- Chase Down Leon
- Track Leon
- Return To Bikes
- Find Material To Craft Bandage
- Craft Bandage
- Use Bandage
- Return To Bikes
Item(s) of Interest:
- Leon – “Crude Drawing of an Angel Statue” (Character Collectible)
- Obtained automatically at the end of the objective Track Leon
Chase Down Leon
Chase Leon down the road until a cutscene triggers.
Track Leon
Follow the path under the fallen tree and squeeze between the rocks to come to a clearing. Use your survival vision to find a point of interest near the clearing’s center. Take the right path and keep moving forward until another cutscene triggers. After the cutscene, walk across the bridge and jump over the blood covered fence, then head down a little ways to trigger yet another cutscene.
Return To Bikes
Head back up the path and jump over the fence, backtracking to the camp.
Find Material To Craft Bandage
- Sterilizer – Located to the right of the road closed sign
- Rag – Located passed the sterilizer between the green tent and the campfire
Craft Bandage
Craft the bandage using the Survival Wheel.
Use Bandage
Use the bandage via the Survival Wheel.
Return To Bikes
Follow Boozer back up the path to reach the bikes.