Watson Side Jobs Guide | Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077

Welcome to NGB and our Cyberpunk 2077 guide on the Watson side quests! This guide will cover the side jobs in Watson.

Watson Side Jobs

In the table below, click the links to find a walkthrough for each of the Watson side jobs. For the smaller quests, you’ll find their walkthroughs below the table while longer quests will link to their own pages.

A Cool Metal FireDuring the Chippin’ In side job
A Like SupremeAutomatically after finishing the Second Conflict side job in Act III
Beat on the BratSpeak with Coach Fred on or after the Ripperdoc main job
Beat on the Brat: KabukiAutomatically after starting the Beat on the Brat side job
Big in JapanSpeak with Dennis in Afterlife
Blistering LoveAutomatically after completing the Chippin’ In side job in Act III
Boat DrinksKerry will call you sometime after finishing the Off the Leash side job
Both Sides, NowAfter Act 1, Judy will call you
Chippin’ InAutomatically at the start of Act III after completing Tapeworm
Dream OnAfter completing the I Fought the Law side job, you’ll eventually receive a call from Jefferson
Epistrophy: NorthsideAutomatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Every Breath You TakeAfter you complete the Off the Leash side job, you’ll receive a call from Blue Moon
Fool on the HillAfter Act 2 find a Tarot Graffiti in the city to acquire the side job
Full DisclosureAfter getting a message from Sandra Dorsett in Act 2
Happy TogetherPass by the room with police banging on the door at V’s apartment complex
HeroesAutomatically in Act 2
Human NatureAutomatically obtained when you reach Act 2
I Don’t Wanna Hear ItKerry will call you sometime after finishing Rebel! Rebel! side job
Killing in the NameFrom the Bartmoss Collective messages
Kold MirageYou’ll receive a message about this side job
Losing My ReligionSpeak with the monk at the Docks
Night MovesApproach the side job location southeast of Goldsmith St
Off the LeashKerry will call you sometime after finishing the I Don’t Wanna Hear It side job
Paid in FullAutomatically as part of the story
Psycho KillerAutomatically during Act 1, you’ll receive a call from Regina
Second ConflictAutomatically after finishing the Holdin’ On side job in Act III
Send in the ClownsOzob will send you a message in Act II
Shoot to ThrillDuring Act 2, Wilson will call you about a shooting completion at his shooting range
SpellboundAfter visiting Nix in the Afterlife, Nix will message you about a job in Act II
Talkin’ ‘Bout a RevolutionAfter completing the Ex-Factor side job and waiting awhile, Judy will text you
The GiftAutomatically from T-Bug after completing the Rescue main job
The GigAutomatically from Wakako after completing the Rescue main job
The GunSpeak with Wilson at the 2nd Amendment weapons shop in Watson Little China near V’s apartment
These Boots are Made for Walking (Nomad)Automatically after your car is repaired in Act II
Tune UpDuring the Human Nature side job
Venus in FursDuring the main story, you’ll need to retrieve a Militech bot for Dexter. If Meredith shows up at the end of the quest, she’ll send you a message after some time passes. Respond “Shame. Wanted to get a closer look at your ink.” to trigger the side job.
ViolenceDuring Act III, after getting a message from a mysterious client.
War PigsYou’ll receive a call from Frank during Act 2

A Cool Metal Fire

Obtained: During the Chippin’ In side job

Objective: Speak with Rogue about Smasher

This job will automatically complete during the Chippin’ In side job.

A Like Supreme

Obtained: Automatically after finishing the Second Conflict side job in Act III

Objective: Wait for Nancy’s Call

Wait a day for Nancy to call then head to the Red Dirt in Santo Domingo – Arroyo at night. Enter the building and speak with Nancy. When you’re done, head to the bathroom and take the pills. Head back out to the main room to speak with Kerry to kick off the concert. After the show, speak with Kerry and Johnny to complete the job.

Big in Japan

Obtained: Speak with Dennis in Afterlife

Objective: Find and deliver the package

Cyberpunk 2077 Big in Japan

Head to the Afterlife bar in Little China then find and speak with Dennis who is standing across from Rogue. Agree to do the job then head to the slums on the east side of Kabuki just south of the Charter St fast travel point.

Big in Japan Cyberpunk 2077

Search the building closest to the water to find a rectangular container with “No Future” graffitied on it. Grab the package that falls out then put him down since you’ll first need to take care of some enemies.

After the coast is clear, make your way to the car Dennis sent. When you reach the car, put the package in the trunk and hop in. Drive for the objective near the Megabuilding H10 fast travel point in Northside to drop off the package. Speak with Dennis to complete the job rewarding you with the iconic Scalpel katana.

Boat Drinks

Obtained: Kerry will call you sometime after finishing the Off the Leash side job

Objective: Meet Kerry at the marina at 7:00 pm

Follow the objective to the Corporation St fast travel point in City Center – Downtown to wait for Kerry.

Boat Drinks Cyberpunk 2077

When it’s time, head onto the boat and speak with Kerry then sit next to him to enjoy the ride. Afterwards, have fun destroying the boat then swim to shore and speak with Kerry! This is your chance to romance him if your V is a guy!

Both Sides, Now

Obtained: After Act 1, Judy will call you.

Objective: Go to Judy’s apartment

Head to the objective west of Charter St fast travel point in Watson – Kabuki and enter the bathroom in the apartment to find Judy. Speak with her then carry Evelyn to the bed. Wait for Judy to finish the call then speak with her again.

Afterwards, leave the bedroom and close the door to fast forward time. On the roof talk to Judy then leave the building to give her space and complete the job.

Every Breath You Take

Obtained: After you complete the Off the Leash side job, you’ll receive a call from Blue Moon

Objective: Go to the meeting spot and wait for Blue Moon

Every Breath you take cyberpunk 2077

Travel to the meeting spot at the Kabuki Market then sit on the indicated bench. Speak with Blue Moon then search the area when she calls and follow her around Kabuki.

The stalker is a girl named Griselda Martinez and she is wearing a green tank top and skirt. Eventually Griselda will approach Blue Moon.

If you are quick, you can get behind her and knock her out. Loot her afterwards to find some evidence then speak with Blue Moon to determine her fate. This will complete the job.

Fool on the Hill

Obtained: After Act 2, find a Tarot Graffiti in the city to acquire the side job.

Objective: Find all the Tarot Graffiti in the city (20 total)

Fool on the Hill Cyberpunk 2077

After you find a Tarot Graffiti, head to Misty and speak with her then talk to Viktor.

For a detailed guide on where to find each Tarot Graffiti, click here!

When you find one, you must scan it in order for it to count towards the side job! After finding all of the Tarot Graffiti, head to back Misty’s shop in Watson – Little China to speak with her. This will complete the job.

I Don’t Wanna Hear It

Obtained: Kerry will call you sometime after finishing Rebel! Rebel! side job

Objective: Meet Kerry at Riot around 7 pm

I Don't Wanna Hear It Cyberpunk 2077

Meet with Kerry to speak with him briefly. To get concert tickets, you can speak with a scalper outside of the club and purchase one for $21,000. Alternatively, you can scan the fans to the left of the building in the alley to steal two tickets.

Once you enter the building, you’ll need to head backstage. Speak with the bouncer blocking the door leading backstage. If your Body Value is 20, you can convince him to let you go. Follow Kerry through a door to speak with the girls. If you’re nice, you can take a picture with the girls to complete the job.

Kold Mirage

Obtained: You’ll receive a message about this side job.

Objective: See where the coordinates lead

Follow the objective to the south of Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point in The Badlands to find a freezer. Open the freezer, then speak with Johnny. Close the freezer then reopen it again. Scan the freezer then take the cyberdeck.

Close the freezer once more, and then go to the Afterlife in Watson – Little China and speak with Nix. Agree to have him work on it then set the deck on Nix’s desk.

When Nix plugs it in, something will go wrong, and you’ll need to look for a way to save him. Quickly jack in the computer to the left of Nix and solve the puzzle using the bottom row. Afterwards, speak with Nix to complete the job.

Night Moves

Obtained: Approach the side job location southeast of Goldsmith St

Objective: Find out what’s wrong with the distressed man

Burning Desire Cyberpunk 2077

Approach the man yelling and agree to help him. Head towards the street, call your car, then hop in. You’ll then need to follow the GPS to drive the man to a ripperdoc in the north. Along the way, various obstacles will appear in the road that V will have to react to.

When you arrive, the man will hop out and tell you to wait for his call. You don’t actually have to wait there specifically. You can continue exploring the area, doing side jobs, etc.

About some time passes later in the game, Flaming Crotch Man will give you a call which will complete the job.

Off the Leash

Obtained: Kerry will call you sometime after finishing the I Don’t Wanna Hear It side job

Objective: Go to the given address

Head to the objective near the Dark Matter fast travel point in the southern part of Westbrook – Japantown.

Off the Leash Cyberpunk 2077

Head inside the building and speak with the bouncer then enter the elevator and take it to the lounge. Watch the show from the balcony, then head down the stairs on the right side of the room to reach Kerry and speak with him. Participate briefly in the interview then follow Kerry. Once you arrive on the balcony, speak with Kerry to complete the job.

Obtained: Automatically as part of the story

Objective: Pay off your debt to Viktor

This task is quite simple. You need to earn 21,000 eddies to pay off your debt to Viktor. You can achieve this by completing side jobs and gigs or by selling any loot you find along the way. Once you have paid off your debt, you will unlock Viktor as a ripper doc, allowing you to purchase cybernetic enhancements from him.

Psycho Killer

Obtained: Automatically during Act 1, you’ll receive a call from Regina.

Objective: Find all the cyberpsychos

First, locate all the cyberpsychos in the game and neutralize them. A complete listing of all the Cyberpsycho Sighting side jobs can be found here!

Once you defeat all the cyberpsychos, wait for an update from Regina. She will text you 24 hours later in the game, telling you to meet up with her in person. Head on over to Watson – Kabuki and speak with Regina to complete the job.

Send in the Clowns

Obtained: Ozob will send you a message in Act II

Objective: Call Ozob Bozo

Call up Ozob and agree to be his driver, then travel to the Cherry Blossom Market fast travel point in Westbrook – Japantown and let out a honk (hold L3).

Send in the Clowns Cyberpunk 2077

After Ozob gets into the passenger seat, drive him to the objective in Watson – Little China near the Bradbury & Burn fast travel point. Wait for Ozob to get his “takeout”.

When you hear the signal, get out of the car and defeat the enemies. Speak with Ozob to complete the job.

Shoot to Thrill

Obtained: During Act 2, Wilson will call you about a shooting completion at his shooting range

Objective: Compete in the gun competition

Shoot to Thrill Cyberpunk 2077

For the competition, you’ll need a pistol with a high firing rate. This will allow you to hit a target multiple times to gain additional points. When you’re ready, travel to Wilson’s shooting range in Watson – China Town near V’s apartment, and speak with him to start the competition.

Head into the ring to start Wilson’s rundown of the rules then equip your pistol and fire away. You’ll need a score of 41 or more to win the competition.

If you win, speak with Wilson to collect your reward, which is a purple Lexington pistol. Please note that you do not need to win to complete the gig.

Talkin’ ‘Bout a Revolution

Obtained: After completing the Ex-Factor side job and waiting awhile, Judy will text you.

Objective: Wait for Judy’s call

After Judy calls you, head over to her apartment and wait until evening. Use the intercom then enter the apartment and sit on the stool in the kitchen to speak with the group.

When you need to test out Tom, punch him then continue discussing the plan. Agree to help with the plan then speak with Judy. Afterward, crash on the couch. Also, eat breakfast on the counter in the kitchen and leave the building to complete the job.

The Gift

Obtained: Automatically from T-Bug after completing the Rescue main job

Objective: Retrieve the ping quickhack from the Netrunner

Travel to Kabuki Market in the Kabuki district of Watson then make your way to the Netrunner on the second level.

The Gift Cyberpunk 2077

Speak with Yoko and tell her that T-Bug sent you then select the PING Quickhack from the shop. Equip it by heading to Inventory -> Cyberware -> Cyberdeck and then analyze the surveillance camera in the back of the shop, choosing PING to reveal the access point. Jack in to it and complete the breach mini-game to finish the job.

The Gig

Obtained: Automatically from Wakako after completing the Rescue main job

Objective: Speak with Wakako

You’ll have to wait until the Watson lockdown has ended before speaking to Wakako. This will happen after completing the Heist main job. Once you speak with her at her pachinko salon on Jig-Jig Street, you must collect your reward from a ripper near the Pershing St fast travel point to complete the job.

The Gun

Obtained: Speak with Wilson at the 2nd Amendment weapons shop in Watson Little China, near V’s apartment

Objective: Collect your gun from Wilson

Speak with Wilson in his shop and grab the Dying Night pistol free of charge. Picking it up will start the tutorial for Upgrading Iconic Items.

These Boots are Made for Walking (Nomad)

Obtained: Automatically after your car is repaired in Act II

Objective: Go to the indicated location

Follow the objective to arrive at a landfill in the eastern Badlands south of the Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point.

These Boots are Made for Walking (Nomad) Cyberpunk 2077

Scan the car, then pop the hood to examine the engine, radiator, and oil pan. When you get done, Lana will show up and start yelling at you. Speak with her to get a few options. You can tell her you’re keeping the car, allow her to keep it or offer to buy the car for 100 eddies.

If you choose to keep the car, hop in the driver’s seat and speak with Johnny to complete the gig.

Venus in Furs

Obtained: During the main story, you’ll need to retrieve a Militech bot for Dexter. You’ll need to have cut a deal with Meredith, using her shard to pay for the bot. After clearing out the goons, Meredith should show up at the end of the quest. After a couple of in-game days pass, she’ll send you a message. Respond with the “Shame. Wanted to get a closer look at your ink.” option to trigger the side job.

Objective: Go to the first floor of the No-Tell Motel

Travel to the No-Tell Motel in the southeastern part of Watson. Enter the building and head through the gate on the first floor to find Room 6. Head through this door to trigger a cutscene. Afterward, retrieve Sir John Phallustiff from the bed.

War Pigs

Obtained: You’ll receive a call from Frank during Act 2.

Objective: Go to the indicated location

Head to the objective near Kennedy North fast travel station in Watson – Kabuki.

War Pigs Cyberpunk 2077

Speak with Johnny when you arrive then move the dumpster under the XXX sign. Open the briefcase underneath it then confront Frank behind you. Choose whatever option you’d like as he’ll attack you no matter what. Defeat him to receive the Apparition, which is a Tech Pistol that is Epic/Iconic.

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