by Chappie in


Nanami becomes dateable after finishing her side case Smart Watching.  She will text you sporadically throughout the game. Respond to her texts with positive responses to increase her affection towards you.


1st Date

Shortly after completing Nanami’s side case, she will text Yagami to thank him.  During this conversation, Nanami asks Yagami if there is anything she can do in return for saving her life.  Respond that you want to go out on a date.  Before you arrive at Theater Square, you can head to Le Marche on E Showa St. to buy a present for her (we got her White Pearl Earrings, which she thought were adorable). When you’re ready, head to the meetup location and wait for her.


When Nanami shows up, you will be given the choice of where to go on your date. The options are the batting center, darts or drone race.  (We chose the drone race.)  Regardless of your choice, the object will be for Yagami to show off for Nanami.


When you’re done showing off, Yagami and Nanami will talk about going somewhere to eat.  Select the dialog option “I’m thinking we should drink”.  This will be your chance to earn some affection based on your responses during their conversation (our answers to her questions are below).

  • Tell me a little about yourself.
    • What are your hobbies?
      • Actually, same here.
      • Yeah, I do.
    • What do you do for work?
      • I bet that keeps you pretty busy.
      • Don’t work too hard, now.
    • How old are you?
      • You look young for your age.
  • I’m glad that stalker of yours is gone.
    • No dialog options.
  • What’s your philosophy on love?
    • I’d have to agree.
    • Well said.
  • Take a picture.
    • Smile!
  • End the conversation.
    • After exhausting all the dialog options, choose to end the conversation.  This will cause the date to come to a close.


2nd Date

After some time has passed since the first date, you can text Nanami and ask her out on another date.  We agreed to let her friend come along and wait a bit for her to get back with us.  When you’re ready, head to the meetup location and wait for her and Yukiko.


When Nanami and Yukiko show up, you will all decide to go play darts.  Show off your skills to impress the ladies.  Afterwards, the three of you will sit down to have a conversation.  This will be your chance to earn some affection based on your responses during their conversation (our answers to her questions are below).

  • Ask about Yukko
    • It was when I first saw Yukko-san.
  • Ask about Nanami
    • I’m very interested.
  • Ask about preferences in men
    • Respect can’t be handed out to just anyone.
    • You can choose “Do you not like the concept of dating?” or “What about the last guy you dated?” it really does not matter.
  • End conversation
    • After exhausting all the dialog options, choose to end the conversation.  This will cause the date to come to an end.


3rd “Date”

After the second date, Yagami will text Nanami multiple times asking her on a date and gets blown off each time.  He then reaches out to Yukko asking for advice.  She will agree to meet up with Yagami at Wette Kitchen on West Taihei Boulevard.  When you’re ready, head to Wette Kitchen and talk to Yukko.  During their conversation, we selected the below options:

  • Yeah, I promise.
  • I’ve been attracted to her for a while now.
  • Let’s do this!


After the cutscene, text Nanami and ask her to help you out then Yagami will call Yukko.  When you’re ready, head to Hills Garden and wait for Nanami.


When Nanami arrives, you two will begin tailing Yukko.  Follow behind Yukko, keeping out of sight, until a cutscene triggers.  When Nanami starts to recognize Yukko, choose to hold her close.  Afterwards, keep trailing behind Yukko until another cutscene triggers.  After the cutscene, Namani and Yagami will sit down and have a conversation.  During their conversation, we selected the below options:

  • Talk about investigation
    • It’s the trappings of the male sex drive.
    • I wouldn’t say that.
  • Talk about us
    • Push gently for a follow-up date.
    • So you don’t automatically hate me then?
  • Ask her perspective on dating
    • I’m sorry you had that experience.
    • Is that why you haven’t had a boyfriend for a while?
  • Take a picture
    • Smile!
  • End the conversation
    • After exhausting all the dialog options, choose to end the conversation.  Another conversation will begin in which you should choose the following dialog options “Will you feed me something?” and “I’d rather investigate some things we can do together.”  Afterwards, the “date” will come to an end.


4th Date

After some time passes, Yagami will text Nanami to ask if she wants to hang out with just the two of them and agrees to meet in front of Theater Square.  When you’re ready, head to the meetup location and wait for her.


When Nanami arrives, tell her she looks fabulous!  You will then be given the choice of where to go on your date.  The options are the batting center, darts or drone race (we chose the drone race).


Afterwards, have Yagami and Nanami sit down and talk.  This will be your chance to earn some affection based on your responses during their conversation (our answers to her questions are below).

  • Let’s see who can drink the most.
    • Nanami:  Girlfriend?
      • Don’t drink
    • Yagami:  You’re actually not that good at cooking?
      • I’m actually not much of a cook either.
    • Yagami:  You’ve done a job you’d rather not tell anybody.
    • Yagami:  You make over five million a year.
      • Try to compliment her
    • Yagami:  You like older men.
      • I guess I have a chance too.
    • Yagami:  You haven’t had a boyfriend in over five years.
    • Yagami:  You have someone you like right now.
      • Tell her she’s made you lonely
    • Yagami:  You like to “do it” by yourself.
  • Could you ever see me as your boyfriend?
  • Take a picture.
    • Smile
  • End the conversation
    • After exhausting all the dialog options, end the conversation.  We chose to call her a taxi but she wanted to hit up another bar.  On your walk together, Nanami will see a poster of Yukko in her disguise.  We chose to tell her the truth.  Afterwards text Nanami that you’re sorry and then text Yukko to tell her what happened.


5th “Date”

After texting Nanami that you will wait for her at their usual spot, head to Theater Square and wait.  Yukko will text you saying that Nanami was taken by a strange man, and Yagami will head to Tenkaichi Alley only to find out that it was a trick pulled by Yukko.  Choose the dialog option “What I really want is you” to trigger another cutscene.  We chose to seal the deal.


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