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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Need help locating the collectibles in the Undercity Meats on Coruscant? Check out our Coruscant Undercity Meats collectibles guide below!

Chest – Stim Canister

Starting from the meditation point, look for the wall between the two red lights. Climb up it using your newly learned jump climb technique to spot the chest under a giant metal fan. Defeat the battle droid guarding it then loot the chest to receive the stim canister.

Essence – Force Essence

This essence can be found in the meat freezer just after where Cal fights the Electrostaff Purge Trooper.

Treasure – Priorite Shard

This collectible is unavailable until you unlock the dash by progressing further in the story. To reach it, travel to the Industrial Stacks and use the dash to pass through a green barrier there. This will put you on an elevator that will take you down into Undercity Meats. Dash through the barrier to exit the elevator then back to make the elevator go up. Quickly dash back through the barrier to stay in Undercity Meats and look where the elevator was to find the treasure.

Essence – Health Essence

This collectible is unavailable until you unlock the Electro Dart by progressing further in the story. To reach it, travel to the Industrial Stacks and use the dash to pass through a green barrier there. This will put you on an elevator that will take you down into Undercity Meats. Dash through the barrier then follow the hallway taking the first left. This will bring you to a big room with shut yellow doors. Use the Electro Dart on the conductors to the top right of the door to open it. Defeat the Frenzied Jotaz then enter its cage to find the essence.

For the next guide on the collectibles found in the Freight Handling Depot, click here! For other guides on Star Wars Jedi Survivor, click here!

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