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Star Wars Outlaws | Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies Intel Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies intel. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies Intel

Star Wars Outlaws Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies

To begin the Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies intel, interact with a datapad on a canister next to a ship in the northern part of the Sashin Landing Zone on Akiva.

Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies Star Wars Outlaws

Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies Walkthrough

Ahia-ko Tower Supplies

For the Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies intel, you’ll receive a clue: The tower is in the Karaba Foothills and the supplies are in a small canyon at its foot. Travel to Wido’s Stash landmark, after completing The Scavenger expert quest.

From there, head west from the building to find a giant tree bridge. Cross the river using that bridge then head left to the west. Look for a ledge where you can use a tree branch to grapple down.

Ahiako Tower Supplies

Follow the path down and grapple once more. Head west to find the cache on the ground next to a stone pillar.

Smuggler Cache 87

Loot the container to receive 500 credits, Ion Cell x5 and Actuating Module x10.

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Star Wars Outlaws | Underworld Mail Service Intel Chain Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Underworld Mail Service intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Underworld Mail Service Intel Chain

Star Wars Outlaws The Underworld Mail Service

To begin the Underworld Mail Service intel chain, speak with the guy across from the speeder mechanic in Sashin on Akiva.

Underworld Mail Service Star Wars Outlaws

Underworld Mail Service Walkthrough

A bala-bala mechanic needs help discreetly delivering packages around Akiva to the below people!


Star Wars outlaws Maynora

After completing The Scavenger expert quest, head to Kazu (below) first. From Mozampa Farm, follow the river west to find Maynora.



Star Wars Outlaws Kazu

After completing The Scavenger expert quest, travel just north of Salea’s Hand on Akiva. To reach this area, head to Mozampa Farm in Myrra Valley then hop in the water and follow it north to the objective. When you arrive at the search area, you’ll find Kazu leaning against a fence near a dock.

Kazu Star Wars Outlaws


Underworld Mail Service Tripp

Travel to a small camp along the main road between Salea’s Hand and Myrra Outskirts. Once there, you’ll need to locate the drop-off point. Speak with the guy leaning against the building to the left of the main door.


Successful Delivery

Return to the speeder mechanic in Sashin to complete the intel and receive 500 credits.

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Star Wars Outlaws | Akiva Intel Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the intel found throughout the planet of Akiva. In this guide, you’ll find a listing of all the Akiva intel along with where they can be obtained. Simply click the name of the intel in the table below to be taken to a walkthrough on how to complete it!

Akiva Intel

Ahia-Ko Tower Supplies Sashin
Brekk GrondoMyrra
Entangled IslandSashin
Forgotten Vault
Government BusinessMyrra
Hutt Cartel VaultMyrra
Imperial ExcavationMyrra Valley
Imperial RaceMyrra
Missing ToymakerMyrra
Old Ship WreckSashin
Overgrown VaultMyrra
Pyke BribeMozampa Farm
Pyke Syndicate VaultMyrra
Retired DroidMyrra
Security DetailMyrra
Smuggling RouteMyrra
Thief for HireMyrra
Underworld Mail ServiceSashin
User TestingMyrra

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Star Wars Outlaws | The Scavenger Expert Quest Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on The Scavenger expert quest. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can start the quest and the steps needed to finish it successfully. If you need help with a particular part, be sure to check out our Quick Links section which will direct you to the right spot!

How to Start The Scavenger Expert Intel

You’ll automatically receive The Scavenger expert intel chain in Sashin on Akiva after completing The Droidsmith main quest.

The Scavenger Expert Intel Walkthrough

Temmin’s Family

In Sashin, talk to the woman leaning against a table surrounded by a bunch of giant woven pots across from the cantina.

Temmin's Family

Off Scrapping

Off Scrapping

Travel to the west side of Mount Selasa. You can reach this area by heading south from Research Station 57. When you arrive at the objective, fight off the enemies then head to the main entrance of the building and interact with the door.

Off Scrapping

The Scavenger Expert Intel will then turn into The Scavenger expert quest.

The Scavenger Expert Quest Walkthrough

Travel downriver to reach the lake

Hop on your speeder and travel southwest along the water.

Find Surat’s shuttle

Find Surat's Shuttle

When you reach the open waters of the lake, head to the search area. To reach the shuttle, head up the ramp and head towards the smoke to reach a restricted area.

Surat's Shuttle

Find the durasteel struts

Durasteel struts

Follow the path, fighting enemies as you go. After you squeeze through the rocks, the shuttle will take off. Mount your speeder that has magically appeared and follow the shuttle southeast. In the southeastern corner of Stormhollow, you’ll reach the objective where the shuttle landed. This area will be filled with enemies. Either take them out or sneak your way to the shuttle. Loot the chest sitting by the middle of the shuttle to obtain the durasteel struts.

durasteel struts star wars outlaws

Return to Temmin


Travel to the Myrra Spaceport. Once there, speak with Temmin near the mechanic workshop down the ramp from your ship. Afterwards The Scavenger expert quest will complete and you’ll receive the Hydrorepulsor for your speeder. This ability will now let you drive your speeder on water!

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Star Wars Outlaws | Weak Walls Intel Chain Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Weak Walls intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Weak Walls Intel

You’ll automatically start the Weak Walls intel chain during the Gunsmith main story quest.

Weak Walls Walkthrough

ND-5 has the coordinates to a stash that is blocked behind a weak wall that can be destroyed with a power blaster module. You’ll need to gather these modules to destroy the weak wall!

Akiva Power Module

For the Akiva Power Module, travel to Mount Selasa on Akiva. Once there, head to the northeastern part of the Mount Selasa area. Along the main road, you’ll find a grapple point that you can interact with on top of a rock.

Star Wars Outlaws Weak Walls Akiva Power Module

Climb on up it then follow the trail. After you pass under the rock archway, climb up the wall to the right.

Akiva Power Module

At the top, you’ll find some smoke coming from a fire pit. Take a right at the broken ship then you’ll spot a breakable wall in the mountain amongst more debris.

Akiva Power Module

Use your power shot on your blaster to break it. Head inside to loot the treasure!

Tatooine Power Module

If you got the power module from Akiva, you won’t need to find it in Tatooine and the Weak Walls intel chain will compete!

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Star Wars Outlaws | The High Roller Expert Quest

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on The High Roller expert quest. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the quest and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start The high Roller Expert Intel

During The Droidsmith main quest, you’ll speak with a bartender in The Alcazar in Myrra on Akiva. When speaking with this bartender, you’ll automatically start The High Roller expert intel chain.

The High Roller Expert Intel Walkthrough

Taking your shot

You’ve learned that there is a high-stakes Sabacc parlor somewhere in The Alcazar in Myrra on Akiva. Lean against a high table near the entrance of the cantina to overhear a conversation about the Sabacc parlor.

Star Wars Outlaws High Roller

Private Parlor

Private Parlor

In Myrra, travel to the Satrap’s Promenade and enter the building to the southeast of the Lunda Nyside armorer.

Private Parlor star wars outlaws

Head inside then make your way across the room to the door. Proceed through that door then head downstairs and speak with the bouncer. You can either bribe your way through or use your contacts. Once in the gambling room, a cutscene will trigger and you’ll speak with Lando. The High Roller expert intel chain will then complete and you’ll begin The High Roller expert quest.

The High Roller Expert Quest Walkthrough

Travel to the Crimson Dawn District in Kijimi

At the start of The High Roller expert quest, make your way over to the Crimson Dawn District in Kijimi City.

Win back Lando’s Sabacc token

Win back Lando's Sabacc token

Once there, travel to the southeastern corner of the district to the Crimson Dawn Cardroom. Inside sit down at the table to play the game and win! Please note that the buy in is 100 credits! After winning, you’ll get the token!

Travel to Akiva Orbit

Now that you have the token, return to your ship and travel back to Akiva Orbit where you’ll need to evade the Imperial patrol.

Reach Karaba Foothills on Akiva

Meet with lando

Once the TIE fighters have been eliminated, land on Akiva and travel to the Karaba Foothills, which are north of Myrra. When you approach a bridge near the objective, Lando will radio in, telling you to take a side path just past the bridge to the left. Follow it for a ways to reach his people then speak with the pilot standing near the ship.

Lando's associate

Defend the Rebels

After speaking with the Rebels, the Empire will attack requiring you to help fend them off. The first wave will attack from the south then you’ll need to head to the west side to prevent them from flanking you. There you’ll have to fend off multiple waves of Stormtroopers before they’ll finally retreat.

Talk to Lando

Now that Empire has been dealt with, head back to the area by the ships to find Lando. Approach him to trigger a cutscene where Kay will hand over the data completing the quest. You’ll receive 500 credits and unlock Lando’s abilities as the Higher Roller. By default, Kay will get Plan A and Plan B.

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Star Wars Outlaws | The Mercenary Intel Chain Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on The Mercenary intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start The Mercenary Intel Chain

To begin The Mercenary expert intel chain, enter the Crimson Dawn district in Kijimi City. You’ll automatically receive the intel after the dialog completes!

The Mercenary Walkthrough

The Domak Refectory

Travel to The Domak Refectory in the northwestern corner of Kijimi City then speak with the bartender asking her about any mercenaries in the bar. She’ll recommend that you speak with Rooster.

Rooster’s Location

The Mercenary Star Wars Outlaws Guide

To find Rooster, head to the southeastern side of The Domak Refectory. Speak with the woman sitting by herself to learn what happened to her.

Travel to Kijimi Orbit

Return to your ship and take off! You’ll need to look for Pilot’s End in Kijimi Orbit. Look for the objective marker and travel towards it.

Find the homing beacon in the asteroid field

When you arrive, you’ll encounter several TIE Fighters. Deal with them then retrieve the homing beacon from a yellow container floating in space.

Leave the asteroid area

Exit the area!

Travel to Tatooine

Next up you’ll need to travel to North Jundland Wastes on Tatooine.

Talk to Rooster

The Mercenary Star Wars Outlaws

When you arrive at the objective, you’ll find Rooster standing next to some crates.

Rooster's location

Speak with her to learn the plan. Afterwards, pick up the Z-6 Rotary Cannon and prepare yourself to attack the convoy. To prepare, perform a test shot then follow Rooster to her position.

Defeat the Imperial convoy

Take out all the enemies including the 3 waves of reinforcements!

Talk to Rooster

Once everyone is dead, speak with Rooster to complete The Mercenary quest.

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Star Wars Outlaws | Sheltered Vault Intel Chain Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Sheltered Vault intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Sheltered Vault Intel

To begin the Sheltered Vault intel, you must first have started the Jet Kordo’s Legacy side quest and finished the first vault on Toshara. Once you have accomplished this, speak with the person on the bridge in the Thermal District, which is in the northeastern part of Kijimi City.

Star Wars Outlaws Sheltered Vault

Sheltered Vault Walkthrough

Kijimi Holodisc

Travel to the path from Kijimiko Square to the Thieves’ Quarter. Once there, speak with the pair of thugs leaning against a building to learn about a Sabacc player who lost a holodisc.

Star Wars Outlaws Kijimi Holodisc

Sabacc Pot

Star Wars Outlaws Sabacc Pot

From this duo, head north up the road to Kijimiko Square. Enter the building on the left just before the T in the path. Inside you’ll find a game of Sabacc. Play the game and win to get the holodisc!

Gambled Holodisc

Exit the place then head diagonally to the tall towers in the square’s center. You’ll find the rock with a symbol across from these tall towers.

Gambled Holodisc

Vault’s Frequency

Sheltered Vault Vault's Frequency

Follow the holotracker’s beeping to the location where you’ll need to insert the holodisc, which is in the alley north of the Kijimi City Gate. You’ll need to climb up the wall to reach it.

Sheltered Vault

Once you’ve found the spot, interact with the spot on the wall to insert the holodisc.

Sheltered Vault's location

Sheltered Vault

Head inside the newly opened building and pick up the Dai Bendu Maps syndicate data across from the chest. Make sure to loot the chest to get Jet Kordo’s Legacy Part 6 and the Direct Transaction collectible.

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Star Wars Outlaws | Gate Passcode Intel Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Gate Passcode intel. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Gate Passcode Intel

Star Wars Outlaws Gate Passcode

To begin the Gate Passcode intel, interact with the datapad on the fence along the Queen’s Road in Kijimi City just south of Lani Wesla’s shop.

Gate Passcode Walkthrough

From the western entrance of the Ashiga District, face the guards and head right up a flight of stairs. Directly across from you, head up the flight of stairs then take the first right to find the locked door.

Gate Passcode Star Wars Outlaws

Open it to resolve the Gate Passcode intel. Make sure to loot the stash inside to receive the Tauntaun Horn trinket.

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Star Wars Outlaws | Out of Stock Intel Chain Guide

by NightlyGamingBinge in

Welcome to NGB and our Star Wars Outlaws guide on the Out of Stock intel chain. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain the intel and the steps needed to finish it successfully.

How to Start the Out of Stock Intel Chain

To begin the Out of Stock intel chain, speak with the guy standing outside of the cantina in The Domak Refectory in Kijimi City after completing The Hive main quest.

Star Wars Outlaws Out of Stock Intel Chain

Out of Stock Walkthrough

Security Systems

Star Wars Outlaws Security Systems

For the Security Systems intel, you’ll need to locate the warehouse. From the quest giver’s position, head south to locate the warehouse in the southwestern corner of the city. To shut down the security system, look for a dataport to the right of the door and slice it.

Blaster Parts

Once the security system was disabled, return to the quest giver to let him know. He’ll be waiting inside the entrance to the cantina. As a reward, you’ll receive Ion Cell x5 and the Sage Coating blaster coating.

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