MMBN2 – Chip Please! Request Walkthrough

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Welcome to NGB and our Mega Man Battle Network 2 guide on the Chip Please! request. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this request like where to start it and how to complete it.

How to Start the Chip Please! Request

In Mega Man Battle Network 2, you can accept the Chip Please! request from the request board in Marine Harbor after obtaining your ALicense and visiting YumLand for the first time.

Chip Please! Request Walkthrough

For this request, the requestor’s water heating program is busted and they require a FireSwrd F to fix it. The lady can be found in the Center lobby at Marine Harbor and will trade you a Slasher L chip for the FireSwrd.

Chip Please! Request in MMBN2 Requestor

In order to obtain a FireSwrd F chip, you’ll need to travel to the Koto Area and defeat the Swordy2 virus that spawns there. If you are unsure of how to get to Koto Area, the easiest way is by jacking into the net and heading for Square Ent.

Once there, locate the bridge leading to the Square warp pad. Don’t cross it, but instead follow it right and use the warp at the end. This will bring you to Den Area 3. Follow the path, passing a Netdealer to eventually end up in Den Area 2.

From there just follow the linear path to reach Koto Area. While hunting Swordy2, you’ll want to shoot for a Busting Lv. 9 or something close to that to get the FireSwrd F to drop. Also, keep in mind that it’s all RNG based so it could take a while for the Swordy2 to spawn. Happy busting!

Chip Please! Request in MMBN2 Swordy2

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