Quest Giver: Breaking a shrine triggers the quest (Veithurgard)
Summary: Break the three shrines to free the captive dragon in Veithurgard.
- Destroy shrines binding Otr
- Return to the anchor

1st Shrine
Hurry up the steps leading to the anchor tying down the dragon. Use cover when needed as the dragon will be attacking you using fire. When you reach the anchor, turn right and climb up the short wall. Follow the path to reach the 1st shrine. There will be enemies there that explode upon death. Take care of them while dodging the new lighting attacks the dragon starts to send your way. Destroy the first shrine and head back towards the anchor.
2nd Shrine
From the anchor (dragon will be on your right), run straight across in the direction of the waterfall. The path will then fork, take the left path and follow it past a bridge to reach the second shrine. More enemies will be around the shrine. Defeat them and destroy it.
3rd Shrine
From the second shrine, there will be an area to drop down to the left of the bridge you just passed. Drop down and turn left towards the giant rock surrounded by enemies. Fight the enemies and proceed right (east) up the stairs. Follow the path to the entrance of the old dwarven castle where two Viken guard the entrance. Defeat them and solve the puzzle to unlock the gate into the castle. Head up the first set of stairs into the castle and turn right heading down the hall, clearing out the enemies as you go. You will end up in a room with a railing overlooking a flooded section of the castle. Contine right through the rock tunnel to reach the 3rd shrine. Take care of the enemies and destroy the shrine while dodging the dragons attacks.

Return to the anchor
Destroying all the shrines will cause the dragon to stop attacking. Head back to the anchor and have Atreus destroy the skull, thus freeing the dragon.