Dying Light 2 – Book Club VII Side Quest

Dying Light 2


Below is a walkthrough on Book Club VII side quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. After some time passes once you complete the Book Club VI side quest, you’ll automatically receive this quest.


Talk to Thalia about the next batch of books

Speak with Thalia in the library at the PKs HQ in The Wharf.


Find the 6 books in the abandoned restaurant

Travel to the objective which is slightly northwest of the Metro: Hayward Station in Houndfield. The books can be found in the following locations:

  • The Hanging Poems – On top of the trashcan where the trays go

  • The Jungle Book – On the counter behind the cash register

  • The Histories – In a locker in the hallway behind the cash registers

  • The War of the Worlds – On a shelf under the cash registers

  • On Drinking Wine: Twenty Poems – On a table near a cluster of pictures hanging on the wall

  • Analects of Confucius – On top of two booths back to back


Bring the books to Albert

Head back to Albert in the library at the PK HQ and speak with him to complete the quest.



  • 250 Combat XP
  • 250 Parkour XP
  • Medicine