Below is a walkthrough for Case File 01: Batman’s Last Case in Gotham Knights!
1.1 – Kirk Langstrom
Reach University Plaza / Search for Langstrom’s Office
When you gain control of your character, follow the path until the cutscene triggers. You’ll then need to use your grapple a couple of times to reach the third floor balcony. Head through the doorway and enter the only open room on the left side of the hallway to reach Langstrom’s Office.
Use AR to Find Clues / Follow the Trail
 Activate your AR then scan the scratches on the floor next to the side of Langstrom’s desk. The trail will now be visible to the naked eye. Follow it to the chemistry classroom then vault through the broken window to arrive at the crime scene.
Investigate the Crime Scene
 Approach the back of the room to trigger an event then use your AR on the cabinets next to the blood-smeared wall. Scan the hidden mechanism that appears under them. Head over to the desk and interact with it to investigate the crime scene. You’ll be able to inspect the Sticky Note, Old Movie Poster, Calendar, Thermostat, Microwave, and Langstrom’s Tablet. To open the hidden door, interact with Sticky Note then use that Code on the Microwave.
Explore the Hidden Space
 Head through the secret door and down the elevator shaft then follow the hallway to reach a room at the end. Head to the back part of the room and interact with the tissue samples on the operating table. Next, approach the computer and grab the hard drive sitting on the desk. Backtrack to the crime scene and use the doors to exit the campus.
Defeat the Freaks / Clear Out All Freaks in Hummel Hall
 A cutscene triggers as you head outside leading to a fight with a Freak. Defeat him then follow the others into Hummel Hall. Defeat the four enemies inside then leave the building through the second level window by grappling to the statue in the middle of the courtyard. There will be three enemies here for you to deal with. You’ll get extra points if you defeat them all while remaining undetected.
Enter Woolfolk Hall / Clear Out All Freaks in the Library
 With the enemies in the courtyard dealt with, enter Woolfolk Hall near the graffiti covered ice cream truck for another event. Take out the enemy on the ground floor then head up the stairs for another event. Drop down over the railing to the first level and deal with the 5 Freaks then free the hostages. Approach the hostages to trigger yet another event leading to a fight against the Bulldozer mini boss. Use heavy attacks to break through his defenses.
Reach the Belfry’s East Plaza
 Drop down from the balcony and leave the university. Call the Batcycle then drive it to the Belfry. This will trigger a loading screen then you’ll be inside the building. Approach the computer near the group for a cutscene.
1.2 – The Langstrom Drive
Patrol Gotham
 Before leaving the Belfry, you may want to spend some time at the training dummy doing the available training challenges (doing all of them is required for a trophy). When you’re ready, exit the Belfry to begin the night patrol. Doing this will pop up a quick tutorial on Opportunistic Crimes. Use your AR to locate the Opportunistic Crime on your map then go deal with them. By defeating enemies, you’ll gain clues. When you’ve defeated enough enemies, Alfred will call to give you the next objective.
Reach GCPD Rendezvous Point
 Head to the yellow objective on the map to trigger a quick event. You’ll want to head around to the back of the GCPD and enter the station through the parking garage. Also note that you’ll receive bonus exp if you remain undetected. Almost immediately after entering the garage, you’ll get a prompt about being enemy detection and two cops will be messing with a malfunctioning door. Hide behind the two cop cars then proceed to the doors to the station once they move.
Find a Way Past the Security Station
 Now that you’re inside, follow that path until you reach the exercise room. To the right of the pullup bars, there will be a vent in the wall you can grapple to. Head along the vent shaft until you reach the interrogation room. Head to the other room then enter the hallway. Look for the doors to the holding cells and head through them. In the holding cells, stick to the left side of the room and wait for the officer to move from the desk area. This will allow you to grapple to the window above the desks to proceed to the evidence room. If you head to the left side of the area, you’ll see some cool easter eggs from Batman villains. Make your way to the right side past the bat-signal to get back to the mission. Make sure to grab the chest before in the area before leaving the evidence room.
Reach the Other Side of the Bullpen
 As soon as you exit the evidence room, you’ll be greeted with a tutorial on security cameras which also happen to be canvassing the area. Head left and follow the top of the room. This will get you close enough to use the grapple point on the ledge with the door you need to reach. Approach it to trigger an event where the door locks. If you drop down from the ledge you’re on and head left, there will be a wall panel your VR can pick up that will disable the cameras in the area allowing you to easily knock out the officers to reach the key. There are also some files in this room on the batfamily that you may be interested in checking out. When you’re ready, head back to the locked door and use the key to open it. This will give you a straight shot to the morgue. Entering it will cause a cutscene to trigger.
Locate Langstrom’s Body
 After the cutscene, head into the next room to find Langstrom on the slab. Before inspecting him, head to the back right part of the room to find a note about the vigilantes in Gotham. Return to Langstrom and begin the investigation. You’ll want to select the Blood Glucometer and the Blood Vial to solve the investigation.
Escape GCPD
Head to the exit down the hallway past Landstrom’s body to reach the room from before where you had to find the door key. If you follow the top of the room along the right side, you can use your grapple to shoot over to the ledge above the door you need to use to escape the room. From there, it’s a straight shot out of the station. You’ll then need to return to Belfry for a cutscene to end the case.
1.3 – Weird Science
Check the Evidence Board
Interact with the evidence board in the Belfry then check out the previous and priority intel sections along with the leads section. If you’re feeling so inclined, you can approach the suits in the corner of the room to try out a different member of the bat family. The next step is to head over to the workbench and interact with it for a brief cutscene then interact with it again to craft a new melee weapon. Finally, head over to the training area and complete the basic interrogation training. With all of the preparation tasks out of the way, exit the Belfry.
Patrol Gotham City
 You’ll need to head around Gotham looking for a Freak and Mob goon to interrogate. The best way to do this is to travel from case to case until you get the info you need.
Talk to Talia al Ghul
After interrogating a Freak and Mob goon, you’ll be able to meet with Talia. Follow the objective to the Stagg building in the Cauldron and climb to the roof to trigger a cutscene. When it concludes, return to the Belfry another cutscene.
 1.4 – Blackgate Blues
Reach Blackgate Penitentiary / Find a Way into the Prison
Leave the Belfry and head for Blackgate Island west of the Financial District. Follow the marker under the bridge and around the left side of the island to reach a sewage pipe then head inside. Work your way deeper into the area squeezing through a narrow opening between two rocks. Walk around the path then use your grapple to reach the other side of the gap. From there it’s a straight shot to the prison.
Reach Cell Block 3
Below you should be an open room with a couple of guards. If you drop down and head through the first opening on the left side, there will be a chest that way. There is another behind where you dropped down. To progress the case, head through the doorway at the back left part of the room and open the door at the end to reach Cell Block 3. You’ll then need to take care of a few inmates. Head straight down the hall to reach Harley’s cell. Take out the large group of enemies here (without taking damage for a bonus) then head up the stairs in the back. You can now speak to Harley to trigger a cutscene.
Locate the Record Room
Head through the door Harley opened for you and follow the hallway to reach the yard. Cross the yard heading to the door in the back left side past the guards. This will bring you to another hallway. At the end, you’ll have to face a Godmother mini-boss then two guards. After dealing with the, return to the elevator shaft you arrived from and drop down to the bottom. Crouch through the duct there and follow it to reach the basement. Deal with the enemies here then follow the linear path to reach the record room.
Scan the Card Catalog
Before scanning the card catalog, locate the 4 items below for a bonus.
- Old Newspaper – File cabinet behind the main desk
- Note From Warden / Business Card – Facing the card catalog, head right up the stairs then take the next right. Will be in that room.
- Prisoner File – Facing the card catalog, head left up the stairs then take the next left.
Scan the card catalog then grab the card from it. Head up the stairs to the right of the catalog and enter the first cell on the right. Scan the file cabinet in the room to find the file then grab it. Return to Harley fighting the enemies along the way. Speak with her at her cell for another cutscene.
Chase the Balloon
Run after the balloon to end up in the yard. Join in on the fun to trigger a cutscene.
Return to the Belfry
Return to the Belfry and speak with Alfred then open the book you got from Harley near the evidence board to trigger a cutscene leading to the completion of the case.