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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our May Classroom Questions and Answers guide for Persona 3 Reload! Here we’ll have the correct answers to all of the questions asked by the illustrious staff of Gekkoukan High School during the month of May! Over the course of the game, the Protag will either be asked to answer a specific question by one of his teachers or begged by one of his friends to help by giving them the correct answer. This guide is broken up based on each day a question is asked. You’ll find a table containing the question asked along with the answer to that question under each section. Answering a question correctly will rewards the Protag with an increase to the Charm stat.

Exams also happen to be this month. You can find the answers to those questions after the May Classroom Questions and Answers section at the bottom of the guide. You can also jump down to that section by clicking here!

May Classroom Questions and Answers

5/6 – Ms. Ounishi’s Class Question

The first question of the month is asked by Ms. Ounishi walking about the devices in a train and how power is generated. She’ll then ask you to answer a question because you seem to know what she’s talking about. Please check the table below for the question and answer:

What do you call the device that helps generate electric power for the train?A pantograph.

5/13 – Mr. Takenozuka’s Class question

For the second question of the month, you’ll be in Mr. Takenozuka’s class talking about the earth’s rotation around the sun. He’ll ask the Protag a question. Please check the table below for the question and answer:

Which tool did he use in his experiments?The pendulum.

5/15 – Mrs. Terauchi’s Class Question

The third question of the month occurs in Mrs. Terauchi’s class where she is talking about May sickness.

What’s the other name for “May sickness” – the more casual one?May blues.

May Midterms Questions and Answers

Midterms start on Monday 5/18 and run until Saturday 5/23. During this period, the days will progress concurrently, and there will be a couple of question you’ll be asked to answer. They can be found in the below table along with the correct answer to them.

Midterms 5/18 – 5/23

What is the other common expression used to described “May sickness”?May Blues
Which of the following did Leon Foucault use in his experiment on the rotation of the earth?A pendulum
Which of the following is generated by a pantograph?Electricity
During which historical period were middens most commonly used?Jomon

Looking for more Persona 3 Reload guides? Make sure to visit our main guide page! There, you’ll discover helpful guides for social links, classroom questions and answers for different months, and tips to make navigating Tartarus a bit easier.

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