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by NightlyGamingBinge in

To obtain the Message in a Bottle side quest in Dead Island 2, interact with the bottle on the Santa Monica beach during/after washing up on shore during the Baordwalking Dead story quest. For this quest, read the Message in a Bottle journal entry. To find the arrogant food critic, it’ll point you to “the Bucket” on the Pier. This is the Bucket o’ Fish Seafood Company. A door will now be open on the building so head inside!

Make your way downstairs and be mindful of all the booby traps! On a stack of crates surrounded by an electric puddle, loot the Review: Bucket o’ Fish: One Star journal.

Read the journal for the next hint. Next, make your way back up to the pier and go to the Pier Grill near the helicopter.

On a table in front of this restaurant you’ll find the Review: Pier Grill: Two Stars journal. Again, read this journal for the next hint. Make your way over to the Hot Dog Shack in the northern part of the map.

There you’ll find A. R. Oliver.

Take him out then collect the Review: Hotdog Shack: Twelvteen Strs. Afterwards, the quest will then complete! As a reward, you’ll receive 3,000 XP. For more guides on Dead Island 2, click here!

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