Welcome to our Cyberpunk 2077 The Beast in Me questline walkthrough!
The Beast in Me
Obtained: Claire will call you sometime in Act II
Objective: Visit Claire’s garage during the day
During Act II, Claire (the bartender from Afterlife) will you call you up about a job offer involving racing. Travel to her garage in Santo Domingo – Arroyo during the day to speak with her. Agree to be her driver then she’ll give you a rundown on the races you’ll be partaking in. You’ll have to finish in the top 3 in 2 of the qualifying races to get your ticket clipped. Claire will text you the details on the first race. After you complete it, you’ll have to wait for some time to pass for Claire to message you again. You’ll have to respond to her a couple of times to get the details for the second race. After you finish the second race, you will again have to wait for more time to pass before Claire will message you again about details for the third race.
The Beast in Me: City Center
Obtained: Automatically after agreeing to be Claire’s driver
Objective: Call Claire to start the race
Use your phone to call Claire then sit on the nearby bench and wait for her to arrive. When she does, speak with her on the other side of the street. Get in the ride then wait for the race to start. When it does, drive! Finish the race and try to win. After the race, speak with Claire to complete the job.
The Beast in Me: Badlands
Obtained: Claire will message you after some time passes
Objective: Call Claire to start the race

Travel to the Dam fast travel point in the southern Badlands then give Claire a call. Speak with her then hop in the driver’s seat to kick things off. This race is a little bit of a pain as you’ll be off road a majority of the time. The terrain makes it harder to steer with the first half of the race being very bumpy. Finish the race and speak to Claire afterwards to complete the job.
The Beast in Me: Santo Domingo
Obtained: Claire will message you after some time passes
Objective: Call Claire to start the race

Travel to the location marked on your map northwest of the Megabuilding H4 fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Arroyo, then call Claire. Speak with Claire then hop into the driver’s seat to kick off the race. The first part of this race takes place in the city so expect a lot of sharp turns until you about at the final stretch. After the race pull over to have a heart to heart with Claire. This will complete the job.
The Beast in Me: The Big Race
Obtained: Claire will message you after some time passes
Objective: Call Claire to start the race
Travel to the Luxury Apartments fast travel point in Westbrook – Charter Hill then give Claire a call. Speak with Claire then hop into the driver’s seat to kick off the race. The goal for this race will be to stick as close to Sampson as you can. Towards the end of the race Sampson will veer off the track. Follow him until his car wrecks. Confront Sampson with Claire then hear him out. You can tell her to either let him go or not since the end result will be the same. After she kills him, hop in her vehicle and talk to her as you ride back to the garage. She’ll give you the Beast then the job will complete.