In order to receive the To Bad Decisions! trophy in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll need to complete the storyline for Kerry Eurodyne, which unlocks after completing the Blistering Love side job.
Kerry Eurodyne Storyline
Holdin’ On
Obtained: Automatically after finishing the Blistering Love side job in Act III
Objective: Meet Johnny by the North Oak Sign

Travel to the objective near the round-a-about northwest of the Columbarium fast travel point in eastern North Oak. Speak with Johnny then head to Kerry Eurodyne’s mansion. Climb over the fence (use the rocks on the right side of the gate if you can’t double jump) and make your way to the mansion while avoiding the enemies guarding it. Enter through the front door. If you explore the mansion, Johnny will tell you a bit about Kerry. When your ready, head to the doors left of the guitar display on the first floor and interact with them. Speak with Johnny to take one of Misty’s pills giving him control. As Johnny, pick a song to play to get Kerry’s attention. Follow him upstairs then sit down and have drink with him to catch up. When you gain control of V, call up Nancy to complete the job.
Second Conflict
Obtained: Automatically after finishing the Holdin’ On side job in Act III
Objective: Enter the Totentanz

Travel to the Totentanz near the Pershing St fast travel point at Watson – Northside then enter the building. Head to the second floor and wait near the bouncer for the elevator to arrive. Take it to the 3rd floor and follow the hallway to reach the club. Speak to the goons near the entrance then follow Patricia to Brick. If you saved Brick earlier, he’ll help you out and you are free to follow Nancy. Hop in her car to strike up a deal then call Kerry Eurodyne. Travel to Denny’s house near the Arasaka Estate fast travel point in North Oak. Use the intercom then follow the vehicle tracks around back to the pool. Speak with Denny and Henry. You’ll have to pick the person you want to come to the concert. Make your choice to complete the quest. Make sure to grab the unique bat from the cement pool before you leave.
A Like Supreme
Obtained: Automatically after finishing the Second Conflict side job in Act III
Objective: Wait for Nancy’s Call
Wait a day for Nancy to call then head to the Red Dirt in Santo Domingo – Arroyo at night. Enter the building and speak with Nancy. When your done, head to the bathroom and take the pills. Head back out to the main room to speak with Kerry Eurodyne to kick off the concert. When the show is over, speak with Kerry and Johnny to complete the job.
Rebel! Rebel!
Obtained: Automatically the day after finishing the A Like Supreme side job in Act III
Objective: Go to the meeting point between 12:30 and 3:30 am

Travel to the food joint near the Mallagra & Manzanita fast travel point in Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado and wait for Kerry Eurodyne to show up. Hop into his car and he’ll drive you to the job location. Once there, hop out of the car and take the items out of the trunk. Follow Kerry down the road where you will lay your trap. With that done, follow Kerry to a hiding spot to wait for the targets to show up. Head to the van where you will then follow Kerry’s instructions. Speak to him afterwards then hop into the car to lose the cops. When that’s done, take Kerry to the location marked on the map then head inside to get a drink with him. The job will complete afterwards.
I Don’t Wanna Hear It
Obtained: Kerry Eurodyne will call you sometime after finishing Rebel! Rebel! side job
Objective: Meet Kerry at Riot around 7 pm

Meet with Kerry to speak with him briefly. To get concert tickets, you can speak with a scalper outside of the club and purchase one for $21,000. Alternatively, you can scan the fans to the left of the building in the alley to steal two tickets. Once you enter the building, you’ll need to head backstage. Speak with the bouncer blocking the door leading backstage. If your Body Value is 20, you can just convince him to let you go. Follow Kerry through a door to speak with the girls. If you’re nice, you can take a picture with the girls to complete the job.
Off the Leash
Obtained: Kerry Eurodyne will call you sometime after finishing the I Don’t Wanna Hear It side job
Objective: Go to the given address

Head to the objective near the Dark Matter fast travel point in the southern part of Westbrook – Japantown. Enter the building and speak with the bouncer then enter the elevator and take it to the lounge. Watch the show from the balcony then head down the stairs on the right side of the room to reach Kerry and speak with him. Participate briefly in the interview then follow Kerry. Once you arrive on the balcony, speak with Kerry to complete the job.
Boat Drinks
Obtained: Kerry Eurodyne will call you sometime after finishing the Off the Leash side job
Objective: Meet Kerry at the marina at 7:00 pm

Follow the objective to the Corporation St fast travel point in City Center – Downtown to wait for Kerry. When it’s time, head onto the boat and speak with Kerry then sit next to him to enjoy the ride. Afterwards, have fun destroying the boat then swim to shore and speak with Kerry! This is your chance to romance him if your V is a guy!
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