In order to receive the Life of the Road trophy in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll need to complete the Panam Palmer Storyline, which unlocks after completing Act 1.
Panam Palmer Storyline
Riders on the Storm
Obtained: During Act 2 Panam Palmer will call you
Objective: Meet with Panam

Follow the objective to the Mobile Camp fast travel point and speak with Panam then follow her. Lean on the car and assist with the planning. Scan every object you can while in scan mode then exit when your able. Afterwards, continue speaking with Panam and Mitch as they make their way to the vehicle. Grab the SuperJet from Mitch then hop in the driver’s seat and make your way to the Raffen Shiv camp. When you arrive at the Wraith Camp fast travel point, you’ll need to park the vehicle off the road then exit it. Approach the camp and sneak inside (or not…it’s your choice). If you’re going to sneak in the easiest way to do this is to force open the broken fence to the right of the main entrance using a Body Value of 9.
Either way your goal is to make it to the second level of the main building to use the computer in the room to access the security camera to find Saul who is being kept directly beneath this room in the basement. Make your way to this room then speak with Saul. Inject him with the SuperJet then follow the objective to Panam’s vehicle. Hop in so Panam can take off then defend against the enemies that are chasing you.
When you arrive at a safe place to ride out the storm, exit the vehicle and enter the building. Restore the power using the electrical box on the wall in the room next to the bathroom then head back to the living room. For Panam to start the fire, you’ll need to head outside behind the house to adjust the fuse then return inside. When prompted, sit on the couch to speak with Panam and Mitch. When you wake, stand up and head outside to speak with Panam on the porch. Panam will head on over to the bikes so follow her then retrieve the sniper rifle leaning against your bike when prompted. After the dialog, the job will complete!
With a Little Help from my Friends
Obtained: After completing Riders on the Storm side job, Panam Palmer will call you.
Objective: Talk to Panam, Mitch and Saul

Head to the Mobile Camp fast travel point in The Badlands then speak with the group. Follow Panam and Mitch to the group of veterans and discuss the plan with everyone. Agree to the plan then ride with them. Exit the vehicle then follow Panam to the building. You can talk to Cassidy by the vehicles and Carol by the big yellow train looking thing. You can talk to Mitch on the side of the building then scan the generator to help them out. To find the entrance to the control tower, you can open the door next to Panam if you have a Technical Ability of 3. Once inside head up the stairs. Take a left and head into the room with the computers. Take another left to find another room. This room contains the Punchcard, which can be found in a drawer on the ground. Put the Punchcard into the control panel to activate the locomotive. Head to Panam and speak with her. Afterwards, head back downstairs and join the group around the fire. When Panam talks about the stars, you’ll need to look up at the sky.
After some time passes, it’ll be time to start the job, so enter Panam’s vehicle. As you follow the train, you’ll have an optional objective to shoot at the train coupler. Shoot the one between the last 2 train cars. When Militech arrives, defeat all 12 enemies then hop back into Panam’s vehicle.
When the escort arrives at the camp, wait by the group for Saul to arrive. After the encounter, speak with Panam to complete the job.
Queen of the Highway
Obtained: After completing With a Little Help from my Friends side job, leave camp and wait a day to receive a call from Panam Palmer.
Objective: Meet with Panam

Head to the Mobile Camp fast travel point in The Badlands and speak with Panam and the group near the Basilisk. Afterwards, hop in and let Panam do her thing then speak with her. When prompted, jack in then drive the vehicle to the objectives Panam designates for you. Afterwards, you’ll have some target practice to do. Shoot the 5 targets then speak with Panam. When the time comes to defeat the 20 enemies do so then return to camp and exit the vehicle to meet with Saul. After the encounter, follow Panam to the bar and speak with her.
When you awake, speak with Panam. As you exit the tent, you’ll also talk to Saul and Mitch. Once you’re through, follow Panam to a secluded spot and speak with her again to complete the job.
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