Welcome to NGB and our The Unmoored World walkthrough for Dragon’s Dogma 2 (DD2)! Here you’ll find everything you’ll need to breeze through the post game.
For the post game, you only have 4 days before everything is destroyed!! Resting at a campsite or inn will advance time more quickly, giving you less time to actually accomplish what you need to do. Minimize sleeping as much as possible! Please note that prior to post game, we completed every possible quest! We are not sure if this added to the ease of any post game convincing!
The Unmoored World Objectives
Retrieve Your Pawn

When you gain control of the Arisen, you’ll find yourself just north of Bakbattahl. Make sure the Dreams Apart quest is active then head south into the city. Once you’re there, make your way to the Forbidden Magick Research Lab and go to Phaesus’s Chamber to trigger a cutscene with the man himself. Exhaust his dialog options to learn a bit more about what’s going on. After the conversation, your pawn will rejoin you.
Visit the Seafloor Shrine

Now that you’ve been reunited with your pawn, head to the Seafloor Shrine north of Bakbattahl near where you started. On the way out, Ambrosius will stop the Arisen to mention that he and Phaesus are heading to the Volcanic Island inviting you to assist them. This will start the When Wills Collide quest. Make your way to the Sacred Grounds in the Seafloor Shrine. When you arrive, interact with the Portcrystal then approach Rothais in the blue bubble and speak with him. He’ll tell you to gather allies from the places we’ve previously visited.
Please note that you can gather allies from the locations in any order! We just listed the locations based on the order we completed them.
Travel to Bakbattahl
Civil Unrest Quest
Make your way to Bakbattahl. When you reach the Mercantile Ward and approach the palace, a cutscene will trigger and Menella will show up to settle a dispute. Speak with her afterwards to trigger the Civil Unrest main quest where you’ll need to take a stroll through Battahl to help settle the quarrels of its citizens.

Grantt and Abba – South of Residential Ward
Just south of the Residential Ward, you’ll find Grantt and Abba bickering. When they start fighting, approach them. They will then attack you instead. DO NOT kill them or hit back. Instead just let them hit you!
Glintt and Nomos – Pilgrims’ Inn
Near the Pilgrims’ Inn in the Mercantile Ward, you’ll find this duo arguing outside of the inn. You’ll then need to choose who you believe is wrong. Pick whoever you’d like as the ending doesn’t matter.
Scario and Nabrah – Bakbattahl Vocation Guild
Outside of the Bakbattahl Vocation Guild you’ll find this pair fighting. For these two, approach them and they will ask you to be the observer for their duel. Ask for the reason then agree to bare witness.
After solving the three quarrels, return to Menella then speak with the Empress Nadinia in her chambers at the Flamebearer Palace. She’ll then say they are going to evacuate but ask that we speak with Lord Phaesus about evacuating as well. You’ll then be rewarded with 30 Wyrmslife Crystals and 10,000G for your efforts.
A Scholarly Pursuit Quest
Before leaving the city, interact with the giant red beam of light on Flamebearer Palace Road where a dragon statue fell from the sky. Phaesus will show up and you’ll need to escort him to the object. This will lead to an event where monsters will be summoned. Take them out then follow Phaesus around Bakbattahl, defeating the monsters in your way. When you reach the palace, a bunch will spawn, however, you can ignore them and just make a beeline to the dragon statue that you’ll need to destroy it. Once broken, you’ll get 30 Wyrmslife Crystals and 10,000G.
Travel to the Volcanic Island Camp
The Importance of Aiding Ernesto Quest
When you arrive at the Volcanic Island Camp, speak with Ernesto on the north side of the camp about evacuating. He’ll give you The Importance of Aiding Ernesto quest during which you’ll need to travel to the Windwalker’s Home retrieve the blacksmith and his wife. Place a Portcrystal here as it’ll make this quest go much faster! Next, travel west of the Volcanic Island Camp to the Windwalker’s Home. When you arrive, Gautstafr and Cliodhna will agree to come with you. You can use a Ferrystone to quickly escort the pair to the camp for evacuation. Afterwards, speak with Ernesto near the giant wooden wheel in the northern part of the camp. He will then ask you to convince Ser Lamond to join the evacuation. Make your way to the hot spring on the south side of camp. We asked him to be a guard for the smithy and his wife. He agreed. We then spoke with Ernesto to complete this quest. As a reward, we received 40 Wyrmslife Crystals and 15,000G.
Travel to Excavation Site
Shepard of the Pawns Quest
Next up, travel to the Excavation Site. When you arrive, a golem will be attacking so take it down! After the battle, Henrique will come offer his thanks then bade the Arisen follow him. He’ll show you that the pawns are staying put because they were ordered to remain. To remedy this, you’ll need to seek out the Overseer using the key that Henrique provided you. You’ll find him in the locked house southeast of the Agamen Ruins Inn.

Pick up the Diminished Godsway from the floor then return to where the pawns were then deliver the godsway to Henrique. AS a reward, you’ll receive 30 Wyrmslife Crystals and 15,000G.
Travel to Volcanic Island Camp
When Wills Collide Quest
Return to the Volcanic Island Camp and head north along the main road then take the western path to trigger a cutscene as you approach Gigantus (you might need to speak with Ambrosius first). When you gain control, just stand there and watch the fight. After the winner prevails, another creature will appear from the sky. Again, watch the battle unfold. When it concludes, so will the When Wills Collide quest. As a reward, you’ll receive 32,500G.
Travel to Sacred Arbor
Wandering Roots Quest
When you arrive at Sacred Arbor, a cutscene will trigger showing you the red beam. Speak with Glyndwr in the middle of town then follow him to his father who will give you an Arborheart cutting. You’ll need to bring this to the Seafloor Shrine immediately.

Once at the shrine, make your way to the yellow search area marked on the map then examine the spot by a crumbly wall to plant it. cThe plant will take root so return to Sacred Arbor and speak with Taliesin. As a reward, you’ll receive 30 Wyrmslife Crystals and 25,000G.
Red Beam of Light
Before leaving Sacred Arbor, head to the red beam of light and examine it. This will cause a dragon to fall from the sky. Take it out by damaging the weak spots on its body to earn Wyrmslife Crystals.
Travel to Vernworth
The Regentkin’s Resolve Quest
Once in Vernworth, speak with Brant in the Stardrop Inn about evacuating the city. You’ll then need to speak with Sven at the Vernworth Castle. He can be found in his chambers as usual! Afterwards, head to the oxcart station by the northwestern exit of town across from Clovis’s Barberie and speak with Russell who will agree to let us use them.

Report back to Sven in Disa’s room with the good news. As a reward, you’ll receive 35 Wyrmslife Crystals.
Red Beam of Light
Before leaving the Vernworth area, head to the southwest side of Vernworth to the red beam of light. The easiest way to reach the area where the red beam of light awaits is to travel to Melve then follow the eastern narrow path along the coast. Once you arrive at the red beam, examine it then take out the dragon by damaging its weak spots. As a reward for defeating it, you’ll earn Wyrmslife Crystals.
Travel to the Seafloor Shrine
Once you’ve evacuated everyone and dealt with all the red beams, head to the Seafloor Shrine. Resting here will cause people to spawn. You can purchase items if you’d wish or speak to the people here. When you’re ready, head to the red beam of light and examine it to spawn the biggest dragon yet. When you gain control, make for the dragon’s neck, avoiding the obstacles along the way.
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Guides and Walkthroughs
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