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Welcome to NGB and our FF7 Rebirth Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest guide! Here we’ll cover everything you need to know to complete this quest.

Starting Dreaming of Blue Skies Side Quest

Interact with the Community Noticeboard in the Crow’s Nest and accept the Dreaming of Blue Skies side quest.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Objectives

The Condor Watching Society’s Request

FF7 Rebirth Dreaming of Blue Skies Condor Hill

Travel to Condor Hill, which is in the southwestern part of the Crow’s Nest. In the Crow’s Nest, take the path west of the vending machines to reach Condor Hill. Once there, speak with the man in the wheelchair.

Dreaming of Blue Skies

Capture a Mountain Chocobo

FF7 Rebirth Mountain Chocobo

Next, fast travel to Angler’s Stowage then head south to the Chocobo Intel: Birds of the Mountain. Once there, you’ll need to sneak past all the yellow chocobos to reach Belle. Begin by activating the train and following along to the other side of the tracks.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Step 1

Next, you’ll need to press the switch to call another train to you. Get near this train then throw a rock at the switch you used to call it. Once again, follow behind the moving train to avoid detection. When this train stops, sneak to the next waiting train. You’ll find the switch for this train directly across the way.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Chocobo Step 2

Throw a rock at it then follow it all the way around. When you reach the bird near the switch, you’ll need to quickly switch to the other side to avoid it detecting you.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Chocobo Step 3

After you clear that chocobo, switch back to the other side of the train so Belle doesn’t detect you.

Dreaming of Blue Skies Chocobo Step 4

Once behind Belle, hop on her to wrangle yourself a mountain chocobo!!

Head to the Hunting Spot

Dreaming of Blue Skies Head to the Hunting Spot

Now that you have your chocobo, travel to the Hunting Spot in the clearing west of Condor Hill. Once there, sneakily approach the cow.

Track Down the Condor’s Dinner

Use Belle to follow the trail.

Track Down the Dinner Thief

Use Belle once again to follow the thief’s scent!

Head into the Fiend’s Lair

Dreaming of Blue Skies Head into the Fiend's Lair

Once you arrive at the end of the trail, enter the cave and follow the path to reach a Mystic Dragon. Take it out then you’ll be given a choice to pick between the Peculiar Greens, Monster Flesh or Bovine Meat. Select the Bovine Meat!!

Deliver the Condor’s Dinner

Travel back to Condor Hill to deliver the dinner. As a reward for completing the Dreaming of Blue Skies quest, you’ll receive a well-composed condor photograph and warding materia.

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