Welcome to NGB and our Cyberpunk 2077 walkthrough for the Delamain questline! This guide will cover everything you will need to know to easily complete this questline, including how to start the jobs and the steps you will need to take to finish them.
Delamain Questline
In the table below, click the links to find a walkthrough for each of these Delamain quests. For the smaller quests, you’ll find their walkthroughs below the table while longer quests will link to their own pages.
Tune Up
Obtained: During the Human Nature side job
Objective: Go to Delamain HQ

Travel to Delamain HQ in Heywood – Vista Del Rey then enter the building. Speak to the receptionist to complete the job.
Obtained: Automatically after completing the Tune Up side job
Objective: Speak with Delamain in Heywood – Vista Del Rey

Follow the drone to embark on a tour of the HQ, which will end in the control room. Speak with Del and agree to take his job. Grab the scanner on the desk in the control room, then exit the building to begin the hunt for 7 missing cabs.
Once you’ve found all 7 cabs, return to the Delamain HQ. Head inside, and the receptionist will have you place the scanner in the box on the counter. Do so, and the job will end.
Epistrophy: Badlands
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Head to the objective west of the Medeski Fuel Station fast travel point to find the cab in a landfill. When you approach the cab will tell you to get in. Go ahead and hop in, then begin speaking with it. Afterward, exit the cab to receive a call from Delamain, which will complete the job.
Epistrophy: Coastview
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Approach the cab circling Pacifica – Coastview to receive a call from it. Continue following the cab at a close distance until it stops under a building. Shortly after, the cab will tell you that it has a surprise for you, and enemies will attack. Eliminate them, then approach the cab and speak with it. Afterward, you’ll receive a call from Delamain and the job will complete.
Epistrophy: North Oak
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Travel to Westbrook – North Oak and head for the roundabout north of the Columbarium fast travel point to locate the cab. As you get near, it will call you. Keep close to the cab, then enter the driver’s seat when you’re able. Drive it back to the Delamain HQ (slowly) then speak with Del to complete the job.
Epistrophy: Northside
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Travel to the east part of Watson – Northside near the Longshore North fast travel point to start your search. Head across the street (southwest) toward the objective to enter a search area. Enter the storage unit lot to your left. You will find the rogue cab here. As you approach it, it will drive off. Give chase to the car until it stops. Del will call you and the job will complete.
Epistrophy: Rancho Coronado
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Travel to the southern part of Santo Domingo – Rancho Coronado to find the cab driving erratically south of the Kendal Park fast travel point. Approach the cab and stay within range as it talks to you. You’ll agree to destroy 8 flamingos, so begin your slaughter. After you smash all the flamingos, Delamain will call you to complete the job.
Epistrophy: The Glen
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Travel to the Metro: Glen South fast travel point, which is in southeastern Heywood – The Glen to find the parked cab. As you approach the cab, it’ll call you and you’ll need to talk it off the ledge. Afterwards, Del will call you and the job will complete.
Epistrophy: Wellsprings
Obtained: Automatically after accepting the job from Delamain
Objective: Find the Delamain cab

Travel to the objective near the Megabuilding H2 fast travel point in Heywood – Wellsprings to find the cab driving around. As you approach the cab, it will call you and then begin a fight with you. In order to make it return, you’ll need to beat it up. After it’s had enough, Delamain will call you and the job will complete.
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