the two passwords then the true password is: SYSTEM CLOSE. Step on tiles S-Y-S-T-E-M and C-L-O-S-E to reach the next puzzle.

For this fifth and final password, you’ll be given “PSECV WANIR NGURU OISNW” and a few clues: “find one that doesn’t belong, everyone else is a bird” and “black bird, cold bird, water bird”. If you work it out then the final password is VIRUS. Step on tiles V-I-R-U-S to finally reach Shadowman and put an end to his nefarious schemes!

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