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by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC guide on where to find the Pyrotech’s Keys, which is used to open Pyrotech’s Toolkit. In Dead Island 2, these keys can be found as a collectible around the world or dropped from zombies. Upon acquiring a key, you gain access to a specific lockbox, door or chest filled with valuable loot waiting for you to claim it as your own. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to enhance your gameplay experience and gear up for the challenges ahead!

Pyrotech’s Keys Location

To find the Pyrotech’s Keys in Dead Island 2’s SoLA DLC, travel to the eastern side of the Indie Zone behind the main stage.

Pyrotech's Keys Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC

Once there, head inside the red trailer to find the Indie Pyrotechnician. Take him out then be sure to loot the Pyrotech’s Keys from where he falls.

Pyrotech's Keys Location Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC

Pyrotech’s Toolkit Location

After finding the Pyrotech’s Keys, you’ll then need to locate the Pyrotech’s Toolkit to collect your loot! To find the Pyrotech’s Toolkit, travel to the eastern side of the Indie Zone.

Pyrotech's Toolkit Location Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC

Once there, you’ll find the toolbox on some crates next to a bunch of large storage crates underneath a white tent behind the stage.

Pyrotech's Toolkit Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC

Once you’ve located the toolbox, open it using the keys to receive your goodies!

Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC Guides and Walkthroughs

For more Dead Island 2 SoLA DLC guides and walkthroughs, click here!

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